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June 6

1983 - Monday - at Williamsville - Rain until evening - lucky we traveled yesterday.
Hooker took day off.  We drove to downtown Buffalo Riverfront area - went thru former Post Office Building converted to Erie Community College - lunch at "Crawdaddy's" on water edge - went thru condominium on waterfront - home for nap - dinner - to movie "Max Dugan Returns" - Jason Robards - Marsha Mason - good show.  Phoned Eileen for her birthday.

1984 - Wednesday - 58° at 6:30.  Unexpected thunderstorm in morning - just a trace of rain.  Bet and Boo with us.  Eileen at Budget meetings.  Bet and I went to Hollandia Nursery - bought mulch and a few perennials - To Booklet and Bethel Art shops - Home for lunch.  Wes was cleaning up place and he cut grass in afternoon.  Bet and I went to Ballard Park and shopped Brunetti.  On deck for cocktail as temperature 80° and himid

1985 - Thursday - 52° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day.  Cool.  To Mass.  We went to Ballard - Wes made frame for the Memorial Garden Espalier - I worked in garden with Patty Sticknock.  To bank - Medical Group to pay Wes' lab bill & get form - picked up Wes' new white jacket & pants from Nicholas - I bought sandals and bag at Putnam Shoes - Home for lunch at 1 PM - Nap - put peat into triangle garden - Wes put on leaf mulch - I cut grass, transplanted variegated geranium and Mother Fern into clay pots for Zone VII show - Wes spread more gravel

1986 - Friday - 62° at 6:15 - Raining! stated about midnight - 9/10 inch by noon - Dusted for Eileen & Bet here at 9:45 with Boo.  Eileen brought clothes & bread.  Left for Farmington - rain in spots - lunch at Reading Room Restaurant - Old Grist Mill - tour of The Hillstone Museum - lovely - wonderful Money - Manet - Degas - Whislters & Cassatts - Eileen & Bet let for home after we walked Boo - No rain here during day obviously - but much Heavy rain in evening.  Turtle-Snapper - laying eggs in driveway - Wes threw her over cliff.

1987 - Saturday - 56° at 7 AM - Sunny - beautiful day Cool - sun warm.  House chores - left at 10:30 for Cold Spring - gathering of Rock Garden at Stone Crop (not a meeting)  Route 84 to Taconic to 301 to Derrytown Road - home of Rank Cabot - beautiful rock garden - raised wall gardens - ponds - wood garden - remarkable.
Sandwich lunch on their terrace.  Home at 2:30 for a nap - cut grass - Wes worked on wall at shed area - for the work area.

June 7

1983 - Tuesday - left Holmdens at Williamsville about 7 o'clock.  Route 90 to 390 at Rochester - south to 17 to 84 and home.  Beautiful scenery along routes 390 and 17 - good weather all the way - we have been lucky - stopped at Marcus for milk - home at 3:30.  Unpacked - Wes took nap - I checked garden - cucumbers yellowing - slugs eating lettuce - beans coming up.  
Had rain on Friday as Eileen said when she came up Sunday.  Here was 1.2 in gauge.  Cut grass and Wes raked.

1984 - Thursday - 68° at 6:30 - Sun up - beautiful morning - supposed to be hot.  Was - 90° and humid.
Bit and Boo with us.  Wes and Bit did a little shopping - bank - Ace.  I got Eileen's room ready she came up after lunch.  We walked Boo - sat on deck as it was cooler there.  Had her birthday dinner - Wes cooked good London Broil
Bit painted her a box with Charleston scene - we have her Tiffany Brooklyn Bridge porcelain box.

1985 - Friday - 48° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful day.  Fixed lunch (picnic) packed - Eileen came about nine o'clock, having left Boo at Craighead Kennels.  We took Routes 84 - 90 - 20 to Weston, Mass., to Webb-Bigelow House where we had Bed and Breakfast reservation - walked in State Forest (lots of mosquitoes) saw Pink Lady Slippers - dinner at Longfellow Wayside Inn in Sudbury - attractive place
Eileen's birthday celebration

1986 - Saturday - 56° at 6 AM - Cloudy, 1.4 inches rain & drizzling off and on most of day - great for the gradens.  I picked up cleaning - book on England from Edith Meffley - drugstore and film supplies.  Wes moved brush from south to the big pile at north end - Grounds Keepers people didn't pick up.  Cleaned (used up) all leaf chips at shed - spread them on "future pool garden"  Staked tomatoes - fertilized them as yellowing.  [[?Orthered]] rhododendrons on South side.  To N.C. Draper at 5 for Belmont.

1987 - Sunday - 48° at 6 AM - Cloudy.
Few sprinkles at breakfastime.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Deadheading chores - small transplants.
To Fred Burke, 80 Walnut Grove Road, off Farmingville - works with Carolyn Blackwel, at his request to identify shrubs & plants.  It was an overgrown place - we helped where we could.  Home for lunch & nap - Worked around place in afternoon.  Cool damp - few sprinkles.