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July 30

1983 - Saturday - 70° at 6:30.  Hot, humid and a breeze until late afternoon, when I've heard thunder but no rain here - too bad.
Did wash, cleaned house - moved chips to wood area on south side behind flower garden - improve the look tremendously.  Watered.  Picked strawberries, squash - cucumbers and a good amount of beans.  Took walk to Ned's Mountain Road.  Wes feeling stronger.

1984 - Monday.  62° at 7 AM - Slept until 6:45 (no Boo)  Partly sunny day - not bad - humid.
Played golf 9:15-10:45 - a good time as we went by ourselves.  Home to start lifting Leucothoe behind shade garden - Wes brought Vargas so-called topsoil and raised level there, separating the three plants at the last end.  After lunch I went for a haircut.  Wes made a stone wall around oak at end of shade garden wall.  I edged back of wall garden and around white pines.  A busy day - tired.

1985 - Tuesday - 64° at 6:15 - Overslept - Fair day.  Muggy in afternoon - high about 84.  To Mass - Father back from vacation.  Wes and I worked at Ballard with Muriel Pederson & Bollie Hoffman - 8:30 to 11:30 - Wes bought 2 new Waterpiks at Caldors - shopped Stop & Shop enroute home.  Wes had 3:30 appointment with Dr. Yanity who said he had broken off tartar - Wes still thinks it was a pice of tooth.  I cut grass - watered a lot of plants and deadheaded - swept Garden Room.

1986 - Wednesday - 70° at 7 AM - Slept late.  Cloudy.  Rain at 4 o'clock - thunderstorm in evening - heavy rain - at 9 pm there was 2.1 inches in gauge!
Did wash - deadheaded - to Bethel - Emily's for Italian flatbread & cookies - Agway for lawnboy oil - Ring's End for pegboard hardware.  After lunch and nap, worked in Wall garden - Wes shifted wood at shed end to improve view from front walk - I cut north grass just before rain.

1987 - Thursday - 59° at 6 AM.  Hazy - Good sleeping - used extra blanket.  Gathered articles for work at Ballard Garden - Wes drove me as he wanted to pick up Saxcrete - he also went later to Wicks for more - put in the two posts for driveway gate.  Wes returned to Ballard for me - we had a good crew working so did all deadheading.  I watered - edged perennial garden & Herb Garden

July 31

1983 - Sunday - 68° at 6 AM and foggy - became hazy, hot and humid.  No thunderstorm here.
To 8 o'clock Mass.  I watered and deadheaded.  Left for Tarrytown at 10:30 - stopped for gasoline at Mobil along Route 100 - took that route to McKeil's Corners good way.  Eileen took us to Boat Club for luncheon - air conditioned - enjoyed seeing boats and Mallards.  Home at 4:30 - watered & picked strawberries - supper on deck.

1984 - Tuesday - 58° at 6 AM - Cool night - Fair humid - warm in sun.  No Mass as I had to be at Ballard Garden at 8 AM to work.  Lots of help so spread all the mulch.  Home at 1 after stopping at bank & store
Wes had brought down stone for the Bog watercourse and dug out the stones along the road there.  We continued working in that area - lovely shade in the heat.  I also deadheaded and watered some plants.

1985 - Wednesday - 64° at 6:30 - Slept late - cloudy
Wes went to Jessups for two containers of manure, put them on compost piles and turned them over - old one now ready for use.  I moved a half dozen plants from driveway below wall garden to back steps - deadheaded
Rain started at noon just after we picked first tomaties, beans, lettuce and zucchinis.  After lunch & nap I worked on Dutch Bulb Order at Louise McKeon's request - she wanted to order right away but I will have to wait for Muriel Pedersen's order.  To Ruth Sharp's at 5 - Rosses - McKeon's & Billie there with Nancy Carroll - they had attended Verdery Memorial
Heavy rain late evening

1986 - Thursday - 59° at 6 AM - Light rain 1.75 in rain gauge at 7:15 AM from rain overnight.
Wes went to Mass.  I prepared for Ballard Garden work.  Muriel, Ricky - Carol & Bollie showed up despite the mist.  We deadheaded and staked - ate Carol's blueberry muffins.  I shopped following.  Wes had put new post in for "Naughty Duck"  Deadheaded - staked - heavy rain had knocked down plants & tomato plants - raked paths -swept.  Taylor Rental delivered articles for Sunday's lunch.
Eileen had cat scan at W.P. Hospital.

1987 - Friday - 64° at 6 AM - Foggy - quite a thunderstorm at 11 pm last night.  3/4 of inch - good.  To Mass.
Wes to [[?Meekes]] for bolts - Waldbaums for groceries
I cut grass - pulled out Filipendula Zenusta - not worth space in garden.  Staked up snapdragons.  Wes cut lumber for gates.  Geologist Pam Brock asked to see our rocks - working on her Doctorate.
Pedersens stopped by - Muriel left me Bonsai book - showed Dick around.