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February 5 

1988 - Friday - 16° at 6 am - clear - cold - Sun 7:03-5:17. Sunny but very cold day - not over 26°. To Mass. I worked at Greenhouse. Wes drove to Dr Doty for glasses - takes about 2 weeks - he shopped for bananas and milk. went to Lee Engineering Danbury to ask if they could remove a broken tap - No - later Tibor said he'd do it. Picked up clock from Horologist - after lunch I tried to take ice from Solar Roof - no luck - refilled suet holders - 5 woodpeckers at once.

1989 - Sunday - 19° at 6 AM. Dark. Sun 7:02-5:18. Wont see it today. Light snow started about 8 o'clock. Continued for the morning but only about an inch Cloudy cold miserable day. I went out to fill the birdfeeder - broomed walks & deck - pulled snow from the Solar roof. We worked on plant and seed orders - read papers. sewed. Wes in shop. Watched first episode of "Lonesome Dove" in evening

1990 - Monday - 24° at 7 AM. Clearing - Sun 701-519 Beautiful day - cold but good to see the sun. No Mass as Father has a cold. Did crossword without the book. Took my waterpik to repair shop in Danbury - to pharmacy for renewal of Wes' Timoptic drops - bank to take out Texaco certificate to transfer to joint name - Stop & Shop. Took a walk to Allen's corner - road very icy - bad footing. Lunch in Solar - nap - hobbies - I sewed lining in blue wool dress. Wes in shop and he read "Raj"

1991 - Tuesday - 42° at 6 AM - Sun 702-518 Another mild day - not as sunny as yesterday. To Mass. House chores. Crossword. Took a walk. Lifted stone from top wall garden which was hidden under dwarf Juniper. Lunch - nap - to Ridgefield - too long a line in Post Office to wait for two 4¢ stamps! - Wes to Dr James at 2:45 - came back with specimen cup to collect phlegm. We walked about property picking up sticks.

1992 - Wednesday - 26° at 7 am. Partly cloudy but not the snow predicted. High wind. Sun 7:03-5:17. Became clear sunny very windy day - lucky. Couldn't finish crossword - too many names. Kelly & Carolyn here at 9:15 - drove to Purdys for 10:21 train - met Eileen in New York - lunch at Oyster Bar - we walked to theatres - Kelly & Carolyn to "Lughnasa" (45th Street), Eileen & I to 'Lost in Yonkers' very good - (Patricia Harris) walked to Grand Central - took 5:17 train. Home at 6:45. Wes had taken vacuum to repair shop - would cost $80 to repair switch! He bought stamps.

February 6

1988 - Saturday - 13° at 7 AM - clear. Sun 7:02-5:19 Sunny cold winter day.
Wes worked in shop and on the crossword. I worked on seed orders - sent off the Kennedy one. We went to post office to make copies of metropolitan form for my bills only to find the machine broken. I broke the ice on the Solar roof and we had a martini there at noon lie 70°.

1989 - Monday. 22° at 6:45 - more light snow overnight Sun 7:01-5:20 afraid we won't see it today - came out in afternoon - temperature rose to 34°.  
Wes shoveled walks and deck. I cleaned off Solar roof. 
Pete and Carolyn stopped by coming back from her doctor appointment in Danbury to give us their key. We'll check on the dogs while they are away next week. Hobbies - chores for the balance of the day. Made out orders for Burpee, Roeknoll & Bluestone.

1990 - Tuesday - 30° at 6 AM. Stars out. Sun 7:00-5:19. Nice day - mostly sunny. Ice melted from trees by noon. Drove to Rectory but no Mass - evidently Father still has a cold. Did crossword. I took Texaco certificate to bank to have signature authorized & mailed in to Texaco. Registered mail $10.15!! To Ballard to plant some Anterrhenum seeds. We took our walk. Wes had worked in shop - continued there & read in pm. I finished putting lining in blue wool dress.

1991 - Wednesday - 42° at 7 AM. Sun 7:01-5:19. Sunny mild morning - cloudy by noon. To bank. Marcus - Stop & Shop - where Wes had prescription given him by Dr James filled - bananas were 3 lbs 89¢ - bought fish for dinner - took a mile walk - lunch - nap. I planted Pansy, Vinca and Snapdragon seeds. Put six of Azalea cuttings in outdoor holding box hoping they would go dormant (pretty warm for that). Carolyn came by for the railroad timetable and parking ticket for Purdy's lot. Wes working in shop.

1992 - Thursday - 19° at 6 AM. Sun 7:02-5:19. Beautiful frosty morning. To Mass. Did crossword. Wes to Dr. Sandler for new contacts - goes back on 24th - on to Marcus and bank via Rt. 7, mailed tax data to Kraucheck Heben - follow it with missing form when it arrives. 
Wes in shop. I worked with plants -cleaned up desk work.