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January 24

1988 - Sunday - 22° at 6AM - Fair day - not too cold. To 8 o'clock Mass. I was Leader -
Wes balanced checkbook - out a lot! but finally corrected it - I read papers. We picked up Alex and Helen and on to The Sun for luncheon. Sattlers also were guests. Good time and food - Home for nap - more paper reading -  Knitting. Channel 13 not as bad as last night - we tried to adjust the aerial - other stations good.

1989 - Tuesday - 28° at 6 AM. Sun 7:14 - 5:04. 
Mild day – up to 50° – Fair. To Mass. I picked up Helen Ross and went to Garden Club meeting at Congregational Church – won third for 2 pots paperwhites – Heard Sheryl Taylor's talk on Whales – bought Louise McKeon's Squash Soup & her Date Nut Bread. Wes had gone to Marcus after Mass, then worked in shop. We took our walk before lunch — nap. Pruned miniature rose – did a little sewing – Wes, back in shop. Ameritech stock split stock certificate arrived.

1990 – Wednesday – 38° at 7 AM. Cloudy, 7:13 – 5:03 – saw it only twice during the day – damp not cold. Up to 50° in afternoon.
House chores – did a mile walk – Wes in shop and he read awhile. I wrote out plant orders – Wayside – Rockwall – Bluestone etc. – took time. Made a sponge cake. Walked around property – fence okay – some evergreens burned.

1991 – Thursday – 30° at 6 AM. Sun 7:13 – 5:03 Sunny morning – few clouds in afternoon and turned colder. To Mass. Did crossword
To Stop & Shop (Ridgefield) liquor store – Youngs – We had 10:30 appointment with Dr. Sandler (eyes good)
Deli Italia for Parmigiano Reggiano for Eileen – Zipper at Fabric Shop – bank. – home for lunch & nap – To Womens Imaging Center, Wilton, where I had Mammogram at 2:30 - gasoline on Rt 7 @ $1 50 - good price - home at 4 pm. 

1992 - Friday 40º at 6 AM. Temperature went up to 52º yesterday - to fall way down tonight - lucky rain not sun yesterday. Sun 7:13 - 5:03. To Mass. Did crossword. George Ventres & son finished door into hay loft - looks good - lots of dust on shelves.
We took a long walk - to top of Ned Mountain Road - nice sunshine. Had a Martini in Solar to celebrate finish of door. Washed the big table cloth. Wes in shop. Started sorting checks for taxes.

January 25

1988 - Monday - 32º at 7 AM - Cloudy. Sun (won't see it today) 7:13 - 5:04. Partly sunny early morning - snow started about 11:30 - continued rest of day.
We went to Stamford Town Center - bought key holder for Wes at Couch - tie from Brooks - hat for me at Berbarry's - no velvet slippers at Saks - home via Ridgefield for liquor and groceries - terribly crowded as everyone preparing for storm. Garden Club Meeting cancelled tomorrow - Stayed up to midnight to see report of Miss Marple.

1989 - Wednesday - 33º at 7 AM - Sun 7:12 - 5:05
Not a bad day after some early morning cloudiness & cold.
Had the car washed - to Reclamation with the paper and bottles - gasolene for car - Stop & Shop & liquor.
Took a two mile walk before lunch & nap - Then to Mall I bought Reebok walking shoes at G Fox - no mens shoes there - to Macy's for a pair for Wes and socks - our birthday presents. Home to cook dinner. Had a Rum Raisin cone at the Mall - very rich - burpy.

1990 - Thursday - 42º at 6 AM. Sun 712 - 505
Rain in morning - misty afternoon. To Mass. Did crossword. Wes worked in shop. I worked at Greenhouse 10/12 then went to Talbot's to look for belt for blue wool dress - none there - found one at Helga's - also bought wool slacks - to Stop & Shop for a few things - Rome for lunch - Sewed - Wes read.

1991 - Friday - 16º at 6 AM. Stars out. Sun 712 - 501
We both slept very poorly last night. To Mass.
Sunny beautiful morning. Very cold - Clouds in P.M.
I went to bank and P.O. - bought 4 stamps @ 25¢ - going to 29¢ Feb. 5th. Took a walk to end of Scoden - 1.3 miles overall. Hobbies in afternoon.
Enjoy seeing the Cardinals come to feed at dusk.

1992 - Saturday - 20º at 7:30. Fair. Sun 713-504
Clouded up late afternoon. Wes in shop
I ironed the big tablecloth. We took a two mile walk to Henley's - good sunshine & temperature not too cold.
Started tax work - not all forms in.