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July 12

1983 - Tuesday - 60° at 6 AM - Partly cloud - heat forecast - it was sunny & hot - not too humid.
Another quiet day - Wes feeling a little better -still gets up every hour at night. 
Took a ride to Rosses to return cake plate - give them cocktail tomatoes.  I shopped Waldbaums (was charged $17.94 in excess).  Bank and Marcus.  Continued weeding along upper road - cut out deadwood from tulip in Bog.

1984 - Thursday - 66° at 6 AM - Fair - going to be hot & humid - opened doors and put on fan - not a bad day at all - warm sun but not too humid to work - house cool
No Mass as I had to be at Ballard at 8:30 - Met Parks & Rec men - brought in topsoil and mulch to cover front beds except for East side where it needs more topsoil.  Put the balance of mulch in garage.  Wes finished Bog Wall - has made a two layer wall at one section - needs one more stone.  I cut grass - planted Ligularia in Bog - dwarf Aruncus in shade - allium and Hutchensia alpina on wall garden.

1985 - Friday - 58° at 6:30 - Fair - Hazy at noon - thunderstorm after dinner - unexpected & welcome
Wes to pharmacy to renew blood pressure pills - new post office near Kenosia for stamps - very convenient for us.
Brought more leaf mulch to Wood Knoll, cut off parts of Pussytoes and planted them at back steps - Wes had put stones at top to hold bank - cut grass.

1986 - Saturday - 62° at 7 AM and raining - had 1.40 inches after lunch - cloudy rest of day.  
Did house chores - finished ironing - some cleaning.  Read papers - Called up friends to invite them to lunch on Sunday, August 3rd.  Went out between showers to stake plants and deadheaded - Made David's cookies - Chocolate chunk - from dough Eileen got for us

1987 - Sunday - 72° - Very foggy - humid - H H H.  Really bad day for humidity.  To 8 o'clock Mass.
Hartcorns came to see Wes' deer fence - walked about Lucienne studying plants for their swimming pool area.  I deadheaded - watered under Rhododendrons on South side - Wes watered Wood Knoll.  We trimmed Hemlocks in garden room.  Mary Luke came to look at the Solar Room - she is considering addition to her porch.  Wes cooked steak on grill just before loud thunderstorm - heavy ran - 1.35 in gauge at 7 pm.

July 13

1983 - Wednesday.  70° at 6:30 - Beautiful morning.  Another hot day forecast - no rain - warm but low humidity and a nice breeze.
Wes had a quiet day & suffered from gas pains.
I watered - ran pump down - cut up fallen limbs and others in bog - put 8 wheelbarrow loads of chips along road above mailbox - cut south grass.
Mike Mannion repaired kitchen slider lead - we hope.
Wes & I took short walk in evening.

1984 - Friday - 60° at 6:30.  Sun up - Warm beautiful day.  Played golf 8:30/10:30 - placed with 2 men good golfers - Shopped Waldbaum's and Marcus and bank.  Lunch & nap.  Wes found two stones to place on big buried stone in bog wall.  I watered - cultivated.  Emptied both water barrels - first time in weeks - God does a better watering job.  Our Wren is singing all day long - Cowbirds are the ones taking the strawberries - Robins have a nest in back over drive.

1985 - Saturday - 58° at 6 AM - Fair - .38 rain in gauge from last night's storm - very welcome.
Cleaned house.  Wes staked out stair - path from shed to well - decided too many steps.  Deadheaded.  Finished spreading the leaf mulch on holly grape area - front of sun garden - used it up - good wood garden effect - we think.
President Reagan operated on for intestinal growth.
Moved seedlings from wall garden to back steps.

1986 - Sunday - 58° at 6 AM - Cloudy - dreary all day - rain in afternoon (thunderstorm) - again after went to bed - 1 inch more.
To 8 o'clock Mass.  I was Lector for John Murphy
Quiet day - read papers - desk work - checked on tablecloths for Aug. 3rd luncheon - brought down metal table to measure - made lists of supplies needed -
Made a rum cake - studied salad recipes

1987 - Monday - 70° at 7 AM - Slept an additional hour.  H H H again.  Bad day - sun too hot to stay in it - very high humidity.  Did wash.  To Ridgefield Hardware for aluminum shape - Wes will make a propagation box - bought stakes for Ballard at Youngs - a few groceries.  In afternoon Wes worked on the propagation box (very warm in shop)  I deadheaded - swept walks - lots of washovers from heavy rain - put some leaf mulch on spots.