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May 17

1983 - Tuesday - 37° at 5:30.  Cold but sun coming up  .83 inches in rain gauge accumulated since Sunday.  Walked Boo.  Mary J in Italy for her birthday.
Left at 8:45 for Tarrytown - left Boo there - on to Atchley for my appointment with Dr. Jacobs at 10:30 - Wes' 11:15 with Dr. Puchner - I had EKG, chest xray and blood test.  Dr Puchner running late so Wes didn't wait long.  Wes to go back if present trouble continues.  Had sandwiches in Tarrytown Shopping area - picked up Boo - home for nap - Cut grass Wes raked as very long.  Walked Boo, admired Bellwort along road.

1984 - Thursday - 38° at 6:10 AM - Sunny, beautiful day - cool.  To Mass.  St. Fiacre statue delivered by VPS - put him at steps to Wood Knoll - Moved St Francis to the birdbath on South side - Moved Duck to rock along path to wood pile north side, one low birdbath there also.  To Rye Hilton for lunch with Mary & Eileen for Mary's birthday.  To Nobel's following - bought a few rock plants and 4 Dill which left at Ruth Sharp's for Martha Cruise.  Home to plant Nobel purchases and admire effect.

1985 - Friday - 58° at 6 AM - Cloudy - light sprinkle twice.
Wes picked up last of wire cages - put them in crawlspace - brought out big pots and penguin stand.  I took tomato plants to Greenhouse - shopped Brunetti for Sunday's steak - cheese shop - Stop & Shop - Talbot to buy a blouse for Mary's birthday - bank - Home for lunch.  Wes came with me to Ballard - we helped Hawsie put in Espaliered plant - weeded the garden - many workers getting ready for tomorrow's Garden Mart.

1986 - Saturday - 58° at 6 AM - Garden Mart Day - thunderstorm at 2 AM - glad of it - less than 1/4 inch - Fog lifted by 9 AM - beautiful warm day.  I worked at Garden Mart in morning for Pinchbeck - bought another Epimedium from Donations - Wes took down wall in front of deck - will realign and raise it - Worked all day there:  I cultivated perennial bed - planted potted strawberry plants - transplanted lettuce - cleaned trays.  Joan phoned in evening - Hooker back in hospital since Thursday - rash from drug given for irregular heart beat.

1987 - Sunday - 54° at 6 AM - Cloudy - cleared to a very warm, lovely day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Prepared house, deck, garden room and dinner for Mary's birthday - she, Eileen and the dog here at noon - good day.  Wes cooked steaks - cake from Taste of Paris was very good.  They left at 4:15.  We watered small plants and some transplants.  Top of ground (at least) very dry in heat.

May 18

1983 - Wednesday - 34° at 5:30.  Clear - Walked Boo before breakfast.  Made cookies.  Left at 9:15 for Tarrytown where left Boo - on to Dr Espey - 69th & Lexington - Garage at 70th & 34rd torn down but found another across 3rd.  Eyes OK - had lunch at Ichabod Hawthorne - on to Ridgefield, shopped Brunetti, Grand Central, Cheese Shop, Liquor - Walked about checking on plants - saw Grouse House - up about 4 courses of logs - trimmed up trees on Wood Knoll - beautiful day - quiet without Boo at night

1984 - Friday.  38° at 6:30 - These are cool nights!  Sunny morning, cloudy afternoon - not nice - cool.
I worked at Donations Committee, Anne Tracy Chairman, at Ballard - home at noon with forget-Me-Not - Shasta Daisy - Pulmonaria - Egyptian Onion - planted them.  Wes had put more topsoil/fill on cliff path - widening it.
Saw 3 Male Rose Breasted Grosbeaks - Cardinals around - lots of Bluejays and Mourning Doves unfortunately.

1985 - Saturday.  58° at 5 AM - Up at 4:30 as its Garden Mart Day - there at 6 AM - Greenhouse not open - had to wait until 6:30 - Worked until 2:30 - rain at times and very windy and cold - Pinchbeck - Covered Bridge & Catnip - bought yellow Iris and a day lily - early yellow.  Wes had cleaned house - took small stones from pool - have to work on surround - swept terrace - I cut grass and watered as only .15 rain here - Wes tried to put on weed and feed but spreader wouldn't work

1986 - Sunday - 54° at 6 AM - Warm, humid day - not bad in the evening on the deck.  To 8 o'clock Mass -
Worked outdoors all day.  Wes continued spreading leaf mulch on Wood Knoll.  I transplanted lettuce - had thinnings for dinner - put in 2 more tomato plants - the rest of onions sets - 4 short rows of beans
Planted the Dahlia tubers - put in all Ageratum plants
Cocktail on deck.

1987 - Monday.  56° at 6:15 - Fair - clouds in afternoon and light rain at 5 pm.  (Half inch rain)
To Muriel Pedersen's with Rosemary, Myrtle, Bleeding Heart, Lilac and Cyclamen for Fairfield Zone II Meeting.  Up to Pinchbeck to look at Rhododendron Maximum - will deliver 5 tomorrow - Reclamation with papers - Medical Lab closed in Ridgefield - to Danbury Hospital where had blood tests made - home for lunch - Wes dug holes and widened those already dug for expected Rhodos - I watered the peat - Wes mixed soil - I planted 4 Summer Delight Tomatoes - Row of beans - some Basil & Ageratum before rain.