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January 30

1988 - Saturday - 29° at 6:30 - Cloudy - supposed to be milder - it was - up to 46° in the afternoon - considerably cloudy, but icicles melting from roof.

To Bank - Pharmacy to have drug form signed - We had to go back as they hadn't signed the right page - Took a walk to Allen's Corner before lunch - road mostly snow covered. Repaired banjo clock striking incorrectly - will have to go back to clockman - Last of Miss Marple on Ch 13 - a good mystery series
Hobby work.

1989 - Monday 42  - Foggy - Evidently rain coming in  Sun 7:08 - 5:11.  Some rain in the morning - cleared about 4 pm and we took our walk then.
We went to Waldbaum's (for bananas - not too good) and Marcus.
Eileen came up to bring us plants, birthday cake & books we left there yesterday.  Had a sandwich with us.

1990 - Tuesday - 37  at 6 am - Sunday 7:08 - 5:11 - a Beautiful day - 47  in afternoon.  To Mass.  ToBank and Shoppe Sapes Stop & Shop.  Walked a mile - lunch in Solar - sun warm. Raccoon digging under every bird feeder, in garden bed.

1991. Wednesday - 42° at 6:30. Foggy. Sun 7:08-5:10 Left at 8:45 to catch 9:19 train from Purdy's. Very foggy all way to NYC - where sun came out! Rain was forecast so we were lucky. No hairbrush at Caswell Massey. bought purse diary at Stationers - visited Orvis - phoned Ann Nappa - not there - spoke to Maree Loftus - lunch at Grand Hyatt - walked to Brooks Atkinson Theatre (47th West Broadway To see "Shadowlands" with Nigel Hawthorne & Jane Alexander - good - caught 5:18 train - at Purdys 6:30 - Home 7 pm - soup & bed.

1992 - Thursday - 26° at 6:05 - overslept. Sun coming over ridge red. 7:09-5:10. Not a bad day - More cloudy in afternoon. To Mass. Saw a big deer crossing road from our side (dell) to Vargas. Saw two outward breaks in fence - one at compost - one along road, but couldn't see where deer could get in - think up the cliff. Repaired breaks. Need more posts and fencing. Ruined our good day ! A nuisance. To Liquor Store - had copy made of Urology bill - Stop & Shop. Stained new door cleaned up planting trays

January 31

1988 - Sunday - 35° at 6 AM - Sunny - beautiful day - quite mild - To 8 o'clock Mass.
Left for Eileen's at 10:15 - admired her painting wallpaper job - helped carry a chair upstairs. Many came at noon - had a wonderful birthday diner - Carrot cake - Eileen gave Wes O'Neill's "Speaker of the House" - Me Thomas Flanagan's "Tenants of Time" - Mary gave Wes a tie and me a scarf. Home about 4:30.
I had phoned Joanne in Morning - She was feeling OK.

1989 - Tuesday - 34° at 6 AM - New moon giving a lot of light - clear sky. Sun 7:07 - 5:12. Beautiful morning some cloud in afternoon - clear at sunset
To Mass. Wes had shop time - I put my Eileen brought me on ring and Triagle forces - worked on tax figure - Shortened evening slip to long skirt size
Wes went to bank and Ace. Lunch in solar after over two mile walk - Good day - 48° in pm.

1990. Wednesday - 28° at 6:30 - Fair Beautiful day. 48° in afternoon. Sun 707 - 512.
Wes had 9 AM appointment with Dr. James - good report.
Fueled car with gas - to Youngs for bird food - they don't have natural sponges any more (our shower needs a new one) papers to Reclamation - Helga wasn't opened so couldn't pick up pants - home - a two mile walk before lunch - hobbies in afternoon.

1991 - Thursday - 36° at 6 AM - Sun 7"07 - 5"12
Temperature started down - in 20's at night - snow flurries at 11 AM so no walk. To Mass. House chores - Couldn't finish crossword - too many modern song names.
Hobbies in afternoon -
Joan phoned in evening to wish Wes a late birthday greeting.

1992 - Friday - 38° at 6 AM - Dark. Sun 7:08 - 5:11 Cloudy - gloomy day - not cold but damp.
To Mass. Did cross word. To Youngs for fencing and posts - Stop & Shop in Ridgefield bananas were 59[[cent]] as against 39[[cent]] at super S & S yesterday.
Took a mile walk. Wes couldnt get post in at fenceline behind compost - all rock. Too bad. I continued tax work added contribution - Still need a few fa[[?]] before can send it to accountant.
Watched Channel 13 Interview 5 Democrat Presidential Contenders