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June 30

1983 - Thursday - 55° at 6 AM - Beautiful and cool.  Spent night in Ridgefield.  Sun 5:29 - 8:33 - Wes in hospital
I went to Mass - Worked at Ballard 9:15-11:15 - Home for lunch - shower - left at 1:30 for hospital.  Wes better.  Still mostly in bed with intravenous and anti-biotic tubes - Dr Puckner on Vineyard - other doctors taking over
Left at 6:15 for Ridgefield - there 7:45 - made phone calls to family and friends - cool night.

1984 - Saturday - 64° at 6 AM.  Foggy - Wes just put out the check for Streeter before he came.  Cloudy - rain started after 8 AM again (1/4 inch in gauge then) heavy at times - continued all day.
Did wash - I went to Sylvia Barry's sale - only found navy slacks - home for lunch - nap - read the papers thoroughly and even some magazines -
Beach Association meeting and picnic off account rain.

1985 - Sunday - 58° at 6 AM.  Foggy - became a beautiful day - lucky for our garden party.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared house for party - cleaned - brought down aluminium table - Set it up in Solar for drinks.  Was able to cut North grass before 3 pm - swept garden room and walks.  Ellie Krapowitz delivered foood at 4:30 - a lot of it.  Guests Hartcorns - Timpanellis - Sattlers - Mary Luke - and Miles Aborn here about 5:15 - Morrisons didn't show - good time - compliments on grounds.  We cleaned up by 9 PM.

1986 - Monday - 60° at 6:30.  Fair - beautiful morning - cloudy afternoon.  Wes' leg prevented his working - has appointment with Dr Neligan Wednesday.  He went to bank and Marcus and dated and identified pictures taken in England.  I cut grass, cultivated veg garden - made cookies and muffins.  Wes cooked lamb chops on grill.  We made up guest beds - I did wash and ironed.

1987 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM - Mostly fair - very warm - cloudy at 3 pm and a few sprinkles.  No forecasted thunderstorms here.  Worked at Ballard Garden in morning - picked up at a few groceries after.  Wes had worked to put stakes for deer fencing on North side - needs more wire.  He went to Rosses to check on refuse bin repair or what to do.  I watered north steps and woodland plants - put leaf chips on Japanese Solomon Seal.  Deadheaded at wall garden put wire around some plants as deer eating them - the Gentian and Hens & Chicks flowers

July 1

1983 - Friday - 60° at 6 AM.  Cloudy.  G in Ridgefield.  W in hospital.  Mostly hazy day - kept heat down.
I watered and cultivated.  Phoned Hartcorns to thank for card to Wes.  Left at 1:30 for Presbyterian via Route 100 - stopped at Mobil for gasoline - only 1.29 9/10 a gal compared to $1.51 along Saw Mill Parkway.  
At hospital at 3 - Wes still on intra venous - coughing - urinating frequently - antibiotic to be changed tonight.
G to Eileen's at 6 pm.  Short walk with Boo improved back muscle.

1984 - Sunday - 66° at 6 AM.  Cloudy - damp - humid.  2.95 inches in rain gauge at 7 AM.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Rain started again - off and on most of day.
Prepared house and dinner for Eileen, Mary & Boo here at 12 to 4.  Had drinks in Solar as it is the brightest place in the house.  Eileen brought us bread and me two dresses and two suits.  I feel rich.

1985 - Monday - 56° at 6:15 - Fair - Beautiful day.  Left at 9:15 for Sag Harbor over Whitestone Bridge - Northern States - Long Island Expressway - two bad delays on Expressway - arriving at Baron's Cove Inn about two oclock.  Took a nap - walked around harbor and town - bought an icecream cone.  Drink on balcony.  Dinner at American Hotel - very good.

1986 - Tuesday - 52° at 6 AM.  Beautiful day.  To Mass (G) Wes stayed home to wait for [[?Frudorak]], the well driller - here at 7:30.  Wes left at 8:45 to catch the 9:23 train from Purdy's - appointment with Dr. Espy at 11:30 - eyes fine - he bought round trip tickets for us for Friday and parking permits at Purdy's.  I edged & trimmed garden.  Well down 300 feet at 1 pm & only 1 1/2 gallons, so I told him to go another 100 feet - was at 375 when Wes returned who told him to go to 500'.  We went to Stop & Shop and picked up cleaned clothes.

1987 - Wednesday - 68° at 6:30 - Overslept.  Cloudy.  No Mass as going to Dr Espy for Wes' 3 month check.  Took 9:23 train to Grand Central - reached office at 11 o'clock exactly - taken quickly - Wes eyes OK - out before 11:30 - had lunch on small place on Madison - took bus to Conservatory Garden of Central Park at Fifth and 105th Street (walked to garden from Madison) beautiful garden - talked to lady from Bedford who was working there - bus downtown - took 1:48 train home - watered - walked about