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June 4

1983 - Saturday - at Notre Dame - Fog - mist - became beautiful day.  Walked campus - visited Snite Museum, Grotto, Library = Wes had Class Picture taken - inducted into 50 year club at luncheon in Adult Education Center - at 5 pm in Sacred Heart Church there was music by Brass Quintet of Elkhart Symphony - followed by Mass at 5:30 - after walked behind Kilby 
Bank to Sports Center for banquet - 2,850 graduates - talk by Father Hasburgh.

1984 - Monday - 50° at 6 AM - Sun up.  Walked Boo.  Beautiful day - best of spring so far.
Played golf - first time in two years - Season Pass $250 plus $1 each for playing - not bad game - course very wet.  Wes had a haircut and shopped.
Edged front along road - I moved another Hosta - Cut deadheads from ferns.  On Boo's afternoon walk saw a new fern along brook on Bogus.  (Royal Fern)
Bit phoned will come tomorrow.

1985 - Tuesday - 53° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful day.  To Mass.  Wes and I worked at Ballard Garden - Wes edged - the ladies deadheaded, weeded, staked.  Home at 12:45 - lunch - nap.  Wes continued work on stump in Garden Room, one more root to go at 5:30.  I planted remaining Pink Impatiens - Trimmed wall garden and watered it - trimmed ferns behind shade garden.

1986 - Wednesday - 53° at 7 AM - Slept late - beautiful day if you're not a gardener - stiff warm breeze
Wes finished leveling flagstone walk off deck - brought down gravel for open angles - put leaf chips on flower garden North end.  I did a work wash - phoned Harry Versen re trip - phoned British Airways to arrange hotels near Stratford and on return to London on the 18th - haircut at 2:30 - bought suit and skirt at Talbots

1987 - Thursday - 57° at 6 AM - Light Rain - Mist most of day, didn't stop activities until 4:30 when we stopped work.  I went to Keeler Tavern for a meeting of Flower Show Committee - lots of details the ladies are working on.  Wes spread mulch on north slope - almost finished when rain drove him in.  I had a haircut after lunch - to bank & Marcus.  Planted a couple of the Lamb Nursery plants and moved two tiny May apples which appeared at bottom of Step Garden to join their large relatives along Bog Path.  Wrote up invitations for June 21st cocktail party in evening.

June 5

1983 - Sunday - Left Notre Dame at 7 AM, local time, for Williamsville, having decided not to go to Detroit Dearborn - Routes 80 and 90 - good weather all the way.  Phoned Holmdens enroute and reached there at 5 pm.  Walked about their garden - talked - cocktail dinner and bed.

1984 - Tuesday - 58° at 6 AM.  Walked Boo.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard Garden in the morning - quite a few ladies - got a lot done.  Shopped afterward - home at 1 pm.  Wes worked around place - Bit missed Exit 1 - Wes met her at Kenosia ramp - had lunch - nap - Walked boo
To Rosses to see their view - home for dinner.
A beautiful fair day.

1985 - Wednesday - 55° at 6 AM - Cloudy - rain about 10 o'clock - .64 inches at 4:30 - mist & drizzle after that.  Did house chores - wrote letters - ordered sheets from Altman's - to bank and Waldbaums - Home for a Martini to celebrate the rain - long nap good for my cold - Wes lowered weaker shelf in upstairs bath - Discovered a mouse had come in stove fan vent and into lower flower drawer - set a trap and caught him after dinner.

1986 - Thursday - 60° at 6 AM - Cloudy - became sunny - warm - humid - looked like thunderstorm in late afternoon - none.  Wes went to Mass - I prepared for Ballard work - there at 8:30 & worked with Muriel staking and watering until 10:30 when we changed clothes to go to Virginia Everett's Memorial Service at St. Stephens - home for lunch.  Wes had chipped rest of leaves on North side - cut down 2 trees on North preparatory for new well.  Gizella came to go over watering when we are in London.  Wes and I watered shade garden - perennial garden

1987 - Friday - 60° at 6 AM - Sun!  Beautiful day - warm sun - not too hot.  To Mass.  Left for Tarrytown to pick up Eileen - gave her a cotton shirt for her birthday - to NYBG - walked through the Perennial, Rose - new Country Garden (not finished) new vegetable & compass gardens - the Native Garden and Rock Garden, which was beautiful - back to Tarrytown for lunch at Tappan Hill - good - we admired the Foxgloves and the tree trimming to improve the river view.  Picked up Davids Cookie Dough at Grand Union and bread at [[?Alters]].  Home for a nap.  Planted some of Lamb Nursery plants - Walked about