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July 22

1983 - Friday - 58° at 5:30 - Clear - 1/4 inch rain from last night's storm - glad to see everything wet
Very high wind all day, lots of debris down.
Shopped Walbaums at 8 o'clock -
Cut grass. Edged Belgian block.
Made a blueberry sponge cake - it fell but good eating for us.
Walked from four to five. Bit Joan & Kelly phoned in evening. They were at Pam's for the night.

1984 - Sunday - 65° at 6 AM - Foggy - cleared to mostly sunny day - lots of beautiful clouds - not too warm. Our telephone has been out since Friday - to be repaired tomorrow.
Spent day working around place. Wes started moving woodpile at the north end - hope to get an equipment shed there. I deadheaded - dug up Freezia and Tulip bulbs from holding bed. Moved bleeding heart from Wood Knoll to bog - put an ever blooming one in its place. Wes found Spotted Wintergreen near Woodpile - we moved them to four others near Bonsai tree.

1985 - Monday - 66° at 6:15 - Cloudy. 1.35 inch in rain gauge. Sprinkles at breakfast time - cleared before noon - humid - air changed about 6 pm - cooler.
Made cookies - Wes inspected for washout damage on pump/shed path - will have to install some drains. To Youngs for birdfood - recycling - bank - worked at Ballard for an hour and half - Stop & Shop - home for lunch & nap.
Wes bought wood at Wicks & made a trellis for clematis on West Slope - I cut grass - deadheaded.

1986 - Tuesday - 62° at 6:30 - Cloudy - To Mass. Prepared flower arrangement and daylily and perennials for Garden Club meeting at Ada Franken's - won 3-2-3 - for gasoline and bananas first - then lunch at Edith Meffley's - home at 5:30. Wes had worked on rock pool area, trying to break stone for an even base.
Wrens left the Williamsburg Bottle nest - miss them.

1987 - Wednesday - 69° at 6 AM - Cloudy. H H H  Terrible weather. To Mass. Put leaf in diningroom table - measured tablecloth - for Saturday's dinner.  
Wes continued clearing area below big rock at well - moved stones - getting to look good - had to leave one big stone buried. I deadheaded - watered - wrote to Bit. Had a beer to celebrate moving Wes' big stone into place. To Republican Caucus at 7:45 - not home until 9:30 - very hot in Veterans Park School. We voted for Jan Johns and Peter Yanity.

July 23
Anniversary of Daddy's death

1983 - Saturday - 57° at 6:15. Fair - warm - clouded up in evening.
Wes rested most of day - didn't feel like walking.
Did wash - cleaned house lightly. Watered Wood Knoll. Returned cheese trays to Stoddards - gave them the small Agapanthus. Dug wall plants from driveway - put them in potting tray - moved some of Artemisia Silver King to end of perennial garden.

1984 - Monday - 66° at 6 AM. Foggy - hot humid day - breeze at night. I worked at Ballard 8-12. Wes finished moving North wood pile and started raking area. After lunch and nap I made 40 ham salad sandwiches for Garden Club meeting tomorrow - cures you of wanting to go into the food business. Telephone and CL & P worked all day on lines - our telephone back on at 7:45. Phoned Mary & Eileen - who has to go to Los Angeles tomorrow - we will mind Boo.

1985 - Tuesday - 55° at 6:30 - Fair - beautiful cool day. No Mass - Father on vacation.
Deadheaded. Wes repaired walk shed to well - (rain damage) Put up trellis for clematis on big rock West side. He patched grass near road above mailbox using so-called topsoil - almost gone now.
I went to RGC meeting in Ballard Park, picking up Helen at 11:30 - lunch there - Terry Keller talked. Home at four - I chipped away at growth on cliff near deck.

1986 - Wednesday - 60 at 6:30 - Fair warm humid
Watched wedding of Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson from London - beautiful spectacle. Did wash - ironed, deadheaded and Wes watered vegetable garden. Took an early nap - left at 12:30 for Atchley Pavilion for 2:30 appointment with Dr. Savetsky on my throat - couldn't find anything luckily. Home to do more watering - pick beans

1987 - Thursday - 72° at 6:30. Foggy - another H H H day. Deadheaded. Wes watered north side plants. Walpole's Doug Barrios here at 10 to show two plans for gate - we decided on Connecticut gate - the more expensive naturally. Wes continued raking out section near well. I made zucchini soup using big zucchini Eileen had brought us and many of our onions. Picked almost all our lettuce - put a lot on compost & one row of beans.