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May 21

1983 - Saturday - 62° at 6:30.  Foggy - cleared to a nice morning - cloudy at noon.  Sprinkles at 1 pm.
Did wash - cleaned house - Met Louise McKeon at church - trimmed Juniper - planted geraniums - too soon to cut candles on pines - home to cut grass just before sprinkles.
Wes edged shade garden front and back - we cultivated it - lunch - nap - Wes almost flushed Cab of engine - I cultivated perennial garden - moved couple plants.
Picked spinach thinnings for dinner salad - only onions growing well.

1984 - Monday - 55° at 6:30 - Fair.  Home from Williamstown Keeler Trip. Beautiful sunny day. Did wash. To Dthy Driving Range for practice. Season pass weekdays $250 ($150 plus 100$)  Shopped Waldbaum and Marcus. After lunch cut grass watered transplants. Wes moved big stone from Wood Knoll path, with a little help from me at the end - pushed it to edge of path.
To record a good dogwood year - good blooming season of lilac - crabs.

1985 - Tuesday - 60° at 6 AM - Clouds - looked like rain - few drops - thunderstorm about 5 pm - very little rain here - NYC had 2 inches and hail
To Mass. I worked at Ballard Garden 8:30/11:30. Wes took out Hemlock and we returned it to Hollandia received a new one - planted that. Shopped Waldbaums at 5 pm. After dinner made guest room bed for Joan & Hooker and cleaned room - they are at Eileen's and come here tomorrow.

1986 - Wednesday - 62° at 6 AM - Cloudy - some light showers at times in morning - about 28/100. Cut deadheads from one of Rhododendron Carolina. I planted some of plants grown from seed - Pink Snapdragon - Rudbeckia Marmalade - rest of Zinnias - the three experimental Asters - transplanted the Maidenhair Fern from along Bog Path (being stepped on there) to big rock along well/shed path. To Waldbaum's for chicken - I cooked it for next Tuesday's luncheon - Wes worked an hour on deck wall.

1987 - Thursday - 50° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Re 1984 dogwood and lilac have been beautiful - [[?Suni]] & Wild Crabs finished blooming.  Busy day.  Wes watered all transplants.  I planted more small plants raised from seed - some in gardens - others into pots - don't think the Pink Snapdragons will make it this year - very few roots.  Moved Narcissus from Rhodo garden to North Slope. Wes picked up all leaves from North Slope. He went to pharmacy & bank. We washed car - very tired at night. Stevenson delivered 2 windows 

May 22

1983 - Sunday - 52° at 6 AM. Sun coming thru fog. Sunny morning - sprinkles at noon - cloudy PM - rain at 6 pm. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Trimmed beech tree over perennial garden and off cliff - almost had saw stuck there. Dug three Christmas ferns from north end and put them at big rock, moving bleeding heart nearer house on Knoll. Transplanted 4 tomatoes, 3 cucumbers, 3 peppers into veg garden. To Billie's at 5:15 for a dink - All Ridgebury neighbors there.

1984 - Tuesday - 50° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - became sunny and warm. To Mass. Transplanted indoor Maidenhair ferns to outdoors - cultivated south garden beds. Wes worked on Wood Knoll path - putting chips on it.
I went to Anne Tracy's at 11:30 - her guest for lunch at the Inn before meeting at Lil Durkee's of Garden Club - home at five to admire Wes' walk.

1985 - Wednesday - 50° at 6 AM - Beautiful morning & day. Holmdens came up from Eileen's at 8:30. After coffee, we visited Rosses - admired view, paintings 
delivered Orchid plant to McKeons for their 50th Anniversary Walked thru Ballard Park - drove along Main Street - had lunch at "Natural Cafe" - picked up long handed grass shears which had been sharpened - to Lexington Gardens to look - Joan & I walked in Hemlock Hills Open Space - cocktail - dinner & bed.

1986 - Thursday - 60° at 6 AM - Cloudy - foggy. Some rain in morning just as I reached Ballard - 1/10 IN. Wes to Mass. I prepared for Ballard Garden work - left at 8:10 - only Muriel Pedersen came - we put in the Snapdragons and 4 Rudbeckia Marmalade I [[strikethrough]] put in [[/strikethrough]] grew - also Heuchera from Contributions Garden Mart. To Pinchbeck & Liquor & Stop & Shop. Wes finished deck wall. After lunch I planted pots with petunias - begonias - alyssum - put some by St Fiacre - cut south grass

1987 - Friday - 53° at 6 AM. Hazy - cleared to a good day. To Mass. Packed and left for Hartford for the Rock Garden Annual Meeting - arrived at Sheraton Hartford about 11:15.  Registrations not set up so had lunch, got a room before 1 pm - registered - read material - checked on church - nap - plant sale - bought about 10 plants for $12.50 - dinner in Ballroom at 6:30 - two good speakers and slides.