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October 26

1983 - Wednesday - 40° at 6 AM. - Mostly cloudy day cold - leaves falling here but in spots color is still beautiful.  House chores - Phoned Litchfield supplier about forcing bulbs - he had none - Pinchbeck will supply.
Early lunch - nap - showered - left 1:15 for Wes' appointment at 3:15 with Dr. Puckner - parking lot jammed.  Good report - phase out pills - stop diuretic pill for 3 weeks - blood pressure 158/90 - check by local doctor in three weeks - home at 5:45.  Marine death toll in Lebanon now 221.

1984 - Friday - 52° at 6 AM - Mist - 10/100 in rain gauge - light rain after 9 AM.  Jule Lane with us overnight left after breakfast for Herkimer enroute Rochester
Quiet, relaxing day for us. Wes in shop - found legs were very tired after standing all day.
I took out back seam (and zipper) of the yweed suit Eileen gave me - enlarged the waistline a half inch.
Out late in afternoon to put last week's church flowers on compost pile - very damp but mist stopped.

1985 - Saturday - 52° at 7 AM.  Saw Bud Wright's big bucket truck coming up Old Mill Road at breakfast time.  They worked until 11:30.  Took down big hickory up the road and topped the two beeches at the driveway.  Also took away all logs along road.
I arranged flowers for church with GUzella - took them there - onto BrunettI's - cheese shop and Stop & Shop - for tomorrow's luncheon.  Home for lunch - Wes had raked leaves in morning - chipped them in afternoon.  I made an apple tart - prepared flowers for tomorrow.  Cleaned house

1986 - Sunday - 44° at 6 AM - StandarD Time - Raining off and on all day.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared house and food for birthday party for Alex.  Anne Franceschini here at 4pm - 19 guests after 5:30.  Sattlers, Billie, Stoddards, McKeons, Tracys, Jessups, Sobols, Tempanellis, Rosses and Scotts - everyone seemed to enjoy - left about 9 pm - Anne left at 9:20 - we let everything to and watched last part of hour of "Paradise Postponed".

1987 - Monday - 34° at 6:30 - Fair - beautiful fall day.
Put deck chairs in crawl space and table in hayloft.  Did work wash.  Wes took in Piper and frog pumps.  Wes went to Silvestri Fence to look at vinyl fencing for road frontage - left order - will have to decide how to hang it from wood fence.
I cut grass mostly to blow leaves - raked them up and also above mailbox.

October 27 

1983 - Thursday - 38° at 6:15 - Mostly sunny day - cool - To Mass.  Left at 9:15 for Reclamation cleaners - bank - on to Texaco Harrison - Eileen took us on tour of building.  Admired it and the beautiful grounds - lunch in cafeteria - drove to Bloomingdales bought Godiva chocolates for Alex' birthday - the 75th - shoe rack for my closet, magnetic Locks - home at 3:30 nap - cut grass - lots of leaves on it - walked up to see Grouse's new road - no blacktop yet.

1984 - Saturday - 52° at 6:30 - Dark - foggy, gloomy day - never cleared as the weather report had it.
Arranged church flowers with Gizella at 8 AM and took them to church.  We left at 10 AM for New Canaan where Connecticut Chapter of American Rock Garden Society had a meeting in Waverly Carriage Barn - had sandwich there - home about 3:15 for a nap - then to Ruth Sharp's for cocktails at 5 - Tracys - Scotts - McKeons there - home for a light supper at 7:15.  Back to standard time.

1985 - Sunday - 46° at 6 AM - Standard time again
Partly cloudy - became a beautiful day - very breezy but not cold.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Prepared for visit of Coggeshalls and Cornells, here at twelve.  Everything went well - luncheon of chicken and apple tart - watched the N.Y.C. marathon for a time.  They left after four - we cleaned up - took a nap - read papers.  Watched 7th game of World Series - Kansas City Royals won 11/0.

1986 - Monday - 47° at 6:45 - Gloomy all day - only 1/2 inch rain from yesterday - nothing today.  Cleaned up after party.  Wes took chairs and table back to Rosses - looked at their water pressure problem - they need a pump man.  Picked up Helen's Squirrel Topiary to mend while the are away.  To bank and Marcus for milk.  Drove up Ned Mountain Road to see two new houses there and up Berthier Place to see those houses.  Caught up on papers.  No outdoor work - too wet.  Mets won 7th game to win World Series.

1987 - Tuesday - 34° at 6:30 - Fair - clouded up in afternoon.
I went to Ballard Park - met John Pinchbeck, Paul Roche and Ed Knapo to look at trees which should come down.  Some in very bad shape - surprised me.  Petey Cerf's gift is most timely.  Shopped for groceries enroute home.  Wes got the leaf blower started blew leaves on south side - lrg pile of leaves.  Moved brush to roadside that end.  I went to lunch at Carol [[strikethrough]] Coggeshall [[/strikethrough]] Stoddard's - on to Billie Newell's for Garden Club meeting - Muriel Pedersen gave me ride.