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August 3

1983 - Wednesday - 60˚ at 6:30 - Slept late.  Beautiful morning - hot and humid day - not bad in shade.  Over the cliff to show Wes the wild azaleas - he confirmed identification - we cleared around them.  Tried new canvas soaker hose on wall garden - not very satisfactory.  Watered Knoll garden.  Wes watered Myrtle - Weeded Eunonymus Emerald Gaiety (buried in grass) and watered - looks good.  I cut small trees near top planting bed - everything very dry.

1984 - Friday.  69˚ at 6AM - Hazy - hot-humid- 1/10 much rain from last night.  Did "closing-house" chores - put silver away.  Put timers in den and bedroom - plants on deck - Did work wash - deadheaded all nicotiana - White Dahlias - Lucienne & Terry may take them for church - composted first beans - staked up new rows - put fertilizer on flower beds - Wes continued work on Bog Watercourse - looks more natural now - made path stone to cross it - Quit early - showered - read papers on deck.  Watched Olympics on TV in evening. 

1985 - Saturday - 56˚ at 6:30 - Very foggy - became a beautiful day with lots of fast moving clouds in afternoon.  Dead headed - picked beans, strawberries and one tomato - had it for supper - very good.  Wes cleaned up area when moved Hemlock had come from along glade Path - we moved a big stone from the hole and Wes added it to Hemlock well.  Early lunch.  To "Gods Must Be Crazy" at Commerce Park at 11:15, stopping for gas enroute.  Very good.  I trimmed Spiral - took Balsam Christmas wreath apart. 

1986 - Sunday - 70˚ at 6AM.  Foggy - cloudy - off and on sunny.  Very humid but no rain for our party day.  Prepared flowers - chicken salad - fruit for lunch.  Jeff of Country Caterers here at 11:30 with Veg Tray - shrimp - cheese - Guests at 12:30 - Tracys, McKeons, Rosses - Timpanellis, Keelers, Billie and Grace Schaefer.  Good time - left at 4pm - We straightened up - had a nap - relaxed on deck all evening - folded up rental chairs and table - did dishes etc.

1987 - Monday - 70˚ at 7AM & raining.  Good to sleep late.  At 9AM - one inch - no more after that but a terribly humid day - house was nice and cool closed up.  To Pinchbeck to inquire about plants for Billie Newell's birthday - on for gasoline - shopped Anacona's - to Gregory Sawmill where Wes ordered lumber for [[strikethrough]] gate [[/strikethrough]] - bank & Marcus.  After lunch Wes put second section of gate together.  We cleared off pegboard of garden articles & hooks as George Ventris coming tomorrow to replace.

August 4

1983 - Thursday - 69° at 6 AM.  Foggy - hazy hot and humid - mostly cloudy - thunder in afternoon but no rain - very disappointing.  To Mass.  Gave beans to Alex and Helen - McKeons gave us corn & apples.  Made applesauce and zucchini soup with our zucchini.
To liquor store for wine (still not drinking) Stop & Shop - Reclamation - copy of Dr Puckner's bill and Medicare form - to Roberts - bought Imari vases - lunch at Snack Shop - home for nap - cut south grass - watered.

1984 - Saturday.  68° at 6:15 - Fair - hot - humid.  Shower in thunderstorm late afternoon - not measurable
Preparations for trip - washed - ironed - deadheaded.
Terry Keller & Lucienne took flowers (Dahlias) for church.  Wes cut grass.  I trimmed and edged.
To 5 pm Mass and Vargas to dinner following - Castles were there - home at 10:30.

1985 - Sunday - 58° at 6 AM - Sun came over the hill about 6:30 - Beautiful day - warm sun.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  To Rock Garden Society seedling sale at White Flower Farm - started at 10:30 - bought 21 plants @ 3/$1.00 - then bought plants at W77, one for Gizella - stopped for hamburger enroute home - ate it in Garden Room - nap - After I planted some of the rock garden plants - Wes took out a big stone in Wood Knoll when wanted to plant Epimedium.  Walked about discussing plant moves.

1986 - Monday - 64° at 7:15 - Sunny.  First good morning in weeks - it seems - beautiful day - enjoyed it.  Taylor Rental picked up tables - chairs etc early.  We cleared out dishwasher - put party articles away.  
Planted the two "Pink Balloon" azaleas near Carlson's big one - all rock garden plants on step garden except for European Ginger which joined others in Garden Room - Deadheaded - Cut grass - quite high.  Wes dug around huge stone at shed path - he delivered a loaf of bread to McKeons and NY Times to Tracys.

1987 - Tuesday - 65° at 6 AM - Fair - not bad in morning - very warm and humid in afternoon.
I prepared for work at Ballard Garden - deadheaded, weeded - trimmed.  We had a picnic lunch for Bolie Hoffman who is moving to St. Symons Island Aug. 14th.  Home at 2:30.  George Ventris had come - fixed Solar door - put two new windows in Wes' shop - put heavy pegboard on garage - replacing light-weight one.  Wes had moved big stones at driveway front but had to quit account heat.  I did ironing (house cool) and cut south grass late in afternoon.