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August 19

1983 - Friday - 64° at 6:45 AM - Foggy - became very warm and humid.  Cuccoli & helper Dave came - located connecting wires to MacIntosh - left speakers - well order 3 - way switch and return next week
Picked vegetables - not many - deadheaded - only one day lily plant still blooming.  Wes went to renew stomach pills - picked up suit jacket from tailor finally.
After lunch we went to first level over cliff - cut small trees there.  Earlier had some more Maidenhair Fern Hepatica & Bloodroot - brought up Bloodroot in way of path

1984 - Sunday - 58° at 6:30 - Partly cloudy.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  I cleaned house while Wes dug trench to move big Hemlock back toward woodpile.  I helped in last part of move.  Planted lettuce - picked beans - Gathered more Sensitive Fern and planted them in North Woods.
Long nap after lunch.  To Rosses at 4:15 - Alex drove to Father Tighe's in Stamford who gave a dinner for donor of dwarf Japanese maple on his anniversary.  Home at Ten o'clock.

1985 - Monday - 64° at 7am - Slept late - Cloudy - all day - light mist at times - no rain.  Wes took car to Honda for rust body work.  Rented a Ford Mercury.  I cleaned living room, checked tablecloths for weekend entertaining.  Transplanted the 3 Juniperus communis compressa in wall garden under Japanese Maple by moving other rock garden plants to their right.  Moved the Juniperus procumbens nana from corner of wall garden to West slope.  Moved couple Cornus Canadensis from Wood Knoll to bed under Hemlock on cliff walk.  Wes dug up top grass near well - we will plant more wildflowers, more emerald gaiety there, etc.

1986 - Tuesday - 66° at 6:15 - Sun comes up after we start breakfast now - supposed to be part sun & cloud - not much sun - light shower at 4:30 - more in evening.  To Mass - picked up flowers at church.  Worked around place - Wes did more wall work - we transplanted a Siberian Iris (to spot under Crab on North grass) and Maidenhair - to spot below a big rock left of house-shed walk - I cut grass just before rain.

1987 - Wednesday - 59° at 6 AM - Fair - Cool night.  Much better sleeping - became increasingly humid, sun very warm.  To Mass.  We moved big stone taken from Wood Knoll (hole for Exbury Pink Balloon) to rock pile - using pipes & platform.  Wes brought topsoil to fill behind stones at gate - covered it with the 2 bags of wood chips we had.  Mixed soil and peat and filled holes in perennial garden made by voles (?) covered soil with leaf chips.  Watered garden opposite Piper and the perennial garden.  Checked box of Cardinal Flower propagation - no plants yet.

August 20

1983 - Saturday - 68° at 6:30.  Had breakfast on deck - heard Woodpeckers but didn't see the Flickers - Red Bellied or Pileated.  Very hot and humid day with a drying wind - everything wilting - ran the pump dry watering the Wood Knoll.
Cleaned house (sort of) washed - worked in garden.
Wes continued work on cliff path - worked too hard and long.  I trimmed brush there after cutting south grass.  Beautiful views of the pond and cliffs now opening up in clearing

1984 - Monday - 60° at 6 AM - Fair - Thunderstorm in night - 3/10 inch - glad to have it for the transplants.
Beautiful day - sunny and cool.  Wes continued moving the topsoil on North Grass - almost finished.  I transplanted the native Aquilegia to spots over front bank and at big rock.  Cut south grass - lots of mole runs - Wes used roller on it.  I transplanted more of the shad garden Astilbes - put 2 traps in for moles.  To Agway for lime - used Bethel Bank to transfer from savings - shopped Market.

1985 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM - Cloudy - some mist in morning - No Mass as Father on retreat.  In rented car we went to Ballard Garden to work for the morning - Muriel and Bollie Hoffman there also.  Wes left to go to bank & Hardware Store as Eileen's vacuum broke when I put in iced tea.  Shopped Stop & Shop & liquor enroute home - Lunch - nap - Deadheaded - watered transplants until water stopped.  Pulled onions for drying.  Wes went to pick up Honda - polished and spot painted except for back under trunk - looks good.

1986 - Wednesday - 65° at 7 AM - Cloudy - a bad run of weather - no rain but cloudy & humid.
Wes worked on wall behind shade garden.
I washed - ironed - made a coffee cake in the microwave - not good looking - white.
Trimmed - edged - brought down leaf chips from North slope to dress flower beds.

1987 - Thursday - 62° at 7 AM - Had thunderstorm last night - unexpected - rain gauge not out - barrels mostly full - Fair day, warm sun, nice breeze.
I went to Danbury Fair for a haircut - bought a Sweatshirt at G Fox and size 9 Reeboks for walking - will return them for larger size when comes in - GW Highway closed to thru traffic - used Shadow Lake Road (replacing bridges on GWH)  Wes dug post holes North & South to extend fence - a big job.  I transplanted a Leucothoe to well area - also moved the tree small Hostas placed against the big rock that area to spot along pat - Saw two small frogs in Freddy pool.