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June 14

1983 - Tuesday - 64° at 7 AM.  Slept late as no Mass.  Father in Washington.  Sunny and warm.
Watered vegetable garden - 2 small rows of beans.  Most leaves of all plants being eaten by slugs.
Left at 11 AM for Norwalk Texaco Retirees luncheon at Shore Club - shopped at Lynch enroute to inquire re garden ornaments - Bill Kolnay at the lunch - he asked several back to his home nearby - stopped at Hawsie Nash's to pick up Impatiens Tower - home at 5 - hazy here - Kept heat down.

1984 - Thursday - 68° at 6 AM.
.05 from last night's thunderstorm - too bad not more - To Mass.  To Ballard Garden to measure for mulch - left sample and estimate of 75 bags with Paul Roche, Parks & Recreation - to Reclamation with papers and bottles - bought post for mail box at Youngs.  Home for lunch.  Golf 1-3.  Breeze on course and clouds - hoped for rain but none here.  Home to cut lawns - trim - weed.  Wes dug out stones from South Wood and cut the high natural grass growing there.

1985 - Friday - 52° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful day - Cool - needed sweaters to work - around 63° in p.m.
Tony Ongaro finished the wall on either side of new garden steps - Wes had to work hard to keep ahead of him with stone.  Tony also made a step outside Solar room.  I met Elizabeth Hill and Petey Cerf - (Mrs Raymond Cerf) Mrs Ballard's daughter - she gave us a check for $1,000.  Carol & Bill Stoddard invited us to dinner at Waccabuc at 7 pm - good meal - home at 11 pm.

1986 - Saturday - in London - after breakfast took #16 bus to Victoria Station - Underground from there to Kew Gardens - beautiful - azaleas - rhododendron - Alpine House - Rock Garden outstanding - had lunch in garden - Underground and bus back to Cumberland Hotel - nap - walked to St James Church, 22 George St. for 6 PM Mass - very long sermon - dinner at Durrants Hotel on George St. - very elegant - walked back to Cumberland.

1987 - Sunday - 62° at 6 AM - Fair, beautiful
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Worked about place - Wes on path to compost - I weeded shade garden - found the Red Baneberry had red berries already!  Loads of bleeding heart seedlings.  We put leaf chips on ground off Northeast wall under hemlock.  Did a little watering.  Humid so plants are wilting.  Wes left at 4:30 to pick up Rosses at Purdys - they had been in city overnight.

June 15

1983 - Wednesday - 62° at 6 AM - Hazy hot & humid
Wes worked in shop.  I did a wash - went to bank - 'Miss Emily's' and Village Market.
Went with Gizela to Olivers - bought replacement Juniper Procumbens Nana and some Woodland and alpine plants - Planted most of them.
Wes continued work on wall - difficult to find good face stones.  Thunderstorm but very few sprinkles.

1984 - Thursday - 58° at 6 AM.  Cool!  Beautiful breezy sunny day - quite a change.  I watered vegetables in morning.  Wes picked up post hole hole digger from Alex and dug hole for new mailbox post - decided to get second post.  I went to Jack Grasse house with Helen at 12:45 - Caudatowa Garden Club 50th Anniversary and House Tour - Home Show - Worked until 3:30 then saw Sherry, Petroni & Banks houses - Keeler Tavern & Community House - home at 5:50.  Wes had taken out dead Carlesii Viburnum - dug around rock ledge near Linden - dug second mailbox hole - cut (edged) compost path.

1985 - Saturday - 51° at 6:30 - Fair - beautiful morning - increasing clouds in afternoon.
To Blue Jay Orchard in Bethel to pick strawberries, gave some to Stodddards - Rosses not home.  We had stopped at Bethel market for some supplies.
Wes finishing spreading the gravel on driveway and walk to house.  I weeded shade garden - moved a Maidenhair fern from under the Hemlock to an open spot on wall below shade garden - covered all that area with leaf mulch.  Wes cleaned the pool

1986 - Sunday - in London - packed - checked out of Cumberland Hotel before breakfast - taxi to Paddington Station - 8:50 train (first class tickets gift of British Rail) change at Reading - change at Leamington Spa for Stratford - Met two girls from Philadelphia who had won trip - Aurora and Dee - Aurora's hobby was contests - had won lots - no taxis at Stratford Station phoned for one to Alveston Manor - lunch in bar - walked to town - Admiral park & Avon river boats - dinner & bed.

1987 - Monday - 68° at 6 AM - HHH -
I worked at Ballard Garden in morning, alone - Muriel Pedersen worked at Keeler - planted a dozen pink Snapdragons - deadheaded [[?Prunus]].  Standard Oil of Conn. salesman here at 8:45 - Wes signed contract for oil delivery and service contract - Wes mowed grass at cliff.  I mowed rest late afternoon.  Pulled trees and junk debris - lots of grapevine - from pond - looks good from deck now.  Watered perennial garden wilting in heat.  
Wes cooked butterflied lamb - tank ran out when finished