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November 9

1983 - Wednesday.  40° at 6:30 - Beautiful - foggy mild - over 60° in afternoon.
Gizela drove me to John Oliver's Workshop at Ballard Hall - Carole Stoddard had bought me a pair of winter work gloves at Brookstone's Stamford - home at 11:30.  Wes had cut out wild rose bush along road.  Lunch - nap - Cut off perennials in shade garden - put last two chairs in crawlspace - table in hayloft.  Took our mile walk.

1984 - Friday - 32° at 6 AM - Beautiful morning - clouded up in afternoon.
I took the 2 geraniums and the Swedish Joy to the Greenhouse - worked there until twelve - wheelbarrow full of sand fell on my left foot - by evening it was very painful.
After shop work, Wes put large pots and rest of outdoor chairs into crawl space - raked leaves at big rock North Slope.  I put first coat on two heat convectors
Cut saplings at North slope - looks better - a lot more to come out.

1985 - Saturday - 39° at 7 AM - Clear - windy - grew increasingly warmer in day.
I went to Retreat for Ministry workers at St Elizabeth Seton - Father Grieco talked - very good - 9:30-12:30.  Wes had shop hour - then blew leaves from wall garden and north side of house.  We went to St. James Church Nursery School Fair at Salem Centre - had lunch, bought apples of Haight Orchards - Ida Reds - good & crisp.  Home for nap - out to rake leaves North side and from Wood Knoll - Phoned Eileen - Boo is better.

1986 - Sunday - 60° at 6 AM - Dark - gloomy - cleared about 5 pm.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  New house chores, then to Ridgefield, St. Stephen's Church for ceremony of spreading ashes of Dan Macklin on the grounds - stopped at Stop & Shop for cheese as we have a mouse in kitchen drawer.  Lunch - nap - Wes worked more on Hayloft floor - I planted Freesias - Amaryllis and one pot of paper whites.  To Rosses at 5 pm for a drink - home at 7.

1987 - Monday.  56° at 6:30 - Cloudy - some mist - drops of rain - didn't stop work.
Wes took car to Honda for service (we have 8200 miles) - stopped at bank & Marcus.  I made cheese crackers & olive balls for Friday night.
We moved the vinyl fencing north along pipe poles - cut off about 10 feet at upper end.  Went for more tiedowns from Silvestri Fence.  I spray painted bare spots in pipe poles.  Cut down last Sedum "Autumn Joy" - raked leaves from Rhododendron Garden.

November 10

1983 - Thursday - 40° at 6 AM - Foggy - cloudy morning - light rain started about 3 pm - little heavier in evening - NYC again had heavy rains
No Mass as Wes took car to Honda to fix muffler & change to snow tires -turned out needed front wheel bearing - rented car for day - total bill just over $500 but fixed up.  I made cookies for church sale Sunday - cut grass to blow leaves (later in day covered again) raked leaves on Wood Knoll

1984 - Saturday - 50° at 7 AM - Cloudy - Light shower overnight.  Slept late - a good night for Wes with his sore arm and me with a sore left foot.
Finished painting den convectors and put a first coat on back of front door - we think it will look great.
Mild day - after lunch we continued work on clearing north slope - took out more saplings - pulled out maple leaf viburnum - raked leaves.  To Ruth Sharp's at 5 - Eve Whitehouse there - Nurses have to be let go and new help hired - Ruth was distressed.

1985 - Sunday - 52° at 6 AM - Cloudy - had sprinkle over night - became a beautiful mild day.  To 8 o'clock Mass - Marcus following.  Shop hour for Wes.  I did a work wash - read papers.  Then we went out to clean up Garden Room area - sweeping flagstones and raking leaves.  Continued leaf-raking after lunch and nap - Wes now has a huge pile to chip.  Boo continues to improve.  Eileen phoned Bit last night - says she feels dizzy, goes to doctor Monday.

1986 - Monday - 38° at 6:30.  Fair - beautiful day - sunny - cool - outdoor work weather.
Wes blew leaves over the cliff and down to the bog - off the Wood Knoll to the well area - where he ran the chipper in the afternoon.  I put compost on the vegetable bin and the perennial bid - cleaned off the wall garden - swept the deck clear of leaves.  We pulled the Dracaena from the strawberry jar - put it on compost.  Put pots in crawl space - took out Amaryllis bulbs.

1987 - Tuesday - 38° at 7 AM.  Had a shower overnight.  Cloudy.  We need rain - Snow started about noon.
Wright Tree men supposed to come with the bucket but weather prevented.  Wes took fan from Solar.  We moved all plants in there to kitchen and upstairs.
Wes started cleanup of shop.  I took Muriel Pedersen, Charlotte Crosby and Edith Meffley to lunch.  Very poor driving home in the snow - scary, saw accident at McKeon's corner.  Electricity off 3:25 to 6:55.  Had soup cooked on Sterno.  Must buy battery radio!