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June 2

1983 - Thursday - 48° a 5:30.  Nice morning - had a shower overnight - beautiful day.
Left at 7 AM.  Routes 84 - 81 - 80 to Lock Haven - lunch with Bet - there at 12:15 - left her at 1:45 - continued on Route 80 West.  Wes hoped to reach Youngstown area for night but weather good and we continued on past Cleveland area to Fremont, near Toledo, where spent night at Holiday Inn - total mileage for day 606 miles.

1984 - Saturday - 50° at 7 AM and Raining again.  Started last night - can hardly believe it - 65/100 IN.  Voted to accept school budget and that it was too high - returned book on Mt. Desert Island to Barbara Craighead - up Saw Mill Road, Tibicus area - new to us.
After lunch finally worked outdoors picking up debris from high winds - big tree fell in Judson's.  Edged and cultivated shade garden - deadheaded wall garden plants.  Put coldframe in hayloft.

1985 - Sunday - 48° at 6 AM - Fair - Picked a few strawberries for our breakfast cereal - Beautiful warm day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared house and packs for party later in day.  To Miles Aborn's garden party at 12:30 Teitiens Mill - beautiful pond and garden - primrose and iris.  Home at 3 pm - short nap - finished preparation for our party - Sattlers - Rosses - Stoddards - Tracys - McKeons - Billie Newell and Mary Luke here at 5 pm - they left about 7:30 - Rosses stayed until 8:45.  We watched "Strangers : Brothers" on Channel 13 at 9, cleaned up & to bed.

1986 - Monday - 64° at 6 AM.  Cloudy morning - no rain - cleared at noon - much colder - needed sweaterss.
Wright sprayed trees.  Flagging delivered.  Wes laid the bluestones on cliff walk - I did the wash - ironed - planted the house Marguerite - miniature daisies and chrysanthemums - the Rosemary standard - watered azaleas Delaware Valley Whts whose leaves were wilting - phoned British Airways to accept June 10th trip - read some of London books loaned by Louise McKeon and Paige Dickey.  Phoned Billie to regret her party on 13th.

1987 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM - Light rain - heavy at noon time in town - One inch at twelve o'clock.
I went to Ballard Garden - Muriel Pedersen & Charlotte Crossley worked - planted phlox and Penstemon - Moved Siberian Iris and Lavender & Artemisia - took refuge in Greenhouse during showers.  Picked up Wes' photo prints - some good but camera not progressing correctly.  Wes had stained two replacement windows - put new bird feeder together with replacement parts.  I planted pots - Wes worked on area behind shed - a work area.

June 3

1983 - Friday - Enroute Notre Dame - Good sleep at Fremont, Ohio - light rain - breakfast - put gasoline in car (paid $1.45 for super unleaded - $1.40 for unleaded on trip) back to Route 80-90 - fog made driving difficult when trucks passed - glad not too far to go - reached Morris [[?]] 10:30 local time - registered - Wes received gold cap - both had badges - lunch in North Dining Hall.  Wes met Mike [[?Beere]] and other class mates - called Napolitanos - walked around Campus - took bus tour - Mass at 4:30 - cocktail hour - dinner.  Mileage 788

1984 - Sunday - 47° - Sun coming up at 6 AM - nice to see.  However, off and on cloudy - sprinkled but not measurable.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Transplanted Dwarf Hosta from south bed into Northeast corner garden - moved a couple others.  Eileen came up to leave Boo with us while she cares for the Budget Meeting.  She brought lilies, geraniums - impatiens - Woodruff - planted most of them - need pots for the ivy geranium.  We went to Lake Annual Meeting at 2 pm - did more planting on return.

1985 - Monday - 60° at 6 AM.  Clear morning - clouds in afternoon - looked like rain - none here.
I went to Jane Lally's on Donnelly Drive - She gave me Veronica, Christmas Rose (no roots) Epimedium - on to meeting about Zone II Horticulture at Congregational Church at 10 o'clock - [[?Harrent]] at 11:30 - price has gone up to $15.00 - I was shocked.  Wes had worked on stump in Garden Room in morning.  O & B delivered gravel for there after lunch - he spread some of that, to get it away from car route out of garage;  in afternoon - also worked on stump.  I cut grass - did cultivating & trimming.

1986 - Tuesday - 42° at 6 AM - Sunny - Beautiful day.  To Mass.  Wes went to bank - Waldbaum's and for a haircut.  Took Castles to lunch at Dickson's, Bethel - very slow but good food - saw their new house furnished first.  To Barclay's Bank in Brewster for £1,000 - cost $1536.50
Home to water the vegetables & bushes around garden room.  Wes cleaned up more of logs above mailbox.
Planed the herb window box

1987 - Wednesday - 59° at 6 AM - Cloudy - damp
To Mass.  Spread Hollytone on evergreens.  Wes dug up 5 little Hemlocks from North Slope - moved them into "Hemlock Ridge along North Slope.  Had to bring in a lot of soil as naturally uncovered a lot more stones which he will use at work area behind shed.  I cut grass - put in Marigolds and some Snapdragons (por) bought lettuce - planted a row of beans - put 4 six-packs of Snapdragons under lights in Kitchen to see if they will grow.  Washed pots - threw out some - to bank and Marcus.