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January 10

1988- Sunday- 17° at 6 AM- Sun 7:20 - 4:47 Beautiful sunny cold winter day. To 8 o'clock Mass.
Made list of our records, as decided not to replace the turntable - will instead replace records with CD's. Early lunch- to 12:30 movie "Empire of the Sun" at North Street Danbury. Home at 3:15 for a nap. Gave up on Saturday's crossword. Read papers.

1989- Tuesday- 27° at 6:45. Overslept so had breakfast after Mass. Sun 4:20 - 4:48. Cloudy morning - cleared in afternoon. Went to Mass. Wes put together the "open bottom" feeder with replacement part - revised the placement of its cover dome - hope it keeps squirrels from chewing edges. Took a mile walk - finished crossword - lunch - short nap. Moved one pile of wood to roadside by taking down section of deer fence. Julius Varga is to pick it up. To Tempanelli's at 6:30 for his birthday party - neice Joyce - husband Ian and Mary Luke there - home at 10:15

1990 - Wednesday - 40° at 6 AM. Go to Dr Espy today. Sun 720-4:47. To Purdy's for 8:54 train. Lot very crowded - cars parked on side approach. Fare now $4.50 for seniors - subway now $1.15. Good report for Wes. Walked to IBM (Madison & 56th) lunch in atrium - piano concert - gallery shows were Winterthur Furniture and Corning glass. Walked to Grand Central for 1:48 train - home at 3:30 - 
Relaxed - worked on Sunday's crossword. Some sun in NYC cloudy here - had rain going to Purdy's in morning - 

1991 - Thursday - 32° at 6 AM - Sun 720 - 447 - noticeably lighter at night now. Dreary morning - partly sunny in afternoon. To Mass. Crossword and hobbies - Right after lunch, when ice had melted partly off trees, Wes had a haircut when I shopped Waldbaums - crowded and expensive there - Wes bought screws at Sears - put one to hold cover tight on Solar fan. Nap. Filled feeder. Mile walk. Met great dog - jumps over you - wild

1992 - Friday 38° at 6 AM - Stars out - Clear, cold morning - clouds in afternoon - temperature up to 48° by noon - fell toward evening. To Mass.
Did crossword. To S & S & picked up new stationery for Minuteman Press. We took a mile walk before lunch, puffing on hill. Wes in shop in afternoon. I prepared skirt pattern for cutting out.

January 11

1988 - Monday - 4° at 6:45! Turned up heat and went back to bed. Sun 7:20 - 4:48. Sunny, cold day In 20's in afternoon.
To Danbury Fair for a haircut (Sherrill - Regis) Wes took his eyeglass prescription to Lens Crafters - ready in about a week - to Waldbaum's - Wes had haircut Marcus - returned 2 CD's via Backus P.O. - late lunch.
Jon Standen of Carstons set up the Radio on top of the cabinet - also the CD Player - amplifier underneath - glad to have radio back.

1989. Wednesday - 29° at 7 AM - Clear, - Sun 719-449. Raccoon stole the suet basket from the tree!
Hung bag of suet as temporary replacement - Red Bellied Woodpecker wouldn't use it - other birds did - replaced it with another [[?]] one bought at Youngs, along with birdseed - Also took papers to Reclamation and bought a few things at Stop & Shop - Took a walk to Rotunda - After lunch I cut out blue crepe dress on dining room table (put heat on) Wes moved more logs to roadside - Julius Varga took first pile
Beautiful sunny winter day. 

1990 - Thursday - 37° at 6 AM - Sun 7:19 (change in morning) 4:48. Cold, damp - not walking weather.
To Mass. Wrote Joan and Bet. Wes paid Standard Oil $90.00 for furnace repair. To town - gas for car - picked up Wes' pants with new zipper - bank - Youngs for birdfood - liquor shop for us and Scotch & Canadian Club for Tempanelli's party - Stop & Shop Home for lunch & long nap. Made stew, vegetable and lentil soup. Did a little sewing. Wes read Raj.

1991 - Friday - 20° at 6 AM. Sun 720 - 448
To Mass - Cloudy morning - Did crossword - Hobbies for a short while. Took our walk - one mile - at 11:30. Snow starting when we reached home - lightly - but report is for 4 to 6 inches. We raked and shoveled at 3 o'clock for an hour. Wes fell on front path - ice underneath snow. I did only a small part of deck, as ice underneath there

1992 - Saturday - 28° at 7 AM - Clear - Sun coming over hill at 7:55. Rises 720 - sets 448
Did the crossword - not too much time spent on it.
Took a mile walk. I ironed - cut out cotton paisley skirt. Wes worked in his shop.
Drain pipe under kitchen sink disconnected - luckily most of water collected in a basin. Called plumber but luckily we were able to push the two pipes together to hold water for now anyway.