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October 16

1983 - Sunday - 41° at 6:30 - Sky clear - turning pink - beautiful fall day - sunny - cool - need heat on.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Did wash - Wes did desk work.  I made labels for wall garden - typed copy of Preview of Spring Horticulture schedule Louise had loaned me.  Lunch - to Commerce Park to see "Educating Rita" - Michael Caine & Julie Walters - very good - I went to Organ Dedication at church at 4 - Wes took long nap.  His side muscle is improving

1984 - Tuesday - 42° at 6AM - Beautiful fall days continue - warm and dry.  To Mass.
I worked at Ballard Garden in the morning with Muriel Pedersen - Wes in shop.
After lunch, brought leaf shredder to lower bog path and shredded big pile of leaves.  Lawns were clear at lunchtime and then the oaks dropped their leaves like a heavy rain - so we raked south lawn.  Watered a few traces plants - cut off Hostas.

1985 - Wednesday - 52° at 6AM - Beautiful day - mild.  Left at 8AM for Purdy's where we took the 8:44 train to New York - in Grand Central Terminal at 10:00 - subway to 68th street - walked to Dr. Espy's office.  Wes' pressure holding - keep on drops - back January 15.  Subway downtown - lunch at Oyster Bar - walked to Caswell Massey bought 2 jars of Lotil - caught 12:48 train to Purdy's - home at 3 pm - Wes napped.  I cut grass - lots of leaves on it - pulled out Impatiens as deer eating it - cut down Cimicifuga

1986 - Thursday - 44° at 6:45 - Part sun & clouds.  Breakfast after Mass.  Sunny morning, mostly cloudy in PM, gloomy.  Wes finished spreading the vegetable bins soil - fertilized - rolled - seeded.  Looks very good.  Wes had a haircut early - I went for one at noon, shopping for a few [[strikethrough]] vegeta [[/strikethrough]] groceries at Grand Union - After lunch and nap planted the wildflower brought from the workshop yesterday - had planted the Wayside order in the morning.  Watered everything in.

1987 - Friday - 43° at 6:30 - Had breakfast before Mass - Dark.  Beautiful day - warm in afternoon - 62°.  Opened living room doors after lunch and put on big fan to raise temperature from 52° to 62°.
Wes went with Alex to Ridgefield Supply for 2 6x6x8 fence (gate) posts for end of fence north side.  Noticed deer track at perennial garden so must get fence repaired.
I raked north slope.  White Flower Farm and McClure Zimmerman orders delivered.  Planted Heliopsis, Malva, Veronica - Allium.  Geese flying high overhead.  Grackels going thru (we hope)  Signs of fall.

October 17

1983 - Monday - 38° at 7AM - Clear - cool - looked like rain - and felt like it - in afternoon, but none.
I worked at Greenhouse in the morning.  Home for lunch and nap.  Wes was in his shop - side healing
Planted some bulbs - tulips in perennial garden where big stone was - Anemones along Wood Knoll path taking a lot of rocks out - also under Astilbe pumila which I replanted - brought in wood chips for that area.

1984 - Wednesday - 45° at 6:30 - Foggy - mostly cloudy day - some sun in afternoon.
Wes in shop.  I washed and ironed tablecloth for Sunday's guests - made almond cookies.  Wes polished andirons in living room.  After lunch I cut grass again to blow leaves - recovered immediately so Wes blew them - also blew leaves from wood knoll.
Leaves came down on grass again.  We've never seen anything like it.  Watered top transplants and north grass until pump ran out.

1985 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - Dark - became a beautiful day - cool - needed sweaters, but lovely.  To Mass.  I went with Gizella to buy chrysanthemums for church flower arrangements - a plant at Gran Central and cut sprays from Stop & Shop - picked berried Viburnum at McKeon's.
Wes had shop time - filled roller and rolled North grass to push down mole runs - up again in afternoon! - he brought back manure from Jessups - we put that on vegetable boxes - I transplanted one of Sedum Autumn Joy into sunny perennial bed and moved lilies to forward position there.

1986 - Friday - 43° at 7 AM - Cloudy - partly sunny day - warm sun but needed sweater to work.
Down Bogus to look for stone for Piping boy fountain pool edge - Brought back moss also and spent the day arranging stones around pool.  Brought up two Christmas ferns from deer trail and transplanted a maidenhair fern into the area.  Looked good to us - needs more moss.

1987 - Saturday - 48° at 7 AM.  Foggy - cleared in afternoon - warm.
Wes worked on Piper fountain - loaded with grit so only a dribble came from pipe - emptied the pool and cleaned it.  Covered it with black plastic against leaves.  In afternoon he put boards on fence at north end.  I planted Scilla Endymion, Dutch Iris on new garden at well.  Planted 5 pots of tulips one hyacinth - one narcissus - for [[strikethrough]] plant [[/strikethrough]] forcing.
To Neligans at 5:30 - cocktail party for son David and wife Gretchen - home at 7.  Decided not to go to Ridgefield Orchestra concert