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December 11

1983 - Sunday - 29° at 7AM - Clear morning - clouded up at noon - damp - felt like snow. 
Different morning as didn't go out to Mass.
Wrote 25 more Christmas cards.  House chores.
To Hartcorns at 11:50 for house Mass - Father Tighe.  Luncheon following - a lovely occasion. Rosses - McKeons - Kellers - sister Margaret - Walter & Lydia  - home at 4:30 for a nap - to Ralph and Gene Ellis at 5:45 for cocktails

1984 - Tuesday 38° at 6 AM.  Dark - cloudy morning.  To Mass.
To Town Center in Stamford - Brookstones for Georgia Fatwood for Eileen - Williams Sonoma for Jam for Sattlers - mortar and pestle for us - Saks for Trip Diary for Bit - ate hamburger there - sunshine there where we drove home but cloudy and gloomy here.  Had nap. 
UPS delivered marble slab and Wedgwood vase.
Saw "La Guardia"  and "Camille" on TV - first good latter very slow.

1985 - Wednesday - 37° at 7 AM - Cloudy - Rained off and on all day - gloomy.
To Ridgefield - bank - Bedients - Youngs for more stakes for deer fencing - Stop & Shop - Liquor - home for lunch - Decided to sell Texaco shares received in Savings Plan after speaking to Lou Krawchick - received them at 27.12 - sold 1700 at 28 and 77 at 27 3/4 - sad day -
Finished writing Christmas Cards

1986 - Thursday - 30° at 6 AM - Dark - gloomy cold morning - snow started at 3 pm
To Mass.  I worked at Greenhouse for about an hour - not much to do there - to liquor shop to pick up Henkell Wine in splits for Eileen's Christmas - Brunetti for fish and order Christmas lamb - Wes put up new bird feeder - Chickadee learned first how to go in from the bottom - after lunch and nap we finished the Christmas cards.

1987 - Friday - 42° at 6 AM - Dark - cloudy - some rain early morning - had rained during night - we were glad the evergreens got a drink - Busy day.
To Danbury Hospital for 9:30 Mamogram [[mammogram]] - to [[?Deip]] for bananas - Safe Deposit box at Union Trust - tookout 427 Texaco shares (2 certificates) - to Prudential Bache to have them sold - stock up to 34 account news possible settlement with Pennzoil - to Mall for Christmas cards - home for lunch - Wrote 40 Christmas cards - to Waccabuc Country Club at 7 for dinner as guests Mark & Millicent Sattler - home at 10:45 pm.

December 12

1983 - Monday - 29° at 7 AM - Good to sleep late.  Icy rain - Sun 7:12-4:28 - Won't see it today.
On reports of heavy rain later, Wes went to wood pile early - even the wood chips were slippery!  A miserable day, but temperature rose so icing stopped.  Glad don't have to go out!  Wrote more Christmas cards - did wash - made cookies and bran muffins - lunch - nap - cleaned up papers.  Mail carrier delivered to Grocers Mailbox but they haven't moved in yet.

1984 - Wednesday - 38° at 7 AM.  Cloudy - tried to clear during day but never made it - however it was mild and damp.  I went to bank - mailed Bit's travel diary at UPS agent in Ridgefield ($3.32! - better to go to Brookfield) - Brunetti - Stop & Shop - Seward Sew for felt to cover crib and table in Solar - cut that out after lunch - put bows and pine cones on sprays for front lamps - two packages of evergreens at tree bottom - need more.

1985 - Thursday - 40° at 6:30 - Cloudy most of day - almost cleared middle of afternoon - at least no rain.  To Mass.  Wes drove me to McKeons at 9 - Louise drove to Anne Tracy's - on to Jane Phelps - then to Greenwich for house tour - 5 houses - very beautiful Christmas decorations and antique furniture - luncheon at Round Hill Club - all as guests of Anne Tracy - home at 5 pm.
Wes had worked in shop and put in stakes for deer fencing.

1986 - Friday - 34° at 7 AM - About 2 inches of snow.  Wes shoveled the front walk, terrace - path to compost - didn't have to do driveway.  I pulled snow from Solar roof.  Cooked stew.  To Honda to sign contract to buy LX model - 4 door - Blue - $14,724.85 - to come in before end of month - mailed Pecans to Pane and out-of-town Christmas cards.  Lunch - nap - filled feeders - worked on crossword - can't finish one square.  Washed hair - showered dressed.  Pick up Billie Newell and went to Nash's cocktail party - house beautiful - over a hundred people - home at 8 pm.

1987 - Saturday - 32° at 7 AM - Icy rain during night.  Solar roof iced over - rain at 8 AM - light for a couple hours - cleared in afternoon - temperature 46°.
Wrote more Christmas cards in morning - almost finished.  After lunch, replaced cover over Junipers Compressa in rock garden with burlap - trimmed Limber Pine to take weight from lower branches - Wes changed suet holder log - added new suet holder sent by Joan & Hooker - we hung wreaths over front door and both sides of garage doors - Set up Christmas tree - put on lights