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May 23 

1983 - Monday - 58° at 6AM - Cloudy - some sun in morning - rain at night  .80 rain in gauge at 8AM. 
Wes to Bethel - bought tomato stakes & rain barrel
We went to church - met Alex there - cut off candle of white pine on East side - weeded.  Home for lunch. 
I had a permanent at 1 o'clock - Shopped Stop & Shop and bought more fencing for cucumbers at Ridgefield Supply. Wes cut out small trees on North Knoll - We cut them up.

1984 - Wednesday.  62° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy - thunderstorm predicted later.  
Put Freezias in upper holding bed.  Left at 9 AM for Norfolk, Ct - Hillside Gardens - via Route 22 - to Millerton,  44 to Lakeville - Salisbury - Norfolk - pretty ride.  Bought Japanese Solomon Seal and other plants - had sandwich along Route 272 - to Route 4 - 63 - 84 home - here at 2 PM - heard thunder - just had time to set Japanese Solomon Seal in when rain started - heavy at times - 1.85 inches at 5pm - Glad of it.

1985 - Thursday - partly cloudy - cool - hoped for rain never came.  Holmdens left at 7:30 for home.  Wes and I worked at Ballard Garden in morning.  Wes edged.  Shopped for wire and more stakes at Youngs for Ballard.  After lunch I took out tulips from Rhododendron Garden & planted annuals and Summer Asters (Erigeron) there - put White Impatiens in shade garden - Wes spread chips back on Garden Room, weeded back of that garden.  Dead tired at night.

1986 - Friday - 54° at 6 AM - Fair - heard thunder in afternoon but no rain.  Perennial Garden plants wilted in afternoon heat.  Wes picked up pictures from Sturdevants - brought down dirt to fill behind deck wall.  Did more leaf chip spreading.  We cut the candles form the pines at church - what we could reach without a ladder.  I finished planting the White Impatiens along Dell Walk and in Shade Garden - cultivated there.  Ruth Sunley came at 11 o'clock to walk over paths - told us plant at big rock near compost was Meadow Rice.

1987 - Saturday - In Hartford for ARGS annual meeting.  Continental breakfast at 6:30 - Buses left hotel at 8 AM - We went to East Gardens - the Redfield Garden in Scotland - the Harvey Garden in Woodstock - and the Sorenberger garden in Scotland (Hampton).  3 beautiful gardens, the last two made by Howard Pfeifer.  Back at hotel at 3:30 - to St. Patricks & St. Anthony's church for 4 pm Mass.  Bought a couple more plants - 1 bulblet Fern - cocktail in room - Annual Meeting and dinner at 6:30 - Howard Pfeifer was speaker.  Sunny, warm day.  Small shower when returned to Hotel at 3:30.

May 24

1983 - Tuesday - 57° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - 21/100 inch in rain gauge at 7 AM.  To Mass.  Worked at church for an hour weeding - pine candles on West side not yet ready for clipping.
Put rosemary in triangle bed, surrounded by strawberries, after digging out tulips.  Wes put up fencing for cucumbers.  Broccoli plants eaten by worms in roots - pulled out four.  Eileen here at 4:30 with Boo to spend night.

1984 - Thursday - 51° at 6 AM - Sun coming up - everything looks wet and clean.  Beautiful day.  To Mass.  I went with Ballard Greenhouse group to Bartlett Arboretum.  Very interesting.  Home at lunch time.  Wes had cut back grass behind junipers on South side and between white pines on North side - put chips on open spaces.  I planted plants bought at Hillside Gardens - cut grass.

1985 - Friday - 47° at 6 AM.  Fog over pond - good day - some clouds - warm sun.
Wes took car to Honda for shimmy wheels - farm to Apothecary - rug to Carpets Etc for binding (piece off new shop rug).  I washed, ironed - watered.
After lunch Wes put up new cable for birdfeeders - last of former cable.  Birds found it quickly.  I shopped Brunetti for steak (Kelly - Barbara - Carolyn & Pete to come Sunday for dog switch) Stop & Shop - Wine - gasoline for car.

1986 - Satursday - Off and on cloudy but no rain.  I shopped for cheese & fruit - left Coreopsis at Muriel Pedersen's - picked up more Impatiens and Rose - Tomato spray.
We worked outdoors - Wes finished deck stone wall using up all the so-called topsoil - I planted Impatiens behind shade garden - we cut deadheads from third Rhododendron Carolina - I cut North grass.  Picked up Billie Newell at 6:50 & on to Stoddards for dinner - good food - gave them both tomatoes - home at 11:45 pm.

1987 - Sunday - In Hartford for ARGS meeting.  Breakfast at 6:30 - on the bus at 7:45 for the gardens of [[?Spedeer]]/Charles Worth, Ted Childs and the Fosters - all were beautiful - the Fosters' garden especially so & so different from what we remembered of Sept. 1984.  Back at hotel at 4:30 - nap - cocktail - dinner - talks by Priscilla Galpin of Olivers and Michael Dodge of White House Farm.  (Priscilla is now Mrs Twombly).