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December 9

1983 - Friday - 28° at 7AM - Cloudy day - damp not too cold.  To Ridgefield - bank - Grand Central - Hardware - Recycle - Talbot for picture frame for Kelly and cocktail napkins for Rosses' Christmas - home for lunch & nap - to UPS Brookfield to send packages to Bit, Joan & Hooker and Kelly - to Honda for a new battery as car started sluggishly this morning. 
Eileen phoned Mrs Rodgers died.

1984 Sunday - 26° at 6:45 - Beautiful sunrise.  Milder day - over 32° and sunny.  Solar reached 70° at noon.  No morning Mass - a different Sunday.
Finished writing cards - Bought Christmas tree and greens at Airport Market - Put it up in Solar and arranged lights - will wait until dark to see if lights need adjustment before finishing the decoration.
To Hartcorns at 4 pm for home Mass followed by dinner.  Rosses - Kellers - Lydia and Walter - Stephanie & Jerry.

1985 - Monday - 34° at 7 AM - cloudy - First Evening Grosbeak at feeder this season.
To Bethel Agway for wire (fencing against deer) Birdfood, black plastic, salt hay.  To Rings End for plastic covered wire - had hot dog at Marcus Corner -  home for nap - then out to wire up Wall Garden - We put stakes at an angle in driveway - fastened wire to that - worked on back of wall garden but decided needed more fence stakes so will finish tomorrow.  Cold but not windy for outdoor work.

1986 - Tuesday - 28° at 6 AM - Snow overnight - Not shoveling or raking depth - To Mass.  While there icy rain started - continued all day - rising temperatures - Just over 32° at bedtime.
Spent day writing Christmas Cards - did 50.  Corrected error at neckline of knit Mohair vest - filled birdfeeders several times - loads of finches - Goldfinch on Thistle feeder

1987 - Wednesday - 36° at 6 AM - Moon has been very bright the last week.  Beautiful day - milder - 52°
To Mass, I looked for Suet at Stop & Shop - bought planters at Ridgefield Supply - on to Ballard Greenhouse to work, but Penny McLaren said very little to do and please come tomorrow to plant bulbs outdoors.  Looked in Park at new tree being planted - beautiful.  Home to put leaf chips on pruned garden.  Wes was chipping leaves in bog - worked all day there except for putting burlap around laurel on Wood Knoll.  Warner Plumber came - did nothing for bathroom tile top - will return next week

December 10

1983 - Saturday - 38° at 7 AM - Had shower over night - cloudy - cleared to a beautiful morning - clouded up in afternoon.  House chores.  Wrote 25 Christmas cards.  Took bedroom desk stool to Da Silva Upholstery, Elmore Drive, Danbury - also discussed recovering den convertible.  Home for lunch & nap.  Put up Christmas tree in Solar - had to set it up on blocks and cover them with branches - Next year a taller - thinner one. 
To Mulligan's Bash at 7 pm - good time - home at 12:10

1984 - Monday - 34° at 6:30 - cloudy - dark - very foggy from eleven to dark - Not a Solar day
To Ridgefield - had Wes blood pressure checked 140/84 - good.  To bank - Ridgefield Hardware where bought cutting board - log basket for livingroom fireplace as decided to remove fireframe account difficulty in filling - Ross netting - reflectors - Bedients for stable for our crib - Stop & Shop - Liquor - home - Wes went for haircut - lunch - nap.  
Washed - ironed - cleared up papers - Wes in shop. 
Lights on tree okay but too cold & damp to finish decorations.

1985 - Tuesday - 32° at 6:30 - Overslept so had breakfast after Mass.  Cloudy gloomy day.
Wes went for more wire and posts for deer fencing.
We finished protecting the wall garden before lunch.  Then worked on protecting Wood Knoll plants after a nap - big job - didn't finish when dark drove us in
Judge in Texas upheld Jury award of 10 1/2 billion against Texaco in Pennzoil case - stock today at 30 3/8.

1986 - Wednesday - 44° at 7 AM - Cloudy - sun broke through about noon - temperature up to 50° then fell to 30° at night time.
The tree blocking half of Sophia Drive was finally cut down.  Put Ross netting on Step Rock Garden - covered one laurel with it also.  Put new feeder together -  after lunch & nap to bank, looked at new Honda - will decide on Friday - to Waldbaum's - Meeker's for chain to hang new feeder - home to write 15 more Christmas cards.

1987 - Thursday - 46° at 6:45 - Beautiful morning - not a bad afternoon but cloudy.
I worked at Ballard - planted tulips, Narcissus outdoors, then worked inside until 11:45.  Spoke to John Pinchbeck who was in Park where trees were being planted
Wes finished chipping leaves on south side.  I fixed burlap around laurel on Wood Knoll - Wes had put in stakes yesterday.
Penny McLaren had bought us bird suet - our birds using a lot of it - We waited for Stevenson Lumber to deliver a window & board for upper gate - never came.

[[note from digital volunteer]] Bedients is  Bedients Home and Garden Center [[/note from digital volunteer]].