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July 8

1983 - Friday - Wes in hospital - I had spent night with Eileen - waited for Wes' call to be released or not - phoned 9:15 getting out - I drove down - picked him up - reached home at 11:30.  Alex came with raspberries - after lunch Wes napped while I went to pharmacy for his prescriptions - Hyprix (big one) and Septra (pink) - cost $26.95 and $16.75!
Gizella and Gabriella visited in afternoon - cooked London Broil (no cocktail for 10 days).  Walked to Grouse House - beautiful weather.

1984 - Sunday - 58° at 6:30.  Cloudy - 5/10 inch in gauge.  Became sunny & beautiful at 8 AM.
To 8 o'clock Mass.  Wes finished one-half of Bog Wall.  I cooked dinner - we ate our big meal at noon 0 then cut grape-vines from Bog.  After dinner I cut all grass - growing fast with all the rain - transplanted Monarda from Bog bank to North east bed - Wes continued on wall.  To Mary Luke's at 6 PM for cocktails & lots of snacks.

1985 - Monday - 60° at 6 AM - Fair - Picked strawberries for our breakfast cereal.  Clouded at noon and cool but a beautiful late afternoon & evening - no rain.
Shopped Waldbaums - Wes had haircut - left film at Sturdevants and bought few things at Meekers.  I made Tavern Bars - Wes bought lumber at Weekes and made a shelf in the laundry.  I brought up leaf mulch to the Wood Knoll - moved a fern and cultivated there.  Wes moved a big stone in that area - positioning it better - enjoyed sitting in Garden Room for a cocktail

1986 - Tuesday - Sunny and warm but less humidity - Holmdens and Shedlockes left for home at 8 o'clock - we straightened up house - did a wash - made guest bed in blue room.
I watered and deadheaded garden - deer had eaten dwarf dahlia and White Admiral Phlox.  Wes rested his leg - a little better.  Richard [[?Not]] Pump man - came at 7:30 to discuss pump for new Well.

1987 - Wednesday - 64° at 6 AM - Raining - 4/10 inch.  Miserable weather.  Wes removed beech stump near well - big job - now has two big stones in the hole.  I watched the North/Congressional Hearings for a while.  To Ridgefield P.O. - returned turtleneck to J C Crew - bank - Genovese - Caldors - Youngs for fencing & stakes.  I cut south grass - Wes put wire against deer along upper road.
Re 1979 gasoline price - paid 1.21 gal Super yesterday.

July 9

1983 - Saturday - 64° at 6 AM.  Few sprinkles - quite a change in weather - cleared to a beautiful day, sunny - breezy and cool.  Wes' first full day home from hospital - he rested and walked around.
I cut half the grass - cultivated gardens.
Alex and Helen and granddaughter Robin came to visit

1984 - Monday - 53° at 6:30 - Partly cloudy - cool not bad for outdoor work.  To Dr Neligan's nurse at 8:30 - Wes BP was 180/98 - appointment made for 18th.  To Bank and Squash's for envelopes.  Home to work - as decided not to play golf - Wes not up to it.  He continued on Bog Wall - bringing down lots of stones for it from along road.  I repotted wall garden plants from gravel.  Cultivated vegetable garden - put lettuce on compost - pulled up peas and planted beans - tied up tomatoes - deadheaded some rhododendron blossoms - they have been beautiful.

1985 - Tuesday - 58° at 6 AM - Fair - Hot - humid.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard Garden with Babe Hoffman in the morning.  Wes worked on paths in Wood Knoll and finished digging holes for the mountain laurel to be moved this fall.  After lunch and nap I cut grass- we both continued work on Wood Knoll.  Wes put stones and logs along path.  I moved a few plants in the way - brought up pails of leaf mulch.

1986 - Wednesday - 78° at 6:30.  Light shower during night - not under trees.  Cloudy.
Did another wash - ironed - Wes went to Marcus and bank, his leg (Bursitis) is a little better - I went to 10:30 meeting on Horticulture for next June's Garden Club Show at Muriel Pedersen's - home at 3:30.  Quite humid again in late afternoon and evening - ate on deck

1987 - Thursday - 70° at 7 AM - H-H-H.  Terribly humid day - and hot.
Standard Oil of Conn. man here to service the burner.  Did a thorough job.  Wes went to Hartcorns to measure their fence - we will consider for driveway.  Rest of day Wes worked on putting fence posts in coming down road above mailbox - a hard job
I deadheaded - picked lettuce (killed slugs) - went for a haircut and shopped Waldbaums and Marcus.  Put big fan on for the night.