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March 2

1988 - Wednesday - 18° at 6AM - Clear Sky - Mostly sunny day - up to 50° in afternoon Sun 6:28-5:49. To Mass. I worked at Ballard Greenhouse, picking up Helen, and taking my tulips, grape hyacinths and Sinningia for Jane Peloutet to take to Greenwich tomorrow. Home at 12:30 - Wes had worked in shop. Lunch - nap. Took a walk to Henley's. Changed bowl bird feeder to other wire to try to thwart the squirrel. Wes back in shop. I knitted. Saw "Tales of Hoffmann" on Channel 13 - great.

1989 - Thursday 23° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful sunny winter day - cold but warm sun. Wes went to Mass - I went on to Greenhouse, met Edith: picked up entries and on to "Preview of Spring" Show in Greenwich - entered six - our Myrtle standard in [[?]] and Herb pot Home to take our 2 mile walk - lunch in solar - nap Wes back in shop - I read papers - ironed. Picked up Alex & Helen at 6:25 and drove to Waccabuc where had dinner as guests of Sattlers - Mary Luke & Punkie Scott there.

1990 - Friday - 30° at 6 AM. Fair beautiful - a little warmer. To Mass. House chores and hobbies. Left at 11:45 for Silvano's on Rt 100 below Somers where we [[strikethrough]] left [[/strikethrough]] met Eileen for lunch - talked about AHS meeting in Seattle - home at three - nap - dressed for Alex Ross retrospective show at Northridge Gallery, Main Street, Ridgefield.  Home at 6:45 - Soup for supper.

1991 - Saturday - Raining - 46°.  Sun 6:29-5:48. Did crossword - Hobbies - Wes read as he is waiting for parts for his locomotive. Took a walk after lunch - weather damp but very warm - up to 70° in late afternoon. We took the salt hay from the Lobelias in Wild Garden and those plants in cold-frame - also boxes of propagated azaleas - some of the plants look good - didn't want the Lobelias to get moldy under cover as they did last year.

1992 - Monday. 32° at 7 AM. Cloudy Sun 6:28-5:49, not a good day - cold - damp - gloomy - Enjoyed doing the crossword.  Did a wash - To Postoffice to mail medical bills to Metropolitan - bank - Marcus.  
To Ridgefield - bought staples at Squash's for the small stapler - bank to deposit Blackstone check. Wes to Dr. James at 3:30 - blood pressure good - make next appointment six weeks - I read papers in car 
Slight hailstorm.  I thinned Veronica and Snapdragons. 

March 3

1988 - Thursday - 42° at 7 AM - Partly cloudy - not a bad temperature - high 40's in afternoon. We did crossword. Wes bought a silver solder propane torch. I took my knitting to "Needle" for help on putting shoulders together - bananas & veggies at Stop & Shop - bought gasoline - to bank - to Squash's where bought 3 boxes of notecards for Petey Cerf - home for lunch - nap - walk to Henleys - Wes in shop. I ironed - put shoulders of my knitted vest together.

1989 - Friday - 26° at 6 AM - Fair - beautiful sunny winter day - warm sun - cold wind - cloudy in late afternoon. To Mass. To Greenwich to see flower show at 9:30 - won Blue for Myrtle standard - IHM for Herbs  
Home at 12:30 for lunch in Solar - beautifully warm.  
Nap - dug four plants out of frozen ground under salt hay in top holding bed - will try to make them grow for April 15th Annual GCA plant exchange - planted Salvia Victoria, Coreopsis Early Sunrise and [[strikethrough]] Rose [[/strikethrough]] Geranium Earliana Rose seeds.

1990 - Saturday - 35° at 7 AM. Grey - cloudy. Disc over tube bird feeder seems to be foiling squirrels - its hard on the rhododendron when they drop off.  Sunny and cold day. Wes' right hand a little better but still painful to use.  No. walk. I worked with plants, so lots of up & down stairs - thinned snapdragons - transplanted them and tiny Lobelia Illumination - We worked on crosswords - Sundays too - hard. Washed and ironed. To Bonanza bus depot to inquire about bus to Boston but they are affected by Greyhound strike.

1991 - Sunday - 49° at 6:15. In Persian Gulf - military representatives met - prisoners will be exchanged - agreed on all matters for a permanent truce.
Cloudy morning - almost fair PM - rain at night - heavy
To 8 o'clock Mass. Phoned girls - Kelly called from New Mexico - enjoying it.
To Waccabuc at 11:30, picking up Helen - guests of Sattlers for luncheon - Tracys - Tempanelli's and Punkie Scott there. Home at 3:15 - nap - read papers.

1992 - Tuesday - 32° at 6 AM - Dark - Fog. Sun 6:26-5:50 Miserable day - cold & dreary. To Mass. To Stop & Shop - (banana(4 lbs $1.00) gasoline $1.44/gal
Had a martini and pancakes for Mardi Gras.
Sewed on white blouse. Wes in shop.  
Phoned Wright on spray schedule - will have the minimum done - three. Carl Larsen phoned Wes he will come Thursday for the "Live Steam" magazines.