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May 25

1983 - Wednesday - 54° at 6 AM - Beautiful day.  Eileen and I picked up Helen and onto Adlrich Parking lot - Garden Club trip to Old Westbury Gardens.  Beautiful gardens and house - picnic lunch- Home at 4:45.
Wes had cut grass - walked Boo - grubbed out Maple leaf viburnum from Knoll top.
Walked Boo - cocktails - dinner.

1984 - Friday - 48° at 6:30 - Beautiful day - real summer weather - a strong hot breeze unfortunately for transplants.  Shopped for groceries - tailor - cheese - meat - Reclamation - Cut candles from Mugho Pines - sprayed worms eating tips - After lunch went to church to cut candles from pines there - McKeon's Jerry had the ladder and did the high spots - Dlhy for a bucket of balls - Wes finished dressing south front with chips - I planted cucumber & tomato plants.  Couple from Benson Road - Richard & Chan came to look at garden at Hollandia Nursery suggestion.

1985 - Saturday - 50° at 6 AM.
Out early to spray Azaleas before breakfast - their leaves are being eaten.  Washed sheets and made up beds for Kelly and Barbara coming tomorrow.  To McKeon's 40th Wedding Anniversary Mass at 11 o'clock, followed by luncheon at their farm - at least 150 people - beautiful party - home at 3:30.  After a nap, watered all the gardens we could do especially the recent transplants.

1986 - Sunday - 56° at 6:30.  Beautiful morning & day - warm sun - had to cover transplants in Perennial garden.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Worked around the place all day - Wes brought down gravel for cliff walk - we put back the sedum and other plants on path/stone edge.  Watered all transplants - cultivated - trimmed - planted the Cleome - put in hill of zucchini and cucumber - two short rows of bush beans.

1987 - Monday - Memorial Day.  Morning in Sheraton Hartford - end of ARGS Annual Meeting.  Left hotel at 8:15 - quick trip down - not much traffic.  To Ellie Spingarn's garden on Beeholm Road, Georgetown.  She wasn't there but the gardens were beautiful - ditto the stonework.  Shopped A & P in Georgetown for bananas, etc.  Home about 11 - unpacked - cut grass - Wes watered all transplants - lunch - nap - I planted Rocknoll delivery of plants - moved Pussytoes and some phlox onto West Slope - Wes spread leaf mulch on Wood Knoll - well area.

May 20

1983 - Thursday - 53° at 7 AM - Light rain - Eileen left for home after breakfast.
Wes filled out hospital form received yesterday for June 22 entrance.  Cancelled work at Ballard account rain.  Wes inked the Ballard Garden Plan.
To Reclamation - bank - Post Office for stamps - had my glasses repaired - Dr Yanity - both teeth cleaned - my cavity filled - started Flo-Gel program for teeth-gums - home at 4:30 and rain started again.

1984 - Saturday.  62° at 6 AM.  Warm humid day.  I went to Louise McKeon's at 8:30 to help with flowers for church.  Wes cleaned house.  I joined him for preparations for dinner - will the thunderstorm predicted prevent cooking outdoors?  Took most of day to cook - bring down chairs and table for deck, etc.  Castles and Vargas here at 5:30 - thunderstorm and heavy rain about 7 pm - used oven for dinner!  Guests left at 10:30 -

1985 - Sunday - 52° at 6 AM - Sunny - some clouds in afternoon - few sprinkles in evening
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared dinner and house for Eileen - Caroline and Pete Blackwell - Kelly and Barbara who came at noon.  Kelly brought the Blackwell Cann terriers Heather and Meg - Pleasant day.  Wes cooked steak.  Boo got along well with dogs.  Walked after dinner.  Caroline & Pete left for Amherst to visit his parents - Eileen went home at five.  Kelly Barbara and I walked in Hemlock Open Space - cocktail on deck - soup - Kelly & Barbara spent the night

1986 - Monday - Memorial Day - 56° at 7 AM.  Sunny beautiful day.
Cleaned the house - made a sponge roll and Tavern Bars - washed - ironed table cloths for tomorrow's luncheon.  Outdoors in afternoon to water transplants - cut south grass.  Place looks good - N.Y. Times wasn't delivered.

1987 - Tuesday - 53° at 6:30 - Cloudy - 
Wes worked on paths on Wood Knoll - weeding & edging.  Put gravel on east end of wall garden, up to path - Wood chips on path there - leaf mulch on West slope.  Took out stump on path to holding bed, raised two beech along shed/well path.  I deadheaded Bleeding hearts - did wash - ironed.  To Rosses at 11:30, picked up Helen and Billie Newell there - on to Punkie Scott's for lunch - on to Christine Ludewick's for Garden Club meeting - Helen Stephens spoke on dried flowers - home at 5.  Phoned Kelly who is at [[?Caroybup]] in Fairfield, minding the dogs - we will meet on Friday.