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November 19

1983 - Saturday - 36° at 6 AM - Cloudy - cleared to a beautiful sunny day - milder.  I rested my cold.  Wes cleaned his shop and vacuumed den and kitchen.  I made out order for Lamb Nurseries, hope to get Campanula Joan Elliott.  After lunch took a walk and cleared out brush along road above mailbox.  Went to church to check on Chrysanthemum standards - flowers good but foliage gone - no light - brought them home.

1984 - Monday.  38° at 7 AM.  Slept an hour more.  Cloudy but not the sleet and rain predicted overnight.  Cleared by afternoon - cold.  Out only to fill feeders - loads of finches eating.
Wrote letters - made out Christmas catalog orders.
To Pharmacy - renewed Wes' prescription - had copies made of tax data - no fertilizer at Meekers - bought paint for shop walls at store along Route 6 - Waldbaums - bank - home for lunch - Wes not successful in shop - I made pot roast.  Brought Jade and Gardenia plants into kitchen for the night - report is for 20°.

1985 - Tuesday.  46° at 6:15 - Red rim on hill in East as sun coming up.  Geneva Summit Conference started.  To Mass.  Did the crossword - chores - knitted.  Wes in shop for a time - ordered fatwood for Eileen and cheese for Alex & Helen's Christmas.  I left for Three Bears in Westport - Texaco Retirees Luncheon - 55 people - good except for news Texaco lost suit to Pennzoil - billions awarded - Texaco will appeal - stock dropped three points - Shopped Brunetti, Youngs for fertilizer & bird food - Stop & Shop - home for a nap.

1986 - Wednesday - 30° at 7:15 - about 6 inches of snow - must have started as sleet as rhododendrons down - some trees forced down.  Heavy, wet snow.  Top of swamp maple near road ripped off, luckily didn't hit ilex and shed - tree along cliff broke off - the tree growing over rock on cliff south side bent up and over.  Cleaned driveway shook off snow from Arborvitae - righted and tied them.  Lots of people without electricity - we were lucky - tree pulling cable on Sophia so that road closed - Rosses came for dinner and to spend night as they have no power.

1987 - Thursday - 46° at 7 AM - Beautiful day.  Spent it all outdoors - emptied barrels - put wooden ones under deck - 2 plastic in crawlspace - also sundial - hose guides - Raised bottom entrance bird feeder - birds were flying around us as we did it.  Raised ladders on garage wall.  Cut off broken top of Linden tree.  Put leaf chips over "Joe's garden".  Put Ball's Mix on evergreen seedlings in holding bed - quite wide open there with broken trees cut down.  Terry Keller brought us Royal Hort. Society 1988 Yearbook.

November 20

1983 - Sunday - 42° at 6:30.  Pretty sky at breakfast time - beautiful day - quite mild - worked in sweaters only in afternoon.  To 8 o'clock Mass.  Alex & Helen came by to show us their new white Buick Riviera.  We had our mile walk before lunch.  I cleaned leaves from the perennial garden - used Lawnboy to blow leaves from lawn and over cliff.  Wes started cleaning out Knoll top where we want to plant laurel - loads of stones and maple leaf viburnum roots.  Watched "Day After" (bomb) on T.V.

1984 - Tuesday - 23° at 6 AM.  Clear - beautiful cold day - Sun warm but a cold wind.  Had sandwich in Solar - so different from yesterday.  Started out to Mass - discovered tire flat - front right - changed to spare - Wes took it to Kovacs - they put in a tube - the tire had been pinched - hope thats the end of the trouble.  To Pinchbeck for fertilizer - Wes put it on later - and flowers for Thanksgiving - bought wine & groceries.  I helped Louise McKeon with church flowers - to Brunetti for turkey - home to make piecrust & cranberry relish.  Wes fighting off a cold.

1985 - Wednesday - 60° at 7 AM.  Shower over night - good to sleep in.  Became very warm day - partly cloudy - high 70° here - broke records in N.Y.C. - we put big fan on to warm up & change air in livingroom.  Worked outdoors part of day - raking leaves - half emptying the rain barrels - rearranged stones in dell watercourse.  To Rosses at 5:45 - on with Alex driving to Christmas Tree Festival at Community House - dinner with them at Scrim-Shaw's on Bailey Street - a new fish restaurant - not bad - home at 9:30.

1986 - Thursday - Rosses with us.  Wes drove car to Honda for carburetor job - Rosses and I to Mass, then we picked [[strikethrough]] them [[/strikethrough]] Wes up - had breakfast - Rosses returned home but no power yet so returned in afternoon for dinner and the night.  Car not ready - will get tomorrow.  I brushed snow from hemlock - laurel and azaleas on North side as another storm to come tonight.  Corky bark eunonymous [[euonymus]] have broken branches - everything else pretty good.
Temperature rose so started to rain instead of snow - so glad.

1987 - Friday - 42° at 6 AM - Dark - Red light is on again across the pond - had been placed by helicopter couple weeks ago but was crooked.  Straightened yesterday.
Some light rain in morning.  To Mass.  Shopped Youngs for fertilizer (10,000 s.f.) (1 bag needed more) Stop & Shop for groceries.  After lunch Wes spread the fertilizer - brought up log holder to garage - took in concrete birdbaths - I made Carol Coggeshall's Frozen Lemon Pie - cleared drawers of mice droppings - only caught 3 so far and none last two nights - Put wooden horses in Hayloft. 
Cleared in afternoon altho forecast says snow showers.