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November 1

1983 - Tuesday - 29° at 6:15 - Clear - Beautiful day. Mild in midday. No Mass as went last evening. Gathered bulbs and supplies and went to Greenhouse for planting workshop - Edith Meffley had bought pots instead of pans - found 8" ones at Pinchbeck - Edith later exchanged the 6" for the Tete-a-tete - Home for lunch - Anne Tracy brought her mother to look at house - I had a haircut at 2:30 - to cleaner for Wes' slacks - to Ballard to [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]] sort pots and plant Tete-a-Tete - Vargas driveway redone. Grouse road finished.

1984 - Thursday - 43° at 6AM. Cloudy day.
Wes drove me to Lee Dickenson and she drove to Old Westbury Gardens where the Garden Clubs of Zones 1-2-3 held a symposium on Landscaping and Plants that should be used more - home at 5:30. Wes had the Solar screen door repaired - bought Hollytone - gasoline - fixed knob on laundry door. Jennings' Neal checked the connector not working - will have to return.

1985 - Friday - 32° at 6:30 - Fair - Beautiful day. Warmed up mid-morning - Sweaters sufficient in afternoon. I went to Ballard at 8:30 to help Muriel Pedersen sort "Preview of Spring" bulbs and plant them - before Mr D'Ambrosio's slide lecture on troubles of trees & bushes - Shopped Stop & Shop & cleaners enroute home - not here until 2 PM. Wes had raked leaves on South side. We planted rest of Narcissus bulbs on North hillside - watered some transplants on South slope - to Ruth Sharp's at 5. 
Phoned Eileen - Boo had tests - still has lumps & fever.

1986 - Saturday - 43° at 7:15. Good to sleep late. Fair until late afternoon - few sprinkles at 5 pm when we quit work. Wes finished chipping leaves near shed - took the machine to new well area and worked there rest of day. I went to bank, Marcus and Waldbaums. Bananas are 2 lbs. 99¢. The Danbury Fair Mall is open, lots of cars - lots of traffic lights but traffic moves well.  
I cut grass to remove leaves - raked up at new well to feed the machine - in driveway and at wall garden.  Kelly phoned - is at Carolyn's - will stop by tomorrow.

1987 - Sunday - All Saints Day - 35° at 6 AM. Fair - beautiful over pond. Good day - clear & not too cold.
To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Wrote checks - read papers - ironed.  Left at 11:30 for Coggeshalls in Croton - other guests Doris and Edward King - pleasant afternoon - home around five. Read papers.

November 2

1983 - Wednesday - 32° at 6:30 - Beautiful morning and all day.
To Stecks - Hollandia and D'Agostino looking for 7" clay bulb pans to force tulips for Preview of Spring Show - no luck. Stopped at Ace and Bethel Market & bank. Phoned Rosedale - they have the pots - will stop tomorrow. Planted Anemone and Alumroot (Vicks Wildgardens) near Japanese Solomon Seal on Wood Knoll.-Put out suet for birds. Watered Azaleas and Pieris from rain barrel. Put forcing bulbs in eaves.

1984 - Friday - 60° at 6:30. Cloudy. Cleared to a windy day - temperature dropping - needed jackets over sweaters to work outdoors.
Wes took car to Honda shop - oil change - new brake linings - snow tires put on - all winterized. I wrote letters, did work wash - planted all bulbs for Preview of Spring Show (4 Iris Danfordiae and small Daffodil Icefollies in our garden) Cut grass - brought in our Fuchia to Solar - cut back the Varga one and put it in crawl space. Wes blew leaves on front walk and wood knoll. 

1985 - Saturday - 42° at 7AM - cloudy - dreary - mist a few times but no rain - looked like November.
Wes in shop - he used the vacuum and did some transplant watering on South s. I watered and cut down the Epimedium on Wood Knoll. Made cookies and forgot to put lemon glaze on the Tavern Bars so cant give them to the McKeons!
Boo not eating - but is walking - a hard time for Eileen. Saw the Red Bellied Woodpecker! - Good news.

1986 - Sunday - 56° at 6AM. Gloomy day - only a few drops - very dry. To 8 o'clock Mass. Mike Mannion came to fix shop toilet ceiling - needs to come back to put more spackle on. Wes ran the leaf chipper at the well #2 area - ready to blow more leaves. We took cover off the Frog Pool - turned it on for Kelly's visit - flock of robins around - going south? - and they enjoyed the fountain spray. Kelly here at 12:30 - had dinner and a good talk. Took her to Texaco gas station on Route 6 & led her to I-84. On her way at 3:45 - phoned her at 9 & she was home. We napped & cleaned up - read papers.

1987 - Monday. 38° at 6:45. Nice day -
I worked at the Greenhouse in the morning planting bulbs for Mini Sale next Spring. Stopped for milk, etc. enroute home. Wes was breaking the black pipes above the wooden fence - continued on that in afternoon. South side framing almost completed. I planted remaining clippings from July workshop. Put the Greenwich show forcing bulbs in leaf bags & stored them behind shed.
Texas Supreme Court found for Pennzoil against Texaco.