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March 10

1988- Thursday - in Philadelphia - cloudy early, became beautiful day. Breakfast at 7:15 in Sheridan's Smart Alec - did crossword (not very complete without book). Bus at 9:30 to Flower Show - very beautiful, especially to us. The Vicks Wildflower exhibit - many orchid gardens - astilbe, hollyhocks - delphinium - beautiful horticultural exhibits - at the show until four pm when bus returned to hotel. Had planned to go downtown to dinner but too tired so ate in.

1989 - Friday - 23° at 6 AM. Fair, beautiful day - Cold but warm sun - Sun 6:16 - 5:57. To Mass. Took our walk early - 2 miles - waited for mail delivery - no GM check so to bank with Texaco checks and to Da Silva Upholstery to return books of samples and pick up another to try for guestrooms. Lunch - nap - Wes in shop - I sewed pink cotton skirt belt.
Phoned Holmdens in morning to wish Hooker Happy Birthday - he was out walking the dog - Joan was fine.

1990 - Saturday - 36° at 7AM. Cloudy. Sun 616 557 no predicted rain but cloudy all day. Relaxing morning - did crossword - wash - called Hooker
To North Street movie "Hunt for Red October" - submarine story - exciting.
Nap - read - diner
Phoned Carolyn - all well there - new nanny Mary Kennedy, good with Chelsea. Phoned Kelly in New Mexico to thank her for White Haven Farm gift order.

1991 - Sunday - 26° at 6 AM. Clear. Have to put bird food out each morning now as raccoon is emptying the Audubon feeder - luckily he doesn't break it. 
To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers. Left for Coggeshalls at 12:15 - John looks more ill (Parkinsons) but keeps going. Met their friends Midge & Bill Arnold - good talk on birds and wildflowers. Home at 5:40. Just in time for Eileen's call - she evidently has a virus. Had phoned Mary, Joan & Bit - Joan pulled her back muscle again.

1992- Tuesday - 42° at 6 AM. Very foggy. Sun 6:15-5:58 - Cloudy, gloomy day - rain started late afternoon 
To Mass. I picked up dwarf narcissus at Pinchbeck for Heidi Riggs (my own bulbs poor this year) stopped at Jean Cook's re travel to Denver in June - worked in Greenhouse until 12. To Heidi's for lunch and to meet Liz Montanari Mrs. Eddy, Heidi's mother, there. Home at 2:45. Wes had worked in shop. Finished crossword - did a little sewing. Phoned Hooker to wish him Happy Birthday. Saw first Robin.

March 11
1988 - Friday. Philadelphia -  bus left Sheridan Hotel at 9. Toured historic area - we had guides through the Powell House and the Hill-Physick House and gardens. Lunch at Dickens Inn - left at 1:30 for home - 20 minute delay on Jersey Turnpike account accident - reached Westport at 5:20 - Helen & Alex there to meet us - had dinner at Three Bears - home at 8:15. Gizella handed Wes the mail - Wes had notice of increase in pension - a nice welcome home. Unpacked - 

1989 - Saturday - 22° at 6:45 - Sun coming up. We love these "sleep-in" mornings. Sun 6:14 -5.58. Beautiful sunny day. some clouds in afternoon. couldn't complete the crossword - names got us. Took our two mile walk - washed the car (over 45 degrees)-lunch - nap - washed hair - sat in solar to sew. Wes in shop - I watched "Miss Marple-the 4:50 from Paddington" - marvelous but only able to see first half as left for Hedy Wegiers at 4:35 - walked about the woods there - admired water courses - she took us to dinner at the Inn- home at 9:30.

1990-Sunday - 42° at 6 AM. Had rained overnight Partly cloudy - quite warm. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers - planted W77 Tuberous Begonia Picotee Lace Apricot - 3 tubers - in pots - put them on heating tray- Read papers - finished Sunday's crossword -(came Thursday) Martini - sandwich - nap - to Greenwich to pick up Myrtle standard - Hon. Mention - damaged foliage pretty bad (too cold Thursday AM!) Muriel Pedersen's Narcissus taken by someone - we took a pot to her - Wes cooked lambchops.

1991- Monday - 23° at 7 AM. Partly cloudy-very cold wind. Sun 6:15-5:58 Sunny, very windy day. Enjoyed a leisurely breakfast - did crossword. Worked with plants. Wes finished the Watson (IBM) book. We took a mile walk before lunch. I raised the hem of my new wool challis skirt an inch - hanging under coat. Made squash bisque to take to garden club sale tomorrow. Wes went to bank and Marcus - bought cream for the soup.

1992 Wednesday - 53° at 7 AM - Raining lightly Sun 6:14 - 5:59. Weather to change-heavy snow in West - temperature fell in afternoon - down to 25°.  
We shopped early before winds came - then did crossword and house chores. I made muffins and low fat chocolate (cocoa) cake -good. Drove to Greenhouse to pick up information from Heidi Riggs on Liz Montanari - proposed member of Garden Club. Saw deer in dell - luckily outside fence -when talking to Eileen on phone at 5:45.