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February 7

1988 - Sunday - 10° at 6AM - cold, sunny beautiful winter day - high 22° in pm. Sun 7:01-5:20 
To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers - filled feeders - Early lunch. Picked up Billie Newell at 1 pm & went to Tracy's. 
Anne gave a cocktail party for all February birthday friends 
Frank - Louise (9th) Jane Peloubet (10th) and me. Took Billie home - here at 3:30 - took a nap - had a relaxing evening.

1989 - Tuesday - 29° at 6AM. Dark. Sun 7:00 - 5:21. 
Light snow showers in morning - cleared in afternoon. 
To Mass. Left at 10:15 for Tarrytown - Eileen gave us lunch - she and I had 1:15 appointment with Dr. Nancy Horowitz. I had spot cut out of right leg behind knee - lots of spots on face frozen with liquid [[strikethrough]] oxyg [[/strikethrough]] nitrogen. 
Wes had a nap, then he shopped Finast for oatmeal etc. 
We reached home at 3:15. I rested - Wes worked in shop. Enjoyed "Lonesome Dove" in evening - altho' its very brutal.

1990 - Wednesday - 34° at 6:45. Cloudy - cleared at noon - rising temperatures - 48° in pm. Sun 700 - 521. To Stop & Shop - Texaco for gasoline and a car wash (car was filthy) picked up repaired water pump. Had our mile walk - road icy in only two places. Lunch - Wes in shop and he read. I started on tax records,
Picked up the Rosses at five and went to Billie Newell's cocktail party for Nancy Carroll - home at 7 for soup.

1991. Thursday. 40° at 6AM. Raining Sun 700 - 520. 
Light rain in morning - little sun in afternoon. To Mass. I worked at greenhouse in morning - 
Wes left me there then he dropped off phlegm sample at Dr. James - he returned for me at 11:30. We went to bank to deposit Conn. Bond interest - lunch - nap. 
Finished crossword. Wes in shop. I watered plants - did a little sewing.

1992 - Friday - 22° at 6AM - Cloudy. Sun 700 - 520. 
home today I'm afraid - however some sun. not a bad day. To Mass Did crossword. To Minuteman Printer to have address added to new paper - S&S - had Wes' new eyedrop prescription filled. Took a mile walk 
Lunch - nap - Wes in shop. I started sewing cotton skirt.

February 8

1988 - Monday - 22° at 7:15. Sun 6:59-5:21. Clear. Good winter day - sunny and cold.
Picked up suet Penny McLaren bought us at the Greenhouse then on to Westport - dry run to Saugatuck Railroad Station where will pick up bees on March 9th - to Leisure Unlimited to look at Brown Jordan armchairs for Solar - took information 
Lunch of soup & roll enroute Ridgefield - had copies made of Metropolitan Form at Copps Hill - home for nap - Wes in shop - I worked on seed orders - Day goes fast.

1989 - Ash Wednesday. 18° at 7 AM - Partly sunny. Sun 6:59-5:22. Not a bad day - cold - cloudy PM. Took a 1½ mile walk easy - saw last episode of "All Passion Spent" with Wendy Hiller at 10 on Channel 13 - to Mass at noon.
I brought the pots of small bulbs out of the cold closet - hope to force them for March 3rd Preview of Spring. 
Wes in shop - I sewed and knitted. 
Last of "Lonesome Dove" miniseries in evening.

1990 - Thursday. 30° at 7 AM - Heavy frost but sun coming up. Sun 6:59-5:22. No Mass - Father has flu - 
Wes to town to have wheels pressed on axels of lead truck by Vintage Cars - to Ridgefield Bank to have savings account book updated - bought milk and suet. I worked on tax records. We took a two mile walk - first half with McKerns who brought us carrots - I gave Louise Parks catalog. Lunch in Solar at 80°. More tax work - Wes read - I started work on jacket pattern - cutting it in pieces. 

1991 - Friday - 40° at 6am - Sun 6:59-5:21. 
To Mass. Cloudy damp morning - cleared at 2:30 for a sunny late afternoon. To Stop & Shop - had prescriptions for Wes' eyedrops filled while we shopped - gasoline $1.55/gal - had car washed here - saw Howard Castle who told us he had tumors on his spine - taking radiation treatments - sad. We made out forms to send to Metropolitan on doctor bills - a mess with all the papers from Medicare. A little hobby work - both of us not very successful. Kelly phoned from N.M.

1992 - Saturday - 32° at 7am - Cloudy. Light dusting of snow overnight. Sun 6:59-5:21. Light snow all day - tree looked beautiful - no accumulation. 
Did crossword. Wes in shop. I sewed cotton paisley skirt. To Vargas at five for a drink. Admired their solar extension. They gave me a basket of Florida oranges (from their friend they will visit next week) jam - currant - dried tomatoes & garlic paste. Home at 6:30 for our dinner.