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September 22

1983 - Thursday - 56° at 6 AM - Sky clearing - became a beautiful day - sunny and cool.  To Mass.  I worked at Ballard Garden - picking up meat at Brunetti and Brie at Cheese Shop afterwards.  Wes cleaned house.  He cut grass after lunch while I cooked Veal Ragout, Zucchini soup - chocolate cake for tomorrow's dinner.
We checked on yesterday's transplants - all well firmed in and nicely wet - it was a good time to transplant. 
There were 1.26 inches rain - so glad

1984 - Saturday.  44° at 6:30 - Fair - beautiful day - it has been lovely weather except for gardeners.
Left at 8:30 for Norfolk, Ct. - rock garden of E.C. Childs, [[strikethrough]] Norf [[/strikethrough]] thru over mountain to Millstream, Falls Village - garden of Lina and Timmy Foster.  We liked the Childs garden better - and good [[can?]] - he showed us the fringed gentian at his sawmill - beautiful.  Up Route 22 and home via Route 7- good day. - home at 4:30 with new ideas.
Watered new grass and transplants before dinner

1985 - Sunday - 63° at 6:15.  Cloudy - looked like rain - damp - home unfortunately.  To 8 oclock Mass.  Read papers.  Wes balanced check book.  We cut out brown frongs from Boston Fern - thinned it down.  Brought in spider plant - cutting off all brown and diseased leaves.  Broke up asparagus fern replanting only one piece.  Same thing for indoor maidenhair - threw the small ones that had scale over the cliff.  Wes worked on well/shed path.  Mole is digging up north grass - Cut grass - raised mowers again.  North grass burned out.

1986 - Monday 52° at 6:15 - Dark - Foggy, - Partly cloudy/sunny-few sprinkles in late afternoon. 
Wes took car to Honda for oil change and tune up 
Stopped at bank and for bananas enroute home.  I took up hem of Talbot suit purchased for June talk.  We looked for stones to set Piping Boy on at new pool - tried some combinations.  Cleaned out the pool.  Wes continued lining up big rocks on North Slope. 
Transplanted Calluna and Erica to Wood Knoll from front path to give them more sun. 

1987 - Tuesday - 59° at 7:30 - Cloudy - Saw big deer near compost - he jumped easily over fence.  Wes went to Youngs for deer wire - had to take 5 foot.  
Worked all day closing off cliff near shed.  Fence man came and said he could not do a better job.  I made mushroom and other tea sandwiches and picked up Helen at 11:45 & on to Lucie Bowie's for Garden Club meeting.   Mary Hopkins spoke on Perennials - beautiful slides.  Home at 5:45.

September 23

1983 - Friday - 44° at 6AM. Fall starts at 10:42 AM.  Fair cool beautiful day. 
Prepared house - food and raked leaves from front - for Father Tighe and Helen and Alex - here 6 pm-10:30
Some car hit front stone at mailbox - we barred it back in place - luckily didn't harm juniper.
I cut flowers at Louise McKeons for church - as Dykes Wedding Party never phoned about donation

1984 - Sunday - 56° at 6:30 - Partly sunny, humid warm day.  To 8 o'clock Mass
Wes paid bills - balanced check book - made out checks for contributions - John Paul Health Center - Norwalk Hospital etc. - I did the wash.
Watered grass and transplants.  Planted the Chamaecyparis pisifera Mikko bought at Herb Fair in top of wall garden.  To Mary Luke's at 6:30 for cocktail and buffet supper.

1985 - Monday - 59° at 7AM - Cloudy - Not a good weather day - looked like rain but none. 
Wes and I worked at Ballard Garden - transplanted Centaurea Veronica and Lamb Ears in front beds - trimmed.
At home we banged down grass - mole keep lifting it.  Transplanted day lilies from bed off Solar - one, split, to road one, split, to Sun Garden - other two to wall top south side of vegetable garden - pulled out last Cleome - transplanted Campanulas there.  Wed cut down three trees on Sophia that had grape vine on them - trimmed brush and trees near holding bed

1986 - Tuesday - 59° at 6:30 - Dark - Fall arrived 3:59 AM.  Few sprinkles early morning -mostly cloudy and warm day.  Wes to Mass.  I worked at Ballard with a good crew - we cut off day lilies in back bed & planted chrysanthemums Muriel Pedersen donated.  Wes finished stone steps off shade garden.  I planted a Baptisia and Lavender - first gift of Muriel, second from Ballard - shower at 5 pm.

1987 - Wednesday.  51° at 7 AM.  Fair - To Mass - breakfast following.
To Waldbaum's and Marcus.  Wes repaired deer fence above North grass - bent by deer either going in or out. Rolled out all deer prints.
I cultivated gardens - swept Garden Room.  Joe Taller came at 1:30 to walk around - talk about gardening and take pictures for an article he will write for the paper.  We planted 40 Narcissus bulbs on North Slope.  Joe gave us Frances Williams Hosta.