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July 6

1983 - Wednesday.  Overnight with Eileen - left at 6:45 for home - beautiful morning - storm yesterday afternoon - 1 inch rain - very welcome -
deadheaded - cut grass when it dried -
Left at 2 pm for hospital - trying later time to get into parking lot without waiting - worked well.  Wes still has IV - Roommate Mr Dray - no English - died during night & very sad for family and Wes.  I returned to Ridgefield for night.

1984 - Friday - 68° at 6 AM.  Still misting - 1.9 IN rain gauge at 6:30.
Window washers here 8:45/11:00 - rain stopped while they were here.  We had cleaned all window ledges - Wes took off screens which we cleaned before putting back.  To Safe Deposit Box - stuck again - gave us a new one - shopped Waldbaums - Fine Tool Shop - bought lady's spade & fork (beautiful) Pruning Saw - very sharp - rakes - we repaired storm erosion in planting beds - not much work done outdoors.

1985 - Saturday - 67° at 6:30 - Shower at 4 AM not measurable.  Mostly cloudy and humid - shower at 4 pm.
Wes worked on cliff path - widening it - bringing down soil to raise it in spots.  He took the dead pine out of back of eunonymous bed along road - one of the three there died - don't know the reason.  I did a work wash - cultivated along road - cut lawn - cleaned bugs off windows of Solar - strange cocoons of quarter inch white bugs.  Gizella gave us potentilla for wall garden.  
To Tempanelli's at 6:45 for a porch party.

1986 - Sunday - 70° at 6 AM - going to 90's and humid.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Stayed in shade - puttering about the garden.
Joan & Hooker, Eileen & Martin Shedlocke with Eileen - they went to Cortlon at Manor - came up early as because of heat, decided not to see another restoration.  Wes cooked steaks - we ate on the deck - [[strikethrough]] cleared [[/strikethrough]] cooled off at night - not bad

1987 - Monday - 60° at 7 AM 0 Fair day - warm sun but not humid - good working weather.
To bank - Wes had haircut - found Alvaro shoemaker (new to us - old one retired) closed for vacation.  Waldbaum's - Wes grubbed north side at well where [[?beech]] had been cut out - was bitten by ground hornet.  I deadheaded - watered under rhododendron - moved five of ornamental grasses from cliff walk to West slope.

July 7

1938 - Thursday - Wes in hospital - G at Ridgefield.  Beautiful day - sunny but cool.  To Mass at 7:30.  To Ballard Garden to work - stopping at market for doughnuts - took coffee - home at 12:15 for lunch - planted White Astilbe Nancy Callahan gave me.  Left for hospital at 2 - I.V. disconnected from Wes - walking in hall - may be released tomorrow if no temperature - at least by Saturday.  I returned to Eileen's at 6:30 - Walked aqueduct with Boo.

1984 - Saturday - 68° at 6:30 and raining - thunder storms during night - 1.9 inches at 8 AM! - thunderstorm again
Indoor work.  Wes put the last eight rivets in the tender.  I did the wash - ironed linen napkins from Sunday.  We took a walk when rain stopped to see the brook down Bogus Road.  To Billie's at 5 pm for drinks - sun came out and her place looked beautiful

1985 - Sunday - 66° at 6 AM - Clearing - a beautiful day - only .15 inch of rain but welcome.
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Went over the cliff to see if there were blackberries ripe but still green.  Saw lots of American ginger, some Bloodroot and Maidenhair Fern.
Wes made the path on Wood Knoll with grey gravel - looks great - about half finished.  I put leaf chips on Cimicifuga Hosta Garden - put Benomyl on all fungus susceptible plants - used slug bait - had killed a lot of them.
Morrisons came to see garden a week late.  Vargas asked us for a drink

1986 - Monday - Hazy - hot and humid - hottest so far.  Holmdens and Shedlockes here - leisurely breakfast - I showed the ladies Ridgefields Main Street and Ballard Garden.  We drove to Litchfield via Brookville Center - Washington Depot - Martin took us to lunch at Litchfield Inn - then we walked around White Flower Farm - nobody bought anything it was so hot - home for gin & tonic - ate supper on deck - very warm night.

1987 - Tuesday.  60° at 6:30 - Cloudy - rain mid-morning - 15/100 inch by lunch time.
I worked at Ballard Garden, getting there 7:45.  To Muriel Pedersen's when rain stopped work.  She gave me 5 Solomon Seal - planted them on South side - also transplanted Dwarf Cotoneaster and Helenium from West Wood Knoll to cliff walk - dug up Dalibarda repens and Coptis Trifolia from Wood Knoll (iris cristata going up to the them) put them along Bog Walk.  Wes filled up holes along cliff walk - put dark cord instead of white, wire on pine on West Wood Knoll - worked on removing beech stump from No One Well area.