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August 9

1983 - Tuesday - 67° at 6 AM - clear - No rain came.  Bit & Bridget coming to Eileen's today.  A short shower before 9 AM - not measurable - so few drops at Ballard we didn't have to leave gardens.  I went to Mass.  We waited for Friendly Plumber who wrapped pipes in crawl space - water pipes.  After lunch & nap Wes continued making trail down cliff - I went for haircut at 3 PM - left bedspread at laundry.  On return I cut south lawn, watered everything until well shut down.  Found 2 more Tomato Horn Worms. 

1984 - Thursday - at Asticou Inn - Maine.  Foggy - cool - overcast - saw sun briefly in afternoon.
Took 10:15 boat trip to Little Cranford - Islesford - saw Osprey nest - Harbor Seals - Museum at Islesford - back at 12:30 - Lunch at Town Park "Popplestones" - good - back to Asticou for nap - drove to Gote House Parking Lot - walked 5 mile loop of Carriage Road - drove to Bar Harbor and back to Inn for drink - There was a buffet - lots of people for dinner.

1985 - Friday - Clear - warm - not bad here as had a breeze - 90's in NYC.  Bit with us.
Wes worked on well/shed path.  I walked with Bit in Hemlock Hills - took her to Lexington Gardens - home for lunch - set up in Garden Room.  Nap - Eileen came up at 3 o'clock with Boo - we all had iced tea in Garden Room which Eileen admired.  She took Bit home with her at 4:30.  
We had cocktail - relaxed -

1986 - Saturday - 68° at 6:30 - Fair - Sunny - Not bad when breeze came - warm & humid in sun.
Gizella and I fixed the flowers for church - there was a wedding at 11:30 - bride only having bows on pins!
Wes continued gathering stones & working on dell path wall.  We cleaned area off triangle garden - Wes dug out nice flat stones there - I will plant ferns and hosta.  Felt quite lazy so didn't accomplish much.

1987 - Sunday - 66° at 6 AM - Cloudy - rain at 4 pm - heavy at times in evening.
To 8 o'clock Mass - Marcus for milk - Wes changed stones left side of entrance so fence could fit over one - raised couple other big ones - finished area - looking good.  I planted the W77 large Cardinal flower and the two from ArGs - very small.  Put the two Liatris with one we have - dug out two Cimicifuga & put them near shed - put two Phlox Bright Eyes where Cimicifuga was - put small rock garden plants in wall & steps.

August 10

1983 - Wednesday - 58° at 6 AM - Cool!  Sun 6:03 - 8:03.  Mostly sunny day until evening - much lower humidity.
Wes went over cliff working on trail - in afternoon brought up 3 ferns which we planted against stones in back of shade garden - cut north grass - edged crab grass above mailbox - Wes cut down two saplings in bog garden - Cardinal flowers blooming - lifted branches near them - put wire around "Dolls Eyes" - Pete Nelson Floor man looked at raised floor - only finishes floors - Called George Ventris - will look Mon. P.M.  Dr Puckner phoned - Wes has infection still - he ordered another pill.

1984 - Friday - At Asticou Inn, Maine
Foggy damp day.  In car took route along Soames Sound side of Northeast Harbor - beautiful homes - on over to Southwest Harbor where we walked Wonderland Trail - just masses of Carnus Canadensis - and Ship Harbor Trail - had lunch at a shore restaurant - drove all around that section and back to Inn for a nap.  To the Wildflower Garden again in Sieur de Monts Spring - drove rest of Loop Road - heard Thunderhole - stopped at some sections - back to Inn.

1985 - Saturday - 64° at 7 AM - Foggy morning cleared - hot humid - clouds midday - clear at night.
Did wash - checked for hornworms on tomatoes - none.
Made out Dutch Bulb order - made a date with the Castles to come here on the 24th.  Wes finished grading and putting gravel on shed/well path.  I deadheaded cultivated shade garden.  Other gardens where we have leaf mulch no cultivation is needed.  Trimmed Lamium from Compost Path and replanted the rooted cuttings over cliff.

1986 - Sunday - 60° at 6 AM - Fair - Good sleeping weather - cool.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Lector for Regina Moores.
Flowers needed water - removed some - Gizella replaced some at 9:30 Mass.  Deadheaded.  After lunch cut grass.  Wes worked on wall at dell path - also took out "Bonsai" tree off house/shed walk - makes area look better.  Moved Variegated Hostas from new wall area to that spot - Humid in evening.  Wes cooked steak on grill - 4 Raccoons tried to climb grill after dark.

1987 - Monday - 64° at 7:30 - good to sleep late - only 4/10 in rain gauge in lawn north side - we thought there would be more - probably was everything was very wet.  Not an outdoor day - mist or threatened rain.
Did wash - ironed - took Billie Newell's birthday card to the Rosses for signature - left it there as Mary Luke & Sattlers not available - Martini for lunch - I was able to deadhead - very few day lilies left - Read papers - did crossword.  Phoned Carlson's - will pick up Rhododendron & Azaleas tomorrow.