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February 1

1988 - Monday - 47° at 7AM - Cloudy, Sun 7:07-5:12 Mostly cloudy - mild - 59° at one time in afternoon.
Took Banjo clock back to Horologist - not striking properly (3 times eleven o'clock) to Grand Union's reopening - a good store but parking poor. Took a walk to Henley's (2 miles round trip) worked on accounts - Wes in shop - I made a chicken dish - a parmesan bread crumb coated skinned breast - very good - Early to bed as very tired - our age or the walk?

1989 - Wednesday - 40° at 7AM - Fair, Sun 7:06- 5:13. Beautiful day -incredible weather - high 64° 
House chores - walk at 11 - lunch - nap - car to Ned Mountain Road to pick up cans & junk - met Mrs Senby who told us Lucile Hausker was burgled - cops caught the boys - to bank & Marcus - washed car - washed south windows - did some tax work - Wes in shop. Eileen went to Insurance doctor on accident suit 

1990. Thursday - 29° at 6AM - Beautiful morning - Sunny. rising temperature - 48° - clouds in afternoon, Sun 7:06-5:13. To Mass. To Westport Knitting shop Hook n' Needle where might get wool to finish my vest - they will phone in a week - picked up pants from Helga - to bank & Marcus for milk. Took a mile walk - lunch - nap. Hobbied = Tempanellis picked us up at 5:30 - went to Bentley's, Wooster Village for dinner - small restaurant. Italian food - good but too much & too salty. Home to see Alzeimer program.  

1991. Friday - 23° at 6 AM. Fair. Sun 7:06-5:13. To Mass. Cold windy day. Took an early mile walk. To Bank, Marcus and Fabric Tree for notions. Snow around noon - heavy flurry. Hobbies after lunch. To Alex Ross Retrospective Show at the Northbridge Gallery at six - home a little after seven. 

1992. Saturday - 29° at 7 AM. Cloudy -windy. Sun 7:07-5:13. Sun out most of day - we took a two mile walk at ten o'clock. Then covered some of the tiny rhododendron in the holding bed against the deer - they had already devastated the Sargeant Weeping Hemlock - sad to see. Cleaned the living room - washed kitchen floor. Wes cleaned shop lavatory - worked in shop. I made an angelfood cake and bran muffins 

February 2

1988. Tuesday - 51° at 7 AM. Light rain from 7:05-5:15 - Showers most of day - temperature dropping - light snow at bed time. Decided to walk in the Mall - stopped at Macy's and Fox to ask about blinds/shades for our bath - not much there - saw a record shop & bought Chopin Concertos 1 & 2 and Mahler #4. Home for lunch and nap - Wes in shop - I worked on tax forms and Metropolitan claim on doctor bills.

1989 - Thursday - 42° at 6 AM. Sun 7:05 - 5:15 - not to be seen today - gloomy - cloudy. damp. To Mass. Shop time for Wes - I sewed blue dress, almost finished 2 mile walk before lunch and nap. To Ridgefield for bananas (2 lbs for 99¢) bank and gasoline $1.32/gal. More hobby and tax work. Called N.Y. Botanic Garden and registered for Wildflower show this Saturday. 

1990 - Friday - 48° at 6 AM - Amazing! Sun 7:05 - 5:14. Cloudy - light rain in afternoon - falling temperature. To Mass. I worked at Greenhouse for an hour - shopped Grand Union - cash from bank - lining material for blue wool dress. Wes had worked in shop. Nap then Wes back in shop and he read the Raj. I planted Lobelia 'Illumination' seeds for Zone II meeting and Antirrhinum for our garden. To Sobols' at 6 - they took us to La Cave for dinner (great) Barbara became ill enroute home. 

1991 - Saturday - 26° at 7:15. Sun 7:05 - 5:21. Rising temperatures and a beautiful day. 
Did a wash - worked on crossword. Wes packed up papers and bottles for Recycling. Left at 11:45 - to Recycling - on to Stonehenge where Anne Tracy gave a 60th Birthday Party for Frank - 48 people - beautiful affair. Home at 4. Nap. Caught up on some papers.

1992 - Sunday. 20° at 6:30. Put heat on entire house - Eileen and Mary (and Boo & Snow) coming. Sun 7:06-5:14. The girls came at 11:45 - good time - good fire - Eileen brought soil-stones to cover tops of pots - parsley - Mary gave us a check to go to lunch. They left at 3:45. We took a nap - straightened up.