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March 4

1988 - Friday - 35° at 6 AM - Some light sun on grass - rain. To Mass. Light rain all day with about 2 inches of snow before bed time.
To bank - library to inquire whether any interest in 1900 papers found behind family print (Try Historical Assoc. in Philadelphia and Providence) lunch - nap - did work wash - ironed - finished putting red wool vest together - Wes made a fire in sittingroom - watched rerun Jewel in the Crown - worked on crossword.

1989 - Saturday - 31° at 6:30 - Cloudy. Sun 625-551. Periods of sun in afternoon - cloudy again in evening.
To Stop & Shop for fruit and vegetables - to St Mary's Parking lot - Met Sherryl Taylor for directions to Shepaug Dam for Bald Eagle viewing - off Exit 13 from 84 - enjoyed seeing the birds - home for lunch nap - I sewed hem of blue print dress then went for skirt fabric from Fabric Tree near Marcus. Wes worked in shop. Machinists strike against Eastern Airline threatens to disrupt railroads. Re 1974 paid $1.32 for gasoline.

1990 - Sunday - 22° at 6 AM - Clear. WQXR having NY Philharmonic drive so we are trying WNCN & WMNR - To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers - phoned girls.
Vargas picked us up at 11:45 and we took them to Stonehenge for luncheon - very good - home about 3 - nap. Made bran muffins - read papers.
Enjoyed Walter Mathau [[Matthau]] in "The Incident" - German Prisoner of War camp in Montana - very good.

1991 Monday - 43° at 7 AM. Misty - Rain predicted for the day. Sun 6:26-5:50. Did crossword - washed - changed bed - Wes went to bank - haircut on South Street as regular barber on vacation - to Ace. Early lunch & nap as I went to Muriel Pedersen's and from there to Greenwich McArdle for bulb stakes and pots - then to Sam Bridge where Muriel picked up [?] roses which we will grow - and make cuttings from - for June show. Home at four - Wes had read book on the Watson family

1992 - Ash Wednesday - 28° at 7 AM & Sunny. Hurray! Sun 625-551. Did crossword - couldn't finish it - for a Wednesday! House chores. To bank and then noon Mass. Took a walk after a nap. Washed the car. Beautiful day - up to 50 degrees.

March 5

1988 - Saturday - 20° at 6:30 - Beautiful sight when sun came up, snow on trees; Warm sunny - melted a lot of the snow. I shoveled the terrace - walks - deck & pulled it from solar roof. We had raked the driveway last night when closing the gate. Did work wash - the crossword - took a walk - shortened when we saw Std. Oil Conn. truck going for our delivery. Lunch. Boy "Billy" came to repair solar window (Wallin Pool) & caulk - We voted for sewer at East Ridge - I washed hair - finished red vest - Wes had time in shop.

1989 - Sunday - 32° at 6 am - Foggy - some rain overnight - cloudy day. To 8 o'clock Mass despite plans to go to Mass and reception for Bishop Egan at 2 at St Rose, Newtown. Read papers - early lunch & nap. Then to Newtown for the Mass - lots of people but seats for all - long - beautiful service. Home at 4:45.

1990 - Monday - 22° at 6AM - cloudy. Sun 624-551. Cold day - sun not out enough to raise temperature over 32°. To Mass. Did crossword. I went to Greenhouse worked an hour - picked up the six-pack of Lobelia Illumination - spoke to Jeanne Cooke Travel re Vancouver trip after AHS meeting in June - had copies made of Ryan-by-Mail ad and check - later sent them to Postmaster Fraud Section - Wes read - right hand still painful - he can't use it - I sewed on jacket - snow flurries in afternoon

1991 - Tuesday - 38° at 6 AM - Cloudy - Sun
For the record, Super unleaded gasoline $1.35/gal - down from its high during Persian Gulf War, and including new 5¢ gal Fed. Tax! To Mass. Stop & Shop & gasoline. Took a mile walk. I went to Greenhouse at 2 pm - bought 2 miniature roses and made 8 cuttings from them. We planted the Trevithian daffodils (including the pot which won Second at Green Fingers) on South bank. Walked about inspecting - Snowdrops up and crocus appearing.

1992 - Thursday - 32° at 6 AM. Foggy. Sun 623-552. To Mass. Set up TR. Did crossword. 
I went to Helen Ross' for lunch - Billie Newell there also - enroute home I stopped for a haircut at the mall. 
Beautiful day after a foggy morning.
Wes waited for Carl Larsen of Caldwell, N.J. here at 1 pm (in a new Cadillac) with his wife to pick up all the Live Steam magazines 1966/1991. Wes then walked around checking for deer - none luckily - picking up sticks