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February 21

1988 - Sunday - 32° at 6:15 - Beautiful clouds Sun 6:43-5:39 -  Beautiful but cold windy day. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read paper-knitted-took a mile walk before noon. Martini in den while we watched the Olympics skating and skiing - Sandwich - nap. Wes in shop for awhile - I put forcing bulbs in Solar - Tulips do not show any signs of buds yet. Grape Hyacinths coming out. Self-cleaned the oven - wonderful job - 

1989 - Tuesday 39° at 6AM - Raining - Reservoirs need rain badly - rained most of day - heavy at times - foggy as temperatures rose. To Mass. I worked at greenhouse in  morning, shopping at shop & stop & bank. Home at 12:30 just when the electricity went off for two hours - no soup for lunch. Was able to sew and Wes worked in shop in afternoon. 

1990 - Wednesday- 20° at 6:45 - clear - great to sleep another hour. Sun 6:45-5:38.  Beautiful day sunny-cool-clear. To bank. Youngs for birdfood - Castles picked us up and drove to Pawling - Meeting House Restaurant for lunch - a drive over Quaker Hill - beautiful farms and houses - to Fairfield - Danbury & home - here at 3PM a nap - few hobbies - Japanese stock market fell 1000 - ours fell 13 today - 27 yesterday. 

1991 Thursday - 30° at 6AM - Clear. Sun 6:42-5:37 Mostly beautiful day - quite mild - cloudy only when we took our  morning walk. To Mass. 
Hobbies and house chores. brought down forced branches to Solar for the heat. Forsythia showing color: Put bulbs (narcissus & tulips) for Greenwich show outdoors in sun. Wes to Ace to pick up bulbs -  he dropped me at mall for a haircut - I bought a pair of black cobbies

1992 - Friday - 32°at 6 AM. Sun 6:43-5:37
Snowing when we left for Mass at 7:20. Not predicted Lasted only an hour - no accumulation. Did crossword. Shopped S & S & went to bank. Transferred the statement savings small amount to the money market as bank was going to charge $5.00 a month for non-activity. Took a walk. Put tulip bulbs under lights in shop room as they don't seem to be growing. 
Wes in shop for a time - gets tired - is talking about selling his equipment.

February 22

1988 - Monday - 20° at 6AM - Went back to bed for an hour - Sun 6:40/5:39 so sunny when we had breakfast.
To Roberts in Greenwich - decided on Brown Jordan Canton armchairs for Solar - McArdles for a 5" pot for the grape hyacinths for Greenwich show - picked up a sandwich at West Lane Deli - bought Ridgefield Orchestra tickets for Carolyn & Pete - home for a nap - took a 2 mile walk - Wes in shop - I worked with bulbs - Greenwich tulips showing color - moved them to living room

1989 - Wednesday - 49° at 7 AM - Foggy. Sun (probably none today) 6:40-5:39.
Lovely relaxing day - no stress - did house chores - to lunch at New England Food Company - had propane gas tank filled - bought filters for vacuum - few groceries at Waldbaum's - no walk as light rain most of day. Hobbies in afternoon.
Stocks fell 40 points - fear of rising interest rates account cost of living increase  
1990 - Thursday 34° at 6AM New fading moon on horizon with bright star above it (Venus) beautiful - Fair morning cloudy by noon, rising temperature - 55° in pm - To Mass - I went to Stop & Shop - Mill Plains - while Wes waited for delivery of composted cow manure from Salem Organic Soils (Brent Lamore) good looking stuff - $145 for truck. I worked at Ballard 10/12 - we took a mile walk - lunch nap - hobbies - skimmed leaves from pool - picked up sticks - light sprinkles at 4 pm.

1991 - Friday - 40° at 6 AM. Sun 6:41-5:38
To Mass. Beautiful morning - high winds at noon and cloudy then - cleared late afternoon. Did crossword - hard - to Stop & Shop - very crowded - we will shop earlier in future - gasoline was $1.379 gallon - Marcus for milk $1.89 gallon. Lunch after our walk. Took 6 Lobelia Cardenalis from upper holding bed - put them under lights upstairs. Iraq accepted Moscow peace plan - not acceptable to coalition - Bush gave deadline of tomorrow noon to get out of Kuwait

1992 - Saturday - 30° at 8AM - Really slept late - Paper repeated yesterday's sun times. Relaxing morning. did crossword - Wes in shop - I studied blouse pattern. To the Elms at 12:30 Billie took us to lunch - with Punkie Scott. Home at 3 pm.  Wes napped. I worked on pattern pieces - cutting them to size and pressing out wrinkles.