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August 31

1983 - Wednesday - 69° at 6AM - Cloudy - some mist but no hoped for showers.
To 7:30 Mass at St Peters - shopped Waldbaum's following - and Marcus.  Made Fruit Bars and a Zucchini-Walnut loaf for the Garden Show.  Early lunch.  Left at 12:30 for Atchley - 2:15 appointment Dr. Puckner.  Wes' bladder healed under microscope - took culture - call next Wednesday - fade out Hiprex pill - continue Probarthine twice a day - Stopped at Pharmacy enroute home - here at 4:30

1984 - Friday - 68° at 7 AM - Slept one hour later!  Thunderstorm at 2 AM - got up to shut windows - 17/100 inch only but welcome.  I did a work wash while Wes went for gasoline and more peat.  We dug all low yellow lilies from half shade garden and the Great Allum - in that spot we put part of the Siberian Iris from Bog wall - moved Hosta there - rearranged stepping stones.  Dug up 6 Hemerocallis and put them on wall off Solar (came from NE triangle).  Wes cut South grass while I took part of Coreopsis to the Rosses.  Nice cool night.

1985 - Saturday - 58° at 7 AM - Cloudy - only a little clearing - looked like rain again - cool - wore sweaters.
Continued work on two big rocks above house/shed path - finally got them in good position.  Wes then brought in so-called topsoil to fill space in back of them and did final grade with good soil.  Big job and it looks good.  I deadheaded - picked tomatoes, beans, zucchini to take to Eileen tomorrow.  Sprayed for White Fly on Eileen's Azalea.  Staked up Sedum Autumn Joy as it is spreading - beginning to color.  Did work wash.  Early to bed.

1986 - Sunday - 49° at 6:30 - Beautiful day.  
To 8 o'clock Mass - I was lector.  After a second piece of toast out to work in garden - Wes finished road end of new wall behind shade garden - brought down soil - put on more sod.  I watered new grass above mailbox and [[strikethrough]] other [[/strikethrough]] transplants of the season - also sod Wes was working on.  To Keller's at 5 for cocktail & supper.  32 people - lovely evening.

1987 - Monday.  56° at 7 AM - Fair - Wes had a bad night coughing - after a couple good ones.
Rushed to Waldbaums for bananas and fruit.  Left at 10 for Airport Westchester - met Eileen - she was taking flight to Niagara Falls - drove dogs & both cars home.  Lunch - nap - me on the sofa with the dogs.  Wes put up two sections of the fence.  I dug up front section of perennial bed, adding peat and compost.  Walked dogs.  Mary Grouse said Eleanor died last night.
Phoned Eileen at Lockport with Holmdens that dogs OK.

September 1

1983 - Thursday - 62° at 6:30 - Cloudy - became fair beautiful day.  To Mass.  Korean Airliner shot down by Russians.
I worked at Ballard 9-11 - only Muriel Peterson there.  Shopped for Nancy Carroll's birthday present at Ridgeifled Photo (album), Brunetti's.  Wes had cut down half dozen dead trees in dell - carried them to North Cliff.  I raked leaves from front walk - found more Spotted Wintergreen in North Woods - put peat moss in bed on Northeast side - watered - Grouse's septic field material arrived

1984 - Saturday - 54° at 7 AM - Slept late again.  Fair.  Big cobweb in front of Thermometer.  Busy working day.  Did wash.  Picked beans.  Wes watered North grass.  Finished transplanting day lilies on Triangle Garden - put Eileen's lilies there - found big stone and Wes took it out.  He moved some Beebalm to Wild Garden on Wood Knoll - Sun Drops to Forsythia along road.  Put a piece of Coreopsis in Triangle - left rest of transplants on plastic under chimney for planting Monday.

1985 - Sunday - 52° at 6 AM - Partly cloudy.  Hurricane Elena still swirling in Gulf of Mexico - second day there.  Cleared to a beautiful day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Walked about inspecting transplants.  Left for Eileen's at 10 AM.  Mary came at 12 - Had a pleasant visit - home at 4:45.  Took a nap then went to Tracy's for their cocktail party.  Had tonic water - Home at 7:30 - Read papers - rerun of the "Irish RM" on Channel 13.

1986 - Labor Day - 49° at 7 AM.  Fair - clouded up in evening.  Wes went to Marcus for milk - I made muffins for tomorrow's Ballard Garden crew - also more David's cookies - we are on the last roll unfortunately.  
Wes finished the "step" end of the wall behind the shade garden and brought down soil for it.  I watered the new grass patch above mailbox - the azaleas in the Wood Knoll - latest white pine etc. - ran the pump down.  Cut the grass

1987 - Tuesday - 58° at 7 AM - Fair - Rain during night (.35).  Dogs with us - walked them - didn't see Snow carry Boo's bowl - saw her do it at lunchtime!
I worked at Ballard with Muriel, Charlotte & Edith - we transplanted the big white phlox.  Wes finished south side of fence - started on north end.  I mostly walked dogs and get more peat & compost for perennial bed.
We went to Eleanor Grouse's wake at Hull's Funeral Home at 7 pm; taking dogs with us.  Home at 8:45 - read - walked dogs - bed at 10 pm.

Transcription Notes:
Duplicate scan of page 130