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January 14

1988 - Thursday - 7° at 6:45 - Clear - high winds to make it seem colder. Sun 7:19 - 4:51, Great news - the Red Billed Woodpecker was on tree over cliff with a piece of suet in his beak!
Wes drove me to Pinchbeck's, picking up Muriel Pedersen, for meeting on Ballard trees. Wes spent time going to Reclamation - bought fly swatters - we are noticing flies on windows - I rested cold in afternoon - Wes back in shop.

1989 - Saturday - 22° at 7 AM - Fair Sun 7:18 - 4:52 Beautiful morning - cloudy afternoon. Did crossword - Work wash. Took a walk to Henley's (2 miles round trip) Lunch - nap. I went to the Mall for a haircut. Never again on Saturday - huge crowd - haircut now $22 plus $3.00 tip!
Wes moved more logs to road - working on the third pile and the logs are big. I did some machine sewing - Wes in shop.
A good mystery on Channel 13 - "Morse"

1990 - Sunday - 24° at 6 AM - Cold winter day - Clear - Sun 7:19 - 4:52 noticeably lighter in afternoon.
To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers. - ironed - pressed sewing pieces of blue wool dress. Wes in shop. Called sisters - Kelly going to Los Alamos New Mexico for 3 mos, starting February. Early lunch. To North Street, Danbury Cinema to see Glory - story of Black Regiment in Civil War. Pretty powerful and gory.

1991 - Monday - 15° at 7 AM - Sun coming up - partly cloudy - Sun 7:19-4:51 - Cloudy, dreary morning - sun out in afternoon - over 32° but not much melting. Did cross word. To Stop & Shop - lots of people shopping.
After lunch, Wes chipped thru ice and shoveled paths to birdfeeders and compost. I did the same on side terrace - couldn't do the deck account ice on the Solar roof. Paid Federal tax estimate.

1992 - Tuesday - 46° at 6 AM. Raining. 7:19 4:51 High winds - lots of small limbs down. To Mass.
Did crossword. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse 9:30/11:30. To bank and a stop at Hay Day Cafe to make reservation for lunch with Helen Ross tomorrow.
Plumber Bob Denley came at 10:15 to repair kitchen sink pipe - bleed radiator and set the shop lavatory heater cover in proper position. We took a mile walk after nap Walked up road to see if deer could get under fence - don't know whether marks we see in garden are new or not, couldn't see any break in fence 

January 15

1988 - Friday - 3° at 6:45 - Cold - Fair - no breakfast before Mass - very cold. I stayed in - Wes fed the birds - we stuffed the suet feeder for the Redbellied - saw him on tree above suet. Sun 7:18-4:52
Wes worked in shop - he went to bank to make a deposit mid-afternoon. I made cookies with Nestle chocolate Mary gave us for Christmas - 
We couldn't finish crossword.

1989 - Sunday - 40° at 6 AM - Sun 7:18 - 4:53 Off and on cloudy and sunny, but quite mild until evening. To 8 o'clock Mass. Wes in shop - discovered had milled wrong side of truck frame pedestals. Will have to get new material. I did some sewing. Took two mile walk before lunch. Wes cooked lamb chops on grill outside garage door.

1990 - Monday - 32° at 6 AM. Light snow overnight Sun 7:18 - 4:53. About 2 inches of snow - wet - turned to rain in afternoon. To Mass. Wes raked and shoveled driveway & paths. I prepared for Alex - Wes picked him up at noon - took him for a haircut here for lunch & nap - To Marcus and Fabric Tree shop for buttons - To the Rosses at 4:25 just when Helen was coming home from bridge. Alex is very confused but knows us.

1991 - Tuesday - 26° at 6 AM - Midnight is deadline for Iraq to get out of Kuwait. Sun 7:18 - 4:52
To Mass. Reversed den rug and cleaned there. Did crossword. To bank. Marcus - Fabric Tree for shirt/skirt material - Macy's for Brown Gloves for Wes
After lunch, Wes broke up ice on front walk - I cleaned off Solar roof and deck - temperature high 40's luckily, Took 2 pots G[[?]]bo[[?]]thian Narcissi from holding bed.

1992 - Wednesday - 20° at 7 AM. Fair. Sun 7:18 - 4:52
Beautiful winter day - cold & windy, but sunny & clear.
Did crossword. Checked recipes - threw out some.
Took Helen Ross to lunch at Hay Day Cafe - delayed birthday celebration. Picked up African Violet and a Primula at Hay Day - Also stopped at bank. Squash's for pen refill - Youngs for birdfood.