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February 25
1988 - Thursday - 20° at 7 AM. Good to sleep late - Cloudy - Sun 6:37-5:41. Not a bad day - getting colder - windy but mostly sunny. Did a wash..Took over 2 mile walk - lunch - nap. Wes in shop - I actually vacuumed and dusted upstairs. Put bulb pans in and out of Solar - we have our sandwich there. Worked on crossword - finished it. 

1989 - Saturday - 16° - good to sleep late - Mostly cloudy. Sun 6:36-5:42 Turned into a beautiful winter day - cold - windy but sunny. 
House chores - took our 2 mile walk before lunch - well bundled up. 
Wes marked the hem of my blue print dress. He worked in shop - I sewed. 

1990 - Sunday - 27° at 6:30 - snowing - looks like eight inches already - seemed like 24 when shoveling! Raked and shoveled after breakfast - snow-plow came about 8:30 - Wes had our driveway raked - one lane - so went to 9:30 Mass, taking Gizella. Glad we don't go to that one regularly - many noisy kids. Snowed most of day - out after lunch to shovel again. Wes fell repairing the string of the birdfeeder - hurt shoulder but luckily not broken. Phoned Bit & Joan - all well. Eileen's visit here cancelled.

1991 - Monday - 32° at 7 AM. Sun 6:37-5:42 Cloudy 
War to free Kuwait going as planned - taking many prisoners. Scud attack on barracks at Dharan killed 28 and injured 100 - more killed there than in combat. 
Gloomy day - up to 45° but damp - felt like snow. We took a walk before lunch. I went to Bank and Fabric Tree for notions. Did some sewing - Wes in shop. Tibor returned Wes' cylinder with broken tap removed. 

1992 - Tuesday. 35° at 6 AM - light snow/rain - miserable day - temperature dropped a bit - hovering near 32/34. To Mass. Did the crossword. Transplanted the Marigold Janie - have two pots and a couple over. Hope they recover for the Greenwich show Thursday. One bloom of the Amaryllis opening. To Post Office to cash the 300 - paid by Carl Larsen for Wes Live Steam Magazine Wish he would come for them. To Bank - liquor - S & S - gasoline

February 26

1988 - Friday - 18° at 6am - Fair Sun 6:35 - 5:43 - Beautiful day - cold - sunny.
I went to Mass - Wes waited for Ed Wright & crew - here to burn brush - they came before I returned from church - 4 men - Ed took one away at 11 & the remaining pair continued burning and cleaning up until 3 pm - Wes cut off broken limb at cliff edge - Wright cut the one above the Cornus kousa I cleaned the living room -  Wes the den - took dinner parts from freezer for tomorrow - I mailed Mohair sweater & wool to Joan - we took our walk to Henley's. 

1989 - Sunday - 20° at 6 AM - Cloudy. Sun 6:34-5:43 To 8 o'clock Mass. Hobbies - chores - papers. Light snow before noon continued through evening - about an inch.
To The Inn at noon, picking up Billie Newell - her guests for brunch. Rosse's also there. Wonderful meal - ate too much. Home at 3:30 for a nap - did Sunday's crossword - cleaned up papers.

1990 - Monday - 8° at 6 AM - clear - very cold but sunny day. To Mass. Did crossword and worked with plants - thinned Lobelia Illumination. Growing very slowly, but at least alive. Wes in shop. Lunch in Solar as 78° amazing heat in sun - outdoors 22°
To Fred Esser's wake at Kane Funeral Home - stopped for bandaids for Wes' chest scar and few vegetables at Stop & Shop.
Chamorro defeated Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua election.  

1991 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM - Light snow - Sun 6:35-5:43 - Light snow all morning - changed forecast to a storm Heavier in afternoon - we shoveled at 4 pm - about 4 inches - 
Wes had also raked driveway in morning
To Mass. Wes in shop. I prepared Apricot Beauty Tulips and Treotham Narcissus for Greenwich show. 
Kuwait City was liberated - big tank battle at Kuwait airport & coming battle with Republican Guard in North over 30,000 prisoners.

1992 - Wednesday. 36° at 7 AM. Raining. Sun (none) 6:35-5:43 Rain stopped before noon - cloudy until sunset. The second flower was out on the Amaryllis 'Dazzler' for Preview of Spring show. Muriel Pedersen brought her Marigolds and Narcissus for the show. Early lunch as I went to Greenwich for a 1 PM meeting on Passing[[?]] - home at 3 pm - lucky on the weather. No snow below North Salem - we still have some along front walk. Reservoirs very low enroute Greenwich. Wes had pushed snow from deck - filled bird feeders - cleaned his shop.