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July 2

1983 - Saturday.  G spent night with Eileen - went to Ridgebury for morning - deadheaded wall garden - watered.  Hot and humid.  To hospital at 1:30 for visit with Wes.  He is doing better - eating more = still on antibiotic and intra venous - urinating every 15 minutes - noise during night.  I returned to Tarrytown - caught in back up of cars going to Lymhurst for concert & fire works.  We walked Boo after dinner.

1984 - Monday - 64° at 6 AM - Sun up!  First time we've seen it in days.  .54 inches rain in gauge at 6:30.  Beautiful day, but humid - both of us felt very loggy-bazy until after lunch and nap.  We did plant the laurel and ilex Eileen brought us yesterday.  The Ilex went on the Wood Knoll - in front - where a Bleeding Heart wouldn't grow - Wes took a big stone from the hole.  The laurel went in holding bed until Spring.  I cut grass, tied up tomatoes - deadheaded.  Wes continued on Bog Wall.  
Took Honda to shop for new front fenders - rust.

1985 - Tuesday - at Baron's Cove Inn, Sag Harbor.  Some clouds - cleared at times - fog at night.  Walked to breakfast on Main Street - drove to Montauk through East Hampton - a very pretty town - out to Montauk Light - came back to Montauk Harbor - at East Hampton on returning were moving a house down Main Street - thru South Hampton - to Greenport ferry to Shelter Island, then another ferry to North Haven and Route 114 to Sag Harbor.  Dinner at Long Wharf.

1986 - Wednesday - Raining - stopped bout 1 pm.  1.15 inches - glad of it even if windows were washed yesterday.  Well driller didn't come.  Annie Harrison here at 8 o'clock - cleaned house - Wes took her home at 11:30.  
I cooked chicken for salad Friday - made Muffins & cookies cooked prunes - [[?fixed]] pineapple - went over tablecloths.  
Wes had appointment with Dr Neligan at 1:30 - bursitis in right hip affecting sciatic nerve - blood pressure was good - he put gas in car - had windshield wiper fixed.

1987 - Thursday - 65° at 6:15 - Cloudy - light shower in night - not measurable.  Cloudy and showers all day.  3/10 inch in afternoon.
To Chris Clark's to pick up Dark Pink Coral Bells and Cecily Herb plant - Stopped at Reclamation - Bank - Hardware Store - groceries at Stop & Shop - Home to plant Cecily near big rock along Compost Path - took out many rocks from hole naturally.  Peggy Ryan brought silver bowl I wan for Sweepstakes high score - made propagating box cover from [[?Hartman cloth]] - big job.

July 3

1983 - Sunday - at Tarrytown with Eileen.  Wes in Presbyterian.  Sunny, hot & humid.  To Farm Market with Eileen after 7:30 Mass - She went to NYC for funeral of Irene Singerman's h1984 - Monday - 64° at 6 AMusband.  I drove to the hospital at 2:15 - Wes seemed better - had walked in the hall in the morning.  Dr Puckner back from Vineyard said would continue antibiotic.  I returned to Eileen's for the night.

1984 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM.  Cloudy.  Some sprinkles in morning - cleared in afternoon - thunderstorm at five PM but not much rain here.  To Mass.  In rented Escort (Honda in shop for new front fenders) Wes drove me to Ballard to work 9-12.  He shopped and went to Reclamation with papers & bottles.  He returned for me at noon - lunch - nap.  Wes went to pick up the Honda - I washed flowerpots - cultivated gardens.  
To Ruth Sharp's at five for a drink - Billie and the Rosses there.  Ruth has a new couple - Patrick and Margaret.

1985 - Wednesday - left Baron's Cove Inn, Sag Harbor, at 7:30.  Sunrise Highway (Route 27) to Southern State Parkway to Whitestone Bridge to Hutchinson Parkway to Conn. Thruway to shop at Vista and buy Ice Cream Cake at Baskin Robbins, Ridgefield - home at twelve - everything looked fine - only a trace of rain in gauge.  Gizella had taken in mail and papers.  Lunch & nap.  Cut grass.  Wes started digging out soil to extend flagging in Garden Room - we moved two Bleeding Hearts.  Cooked chicken on grill - ate on deck - first dinner

1986 - Thursday - 58° at 6 AM - Beautiful day.
Wes to Mass - I prepared for work at Ballard Park - where four ladies worked spreading 50 bags of pine bark mulch from 8:30 to 11:30.  I shopped Stop & Shop following.  Wes rested his leg - picked up pills in afternoon.  Made preparations of dinner - house & garden for Holmdens and Shedlockes, here at 6 PM.  Had casserole dinner - watched the Statue of Liberty lighting on TV - bed.  Well to 500' - over 3 gals - not bad.

1987 - Friday - 58° at 6 AM.  Drizzling - had rained in night - 1/10 more - cleared in afternoon but not dry enough to cut grass.
To Church (Rectory) to find note on door no mass.  So humid, hard to get going.  I wrote to Joan - typed propagation information for Muriel Pedersen and took it to Backus P.O. as missed mail here.  Fixed planting bed between big rocks over Piper - moved in ferns & Heuchera.  Wes spread leaf mulch on mid Wood Knoll.  To Tracy's for cocktail at 5:30 - Home at 8 pm.