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February 3
1988 - Wednesday - 28° at 6AM - Light snow on ground - become mostly fair in morning - cloudy again in PM. To Mass. Did a wash. Finished the crossword. Took our 2 mile walk before lunch. After a nap, to the mall to ask for a refund of charge for Wes' glasses and take back the prescription. Had copies made of Wes doctor bills, & medical forms and sent them to Metropolitan. To Billie Newall's at 5 for a drink - Roses there - home at 7:15

1989 - Friday - 32° at 6AM - 7:04-5:16 - day rain - bad forecast for tomorrow so cancelled plans to go to NYBG seminar with Eileen. No Mass - roads icy - no work today either. Wes had many shop hours. I worked on tax figures - almost finished - cut out white blouse and finished belt of blue dress. Learned 3 deer went into Vargas Sunday when they were away and the gate open.

1990 - Saturday - 28° at 7AM - Cloudy - light sleet overnight, sun 7:04-5:16 - home today. Icy mist all day Indoor day definitely - Wes fed the birds. He worked in shop. I did a wash - made buttonholes in pink cotton blouse. We did the crossword. 
Enjoyed the day - glad don't have to go anywhere.

1991 - Sunday - 37° at 6AM. Fair. Sun 7:04-5:15. Beautiful day. February thaw! Over 50 in afternoon NYC had 64°-broke their record. To 8 o'clock mass. Made out seed and plant orders. Wes in shop. To Frank Leschke's show at Library at 2 - enjoyed seeing his and Norman Rockwell works. Home for more hobbying. Wes cooked chicken kebobs for dinner. Gas tank ran out at the finish

1992 - Monday - 20° at 6:30. 25 at 7AM. Sun 7:05-5:15 Beautiful day - rather windy. To Minuteman Press to pick up home stamp - Stop & Shop - gasoline $1.47/gal - bank. Took a mile walk.
Wes in shop. 
I continued tax work - Blackstone 1099 doesn't agree with our records - wrote them. Phoned travel agent on AHH trip to Yellowstone and Tetons in June. 

February 4

1988. Thursday - 30 °at 6:30 - Snow-sleet about 1/2 inch already - continued lightly until about 3 pm. Wes taking it easy with his pulled back muscle - worked in shop. I did tax desk work - need revised information from Prudential-Bache. After lunch and nap I raked and shoveled snow - light snow above a crust of ice, so most places just took off top layer. Supposed to be very cold at night.

1989 - Saturday 20° at 7 AM - Sun and cloud. Sun 7:03-5:17. A very cold day but not bad. Could have driven to NYBG but not disappointed cancelled it. Hobbies - chores - took a walk to Henleys - had cold hands before return as wind made it feel colder. Lunch on solar in 70°. More hobbies after nap. Woodpeckers eating lots of suet - refilled holders - Red Bellieds come frequently to the free holder.

1990 - Sunday - 33° at 6AM - Sun 7:03-5:17 - Won't see it today. Icy mist all day - miserable. To 8 o'clock Mass. Made muffins. Cut out lining for blue wool dress. Wes enjoyed his shop and read. 
Martini before lunch - and a nice nap. 
Phoned Joan & Bit - Holmdens have tickets to Albuquerque - Elder Hostel in Santa Fe - Bit is well. 
Father Medynski phoned - no mass tomorrow - he has a cold.

1991 - Monday - 39° at 7:15 AM. Fair. Sun 7:03-5:17. Beautiful spring like day - broke all records. In the 60's in afternoon. 68° in NYC. To bank - Post Office - left there as crowds looking for new stamps - [[strikethrough]] go [[strikethrough] went to 29¢ yesterday - Stop & Shop - home to rake leaves in wall garden area - Wes replaced gas tank on grill - lunch - nap - hobbies - took our walk at noon in sweaters only. Bees in bird feeders - Kept birds from eating - the bees scattered seed over the flagging.

1992 - Wednesday - 26° at 6 AM. Cloudy. Sun 7:04-5:16. None today I'm afraid. Saw 3 deer near well before breakfast. Chased them - they ran to break in fence at deer trail gate. To Mass. Repaired deer fence - used the new wire Wes had bought - will have to redo part in spring as frozen logs in the way. Did crossword. I recopied the tax records. Check from Blackstone delivered - 1991 income dated 1/31/92 - so now only the Polaris K form needed. Wes in shop. Kelly phoned. She & Carolyn will pick me up tomorrow at 9:30.