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July 10

1983 - Sunday 50° at 6 AM.  Sunny - beautiful day cool - breezy.  I went to 8 o'clock mass - Was not up to it.
Wes rested - read - walked - I cut balance of grass - cultivated vegetable garden and watered it.  Mixed soil and peat and put that around Impatiens and Dwarf Azalea and Rhododendron and Bog Path as they were drying out.  Cooked chicken on grill.

1984 - Tuesday - 55° at 6 AM - Fair - good day.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard in the morning.  Wes finished Bog wall in morning - looks wonderful 
After lunch I cultivated flower gardens - Marked lilies - deadheaded - brought down Christmas ferns from roadside to wood knoll.  Wes found two big stones to extend rear of Wall garden near three trunk-beech at driveway - dressed area with stone chips - scraped up wood chip area - only a few left. 

1985 - Wednesday - 66° at 6 AM.  Foggy - hazy.  Picked strawberries for our cereal - Fair warm, breezy day - no thunderstorm as predicted.  Left home at 8 AM - bought birdseed at Youngs - took bus to NYC from St. Mary's Parking Lot at 9 AM - reached  5th Ave & 50th St. at 10:30 - Wes had 11 o'clock appointment with Dr. Espy - pressure good - lunch early - to Museum of Natural History to see Maya show and Audubon - subways to Radio City - iced tee near Ice Rink - very colorful - lots of people - visit to St. Patrick's - Bus at 4:45 - 2 Hr trip - home 7:30

1986 - Thursday - 59° at 6 AM - Clear - Beautiful day no breeze - everything getting dry.  Wes to Mass.  I prepared for work at Ballard - good crew came - we spread 19 bags of chips - trimmed - dead headed - I shopped Stop & Shop on route home.  Wes had watered the north slope plants - I did the wood knoll and south plants in afternoon - ran the well down.  Cut grass.

1987 - Friday - 72° at 7 AM - H H H - caught a mouse in flour drawer - a big one - set trap again 
Wes put wire on posts to mailbox - bought more 4' and 75 feet of 2' to close in bottom.  I did a wash -deadheaded - cultivated the shade garden - put Myosotis down in Bog - cut off Hosta eaten by deer.  Watered perennial garden - Wes watered North slope. 

July 11

1983 - Monday - 52° at 6 AM - Sunny - nice temperature
Quiet day for us.  Wes walked - studied trees.  Located Pig Nut Hickory on south side near wood pile.  He is feeling a little stronger - taking 8 pills a day.
I started the weeding along road - upper section has heavy weeds.  Watered rhododendron, azaleas and hemlocks on South side - also Wood Knoll plants.  We walked up Bogus Road.

1984 - Wednesday - 66° at 6 AM and cloudy - a little lightning and rain at night - .05 inches.
Wes drove me to Rosses - they took me to Aldrich Parking Log for bus trip of Garden Club to Hillside Gardens and E.C. Childs Rock Garden in Norfolk, Ct. - both beautiful - bought a few plants at Hillside - home at 5:45.  Wes had been taken to lunch by Eddie Tecklaw - Lous Strahl - Ray Brady and Bob Dansh at the Eldorado.

1985 - Thursday - 66° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful day warm in sun but nice breeze.  (Perfect if we had had rain)  To Mass.  Learned Alex in Block Island so invited Helen for dinner.  Wes to Sturdevant & we shopped Waldbaum for chicken and fruit & vegetables.  Frank Tracy brought black cap berries - had them for dinner with peaches.  Wes brought up more leaf mulch to Wood Knoll.  I pruned hemlock behind shade garden.  Wes picked up Helen at 5:30 - took her home at 9.

1986 - Friday - 57° at 6:30.  Fair - clouds at times and more towards evening.  Did last wash of guest sheets and towels.  Deadheaded - watered big rhododendrons after putting well pump back on.
Early lunch & nap as I went to Muriel Pedersen's at 1 pm & we picked up at the Stamford Show - won HM for perennials although all the other entries were big arrangements and mine were one of each.  Wes had rested his leg, it is a little better.

1987 - Saturday - 70° at 7 AM.  H H H to continue
Caught a small mouse in flour drawer - he was being eaten by big ants!  Vacuumed them out after Wes took the mouse - what a nuisance.  Wes dug up corner of driveway relocating post for entrance dee fence.  Big stone & lots of little ones.  I cut south grass - swept walks - deadheaded - took Aquilegia from wall garden and driveway & planted it over cliff - washed pots - will give white ones to Greenhouse - Wes watered Wood Knoll & south side of service walk - To Sobols at 7 pm for dinner - rain shower at start but ate outdoors.