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September 30

1983 - Friday - 48° at 6:30. - Had a shower overnight - raining in NYC - hope it comes here - it did by noon had .30.
I worked at Greenhouse 9-12.  Wes started on grading over septic tank but but was rained out.  Worked in shop.
Went with Gizelle to Shadow Lake Orchard - bought apples and plums - to Stephanie [[?Chypre]] to discuss flowers for church - she will arrange in October.  Home to fill rock wall (garden) with pebbles.  Made apple pie - first fire for dinner.

1984 - Sunday - 42° at 6:30.  Cool - fair.  To 8 o'clock mass.  Phoned Eileen - she didn't want to go to the "Day in the Country" - Texaco sponsored event at North Salem so we worked outdoors all day.  Wes widened the walk over the cliff in front.  I cut the grass - clipped - cultivated - watered.  Trimmed the maple leaf viburnum on south side cliff - put Ivy Geranium in hanging pots and hung them in Solar.

1985 - Monday - 48° at 6 AM - Dark, Foggy - Beautiful day - quite warm.  Didn't need sweaters.
To Bank - Waldbaum's - Wes had a haircut, bought film, and propane gas.  I cooked chicken for dinner and made vegetable/beef soup for the weekend.
Continued cleanup after Gloria - Wes raked path over cliff and around the well area.  I transplanted perennials - moving shorter ones to front - threw away some overgrown.

1986 - Tuesday - 68° at 6 AM - Dark - Very warm day - back to summer.  Eileen's last day of work.  I prepared for Ballard Garden work - good crew - continued cutting down day lilies & peonies.  Wes missed Mass - stuck in bathroom.  Wes lifted sod near driveway entrance - brought down topsoil and raised hollow there.  I planted Sir John Falstaff Phlox in triangle bed - brought Japanese Painted Fern and Christmas Fern from shade garden to new pool - also moss.  Cut south grass to remove leaves.

1987 - Wednesday - 62° at 7 AM - Cloudy.  To mass.  Rained in morning - only 2/10 but welcome.  
Wes bound up papers for Reclamation - gathered articles for Salvation Army and to give to TR tomorrow.  After lunch to Gregory Sawmill to order lumber to continue fence on North side - bank - Muriel Pedersen to pick up Primula for Gavel Competition - to Reclamation - bought film and picked up pictures at Montgomery Place - Wes to Dr. Neligan - 3:15 appointment was in at 4:20 - blood pressure 130/80 - I shopped for groceries - Stopped at Louise McKeons to look at her Feverfew.  Home at 5:15.

October 1

1983 - Saturday - 56° at 6 AM - Cloudy.  First morning had oatmeal.  .30 again in gauge at 9 AM.  Mist in morning - rain in evening.
Did wash - cleaned house - picked up Stephanie Chypre and with Gizella arranged flowers at church - used last weeks wedding glads and palm & baby breath.
After lunch out to dig up [[strikethrough]] two [[/strikethrough]] 3 Azalea on Wood Knoll & put peat under and around them.  Soil very dry and sandy underneath.  Planted Poppy - Campanula.  Picked zucchini - cucumber, Sweet 100 tomatoes.

1984 - Monday - 49° at 6:30.  Dark - cloudy - rained gently most of the day - not the heavy at times we hoped for - there was .25 at 4 PM. 
Wes finally got back to his shop.  I made Tavern Bar Cookies and coffeecake to take to Williamsville.  At 2 o'clock I went to a Horticulture Meeting at the Greenhouse - home at 4 PM - stopped at Stop & Shop for a few groceries.  
Vargas returned from Hungary late afternoon.

1985 - Tuesday - 54° at 6 AM - Sun a beautiful sight coming up after breakfast.  Wes went to Mass.  I did not as prepared to work at Ballard - lots of chips there had floated out to lawn and especially close to wall.  Attended Bulb Forcing lecture at Carriage House at Nancy Callahan request (poor attendance).  Picked up birdseed -groceries - went to bank before going home.  Vee Grenier had washed windows in morning.  Mike delivered lumber for deck repair which Wes did in the afternoon.  Dutch bulbs arrived - took Louise McKeon her's - cut grass - picked debris from wall garden.

1986 - Wednesday - 72° at 6 AM.  Warm night - clear morning - beautiful warm day - a return to summer. 
I drove Wes to 9:20 train at Purdy's - went from there to liquor - card store - Stop & Shop - to Hawsie Nash's for meeting on Virginia Everett Garden & bench, back of Ballard Garden - Hawsie gave us lunch - to Ballard Carriage House for slides and talk on Rock Garden - to Purdy's to pick up Wes - train 25 minutes late - he had been to Dr. Espy - pressure 17 (excellent).  Lunch at Oyster Bar. I cut North Grass.  We put more moss near Piping Boy.

1987 - Thursday - 52° at 6 AM.  Clear, breezy, cold.  
Took 9:23 train from Purdy's - on time - went to book store for crossword book (N.Y.Times) and Latin dictionary -bought Danish - subway to 68th Street.  Dr. Espy above 69th St on Lexington - there early and out at 12 o'clock - walked to Bloomingdale's bought Isotoner gloves for Bit's and Sally's Christmas - subway to Grand Central - 12:48 train - home at 2:30 nap nap - Cut grass - Wes rerolled it - put plants in garage for light as very cold.