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January 20

1988 - Wednesday - 34° at 6:45 - Raining - must have frozen in night as slippery. Sun 7:16 - 4:58'
To Mass. Rain and fog most of day - temperature rose to 38° - an indoor day - no walk. House chores - 
Wes to Dr Neligan at 2:30 - bloodpressure 120/80 - while he was there I bought birdfood - fruit at Stop & Shop. checked my knitting at Needles and bought wool for a vest at their sale - 

1989 - Friday - 36° at 6AM. Sun 7:16 - 4:59 Fair morning - cloudy afternoon - rain (light) at 3pm cleared at sunset and dropping temperatures. It has been a nice spell of weather - may be the January thaw
To Mass. To Waldbaum's - Wes went for shoelaces and to automotive shop - Stopped at Bank and Fabric Tree for thread. Took over 2 mile walk - lunch in Solar - nap - hobbies in afternoon
Inauguration Day for President Bush.

1990. Saturday - 28° at 7 AM - gloomy - storm predicted. Sun 716 - 459. Snow - very light - accumulation 2 inches - then rain - a miserable day - wondered whether Tempanelli's would call off party - no   House chores - Wes in shop for a short time - I finished sewing blue wool dress
Raked and shoveled snow after lunch. At 6:10 drove to McKeons and they drove to Tempanelli's for birthday party for Al & Wes - 22 people - good Italian dinner & cassata
Home at 11:30 - roads sloppy but not icy - Lucky.

1991 - Sunday - 40° at 6 AM. Sun 7:15 - 4:58
No Saud missiles to Israel last night - So far they have not retaliated. Our bombing of Iraq continues.
Patriot anti missile defense sent to Israel with crews to man them
To 8 o'clock Mass. Beautiful sunny day. Read papers. A little hobbying - took a walk before lunch in Solar with a Martini. Took three more pots of bulbs (one Apricot Beauty Tulips) from upper holding bed - mice had nibbled couple of stems. 

1992 - Monday - 16° at 7 AM. Light snow - Sun 716 Sets 458 Snow stopped about noon, Temperatures rose to 26°. Cleaned up after party - ran dishwasher. closed up fireplace - washed and ironed napkins and did a white wash. Martin Luke King holiday. no mail - Brushed snow from front walk, terrace and shoveled it off deck.
Nice relaxing day - finished cross word quickly

January 21

1988 - Thursday. 38° at 7:30 - Some clouds 
Sun 7:16 - 4:58. Mostly sunny day - clouds at times - warm in the solar. Few house chores. Over for gasoline, Brunetti - picked up family Banjo clock from horologist - 275 overhaul - on to Marcus and Danbury Pharmacy for Wes' prescription - Did crossword. Watched squirrel leap and miss the tabe feeder, but get right inside the bowl feeder. Took a walk to [[?]]unley's before lunch.

1989. Saturday - 16° at 7 AM. Fair. Cold. Sun 715 500 
Bitter cold but beautiful winter day. Did crossword - hobbies - walked - just a mile account cold.
Lunch in den - nice and warm & sunny. Nap.
I made Tavern Bars for Garden Club money raiser next Tuesday - Wes in shop
Out only to fix suet and fill feeder.
Second (last) part of a "Morse" mystery on Channel 13

1990 - Sunday - 34° at 6:15 - Raining, Sun 715 - 500 
Miserable day - snow flurries - freezing rain - everything recoated  To 8 o'clock Mass - to Marcus for milk. Weather worsened. Indoor day - Wes fed the birds. 
We had left the suet out and the holder was gone in the morning. Phoned Bet - Joan called us. Mary home with a cold. Worked on crossword - couldn't finish it
Cleaned up big pile of papers.

1991 - Monday - Official observance of Martin Luther King Birthday. Lightly snowing. Sun 7:15 - 4:59. Started out at 9:30 for Dr. Sandler (Wes' eye appointment) very slippery - turned back at Ledges Road - glad to be home safely - made another appointment for Thursday. .
Raked and shoveled snow - about 3 inches - couldn't clean off Solar Roof or get deck clean as ice underneath. Sun came out in afternoon. Wes in shop. I sewed and made cookies. Iraqi's putting allied prisoners on TV.

1992 - Tuesday - 20° at 6 AM. Clear - stars out - bright moon last night. Sun 7:15 - 4:59. To Mass. Did crossword - early lunch as Wes to Dr. Edward Beck, urologist at 1:30 - We were there very early (Sand Pit Road) To Stop & Shop Pharmacy to fill prescriptions for new pills for Wes - at least doesn't have to have an operation.