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September 2

1983 - Friday - 54° at 6 AM - Cool clear morning - to be a hot weekend.  Senator Jackson died of heart attack. 
Wes went to St Peters at 7:30 for Mass - shopped Marcus - to bank and gasoline following.  Cuccoli installed kichen speakers and cut off switch for all speakers - Great. 
Bethel Sand & Gravel delivered gravel and topsoil.  Watered and cultivated.  Wes had prepared places on North Side to receive gravel & top soil. To Rosses at six - followed them to Father Tighe's St Leo Parish Stamford for fair - had hamburger (Wes) Bratwurst & Sauercraut (me).  Ice cream at Rosses on return - Bed at twelve.

1984 - Sunday - 52° at 6am - Cloudy - some few raindrops in morning but no hoped-for rain - sunny in late afternoon - To 8 o'clock Mass - prepared for Eileen - here at 11 o'clock with a loaf of bread and Boo - walked about - had dinner - she left at 3 PM.  We had a nap - did dishes - dressed to go to Sobol's at 5:30 - lots of people for drinks and buffet - home in time to see "To Serve Them All My Days."

1985 - Monday - Labor Day - 60° at 7am - Cloudy - few sprinkles.  Hurricane Elena expected to hit Mobile Alabama.  No loss of lives - lots of property damage.
Transplanted Bleeding Heart and Fern growing at Azalea right side of Garden Room to two big rocks above house/shed walk.  Deadheaded - staked - To movie "Volunteers" at 1:20 - not very good - Shopped Waldbaums following.  Cut grass.  Cudzellos and friends saw and admired house.

1986 - Tuesday - 59° at 6 AM - Cloudy - some mist in early morning - then mostly cloudy.  Wes went to Mass.  I prepared for Ballard Garden work - switching to Tuesdays now. - 3 ladies joined - Muriel - Carol & Bollie - Shopped Stop & Shop & for gasoline enroute home.  Wes had freed lots of big rocks on north slope.  Watered new sod behind shade garden & the vegetable garden - only tomatoes & beans left.  Expected delivery of new pool but truck was delayed.

1987 - Wednesday - 49° at 6 AM - Fair.  Walked dogs.  To Mass.
To Eleanor Grouse's service in Congregational Church, Deer Hill Ave., Danbury, at 11, stopping at Wickes enroute for nails for the fence.  Beautiful church and service.  Ate lunch at Sesame Seed - stopped at bank - home for nap - Increasing cloudiness - few rain drops - walked dogs early.  Wes worked on fence north side - I transplanted Armeria in Rock Garden - dug more of addition to perennial garden.

September 3

1983 - Saturday - 58° at 6:15.  Clear - warm - dry.  Wes went to 7:30 Mass at St. Peter's - completing the week.
Did a wash - cleaned house - watered - brought down stones - long ones - to rebuild west end of wall garden - not finished but looks good.  Wes' bandsaw was delivered by McKenzie.  I went with Gizella to check flowers at church - wedding was still going on so had to return later.  Bought peaches and corn at Airport Market.  Cut grass

1984 - Labor Day - 58° at 7 AM - Some rain during night! - Had seen stars and moon out enroute home too!  Exactly 25/100 inch - Quarter inch in gauge at 8 AM.  Glad of it and the cloudy day.  Transplanted everything into new perennial bed - will probably have to move them around again as hard to make a plan with what we had.  Fixed labels.  Wes started making steps up May Apple bank.  Thunderstorm at 5 pm - and rain again in evening.

1985 - Tuesday - 56° at 6:30 - Clear - Sunny - more humid - nice here in the shade.  To Mass.  Gathered tools and went to Ballard Garden to work - transplanted two Exbury Azaleas, peony - broke up Hemerocallis - Hatsie Hart took another peony - gave day lily to Bolie Hoffman & Miss Hull.  Planted 2 groups of Pres Lee's iris and we all took some home.  After lunch & nap, Wes transplanted Eileen's small azalea to garden room - moving one Leucothoe to back behind shade garden - I transplanted lilies and one Hemerocallis in Half Sun Garden preparatory to moving Eileen's big azalea.

1986 - Wednesday - 60° at 7 AM - Cloudy - rain at 4:30 PM.
Richard Nota - pump man - and James Keeley with small backhoe - here to install piping and connect the two garden wells together - graded and took away granite dust from drilling the well.  Jimmy of Castle Electric here to start electric work for new pump - change den outlets to work both ends - Wes dug trench for electric line to new pump.  I did wash - ironed - miscellaneous garden chores - Mice (?) are eating roots of Hostas - three already gone.

1987 - Thursday - 50° at 6 AM.  Fair - light shower overnight - not wet under trees.  Dogs with us.  Walked them several times - they are eating OK - Boo devours everything.  Wes finished putting up boards on fence.  I cut grass - transplanted two Digitalis in shade garden.  Pulled out tomato plants and planted lettuce.  Quit early - shower - dinner - left at 6 o'clock with dogs and all their belongings - in two cars for airport Armonk - Eileen arrived at 7:20 - we drove home - reached here 8:15 - tried to do crossword - unsuccessful.  Wes slept in our bed - first time since dogs' visit.