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March 16

1988 - Wednesday - 28° at 6AM. Partly cloudy. Pond is still iced in - saw 5 ducks flying over. Off and on sun but mostly cloudy, cold - windy. To Mass.
Wes in shop after finishing crossword. I worked on taxes, called Lon Krawchick on W-2 forms. We went out to move big logs from top of north rock to upper road Lunch - nap - Out again - removed Ross netting from step garden - front walk, bank and dwarf spruce. Put chicken wire over crocus outside gate.

1989 - Thursday - 38° at 6:15 - overslept - dogs with us. Party cloudy. Sun 6:06 - 6:04. Beautiful day. 
To mass. I went to Phelps Hospital to take Eileen home - got her there at 11 AM after a stop at store - dogs came for the ride but I brought them back as Eileen needs rest. Wes had taken off burlap from front dwarf pine and juniper in wall garden - Christmas wreaths from front door. Worked outdoors in afternoon - I cut off ornamental [[gass?]] Picked up salt hay from wall garden. 

1990 - Friday - 55° at 6 AM - Fair - very warm - over 70° - broke record again - dry wind also. 
To Mass. To Jeane Cook Travel to complete travel plans for June 19 trip to Seattle - Wes went to Reclamation and bought light timer at [[Bedients?]] - Shopped Stop & Shop (both [[Red?]] and Mill Plane to get suet) bought black walkers at Shoetown - home for lunch - planted forced bulbs and walked about - cut off some dead stems from wall garden plants. Too warm in Solar to eat lunch, even with shades down.

1991 - Saturday - 32° at 6:45 - Sun - first in several days. 6:07-6:03. Beautiful day. Did crossword. To Mall to look for large envelope to mail garden pictures to Sasqua G.C. but not open until 10 AM. To bank and Marcus. Had our walk at the Mall. I finished the wool challis skirt - had trouble with the buttonholes - the machine. To Helen ROss' at 5 for cocktail party - all Ridgebury people there. 

1992 - Monday 15° at 6 AM. Fair. WQXR is very noisy these early mornings - going to Monroe MNR. Sun 6:05-6:04. Cold, sunny, windy day. To Mass. Did cross word. To Jeanne Cook Travel - paid by check & credit card for Eileen's and my flights for AHS June trip - to bank - Youngs for birdfood - S&S for bananas 69¢ lb! Home for an early lunch and nap. Wes had 2:20 appointment with Dr Beck - to do a 3 day test for times and amount of urine so stopped at S&S Pharmacy to fill prescription. To Carol & Bill Stoddards for dinner at 7 PM Virginia Chisholm (tomorrow's RGC speaker) & Marjorie Duquesne there. 

March 17

1988 - Thursday - 28° at 5:45 - clear - Saw big raccoon under birdfeeders. Up early to go to doctor appointments 
Left at 8:20 for Atchley - good trip - arrived at parking lot at 9:31. Wes had 10:15 appointment with Dr Puchner - good report - went for cups coffee - waited for my 12 noon appointment Dr Jacobs - blood pressure 140/80 - heart ok - take blood test at Danbury - weight on his scale (low) 128 - to Eileen's where she gave us scotch and corned beef sandwiches - fruit & cookies - home at 4:15 - nap - couldn't finish crossword (Irish) had Irish coffee for dinner. 

1989 - Friday - 40° at 6 AM - Clear. Sun 6:04-6:05 Beautiful day - up to 60° in afternoon. Dogs with us - enclosure works well for early mornings. To Mass. To Stop & Shop and Genoves. Home for lunch - nap. Eileen feeling a little better. In the afternoon we worked outside. Wes opened fence at deer trail to make a gate leading to a spot to throw brush. I trimmed dead stalks on wall garden pushed back plants frost heaved. Dogs ran free most of time but Boo went out on the road. Had corned beef and cabbage and Irish coffee for St Patrick's Day. 

1990 - Saturday - 60° at 6:30 - Cloudy - rain late afternoon - continued into night. 
House and plant chores. Did crossword and started on Sunday's.
Transplanted 7 Lobelia Illumination into individual pots. They are growing very slowly. 
Had Irish coffee for dinner. Good. Cooked lamb chops inside account rain - better outdoors on grill. Saw a Robin, male & female Red Bellied Woodpeckers at suet.

1991 - Sunday - 30° at 6 AM. Clear - beautiful day - cool but sun warm - Sun 6:05-6:04. To 8 o'clock Mass. I was Lector. Read papers. Wes balanced checkbook - finished later in day - one old check not cashed. 
To Auberge Maxime with Tibor & Gizella Varga at noon - good dinner - home at 3 pm - nap - I picked up leaves from wall garden - Draba in bloom - and from azaleas along wild garden path. 

1992 - Tuesday - 23° at 6 AM - There is controversy at the St Patrick's Parade as gay & lesbian groups not allowed to march. Sun 6:04/6:05 - not much sun - snow flurries in morning - sloppy driving. To Mass. I went to Betty Snellings on Ned Road for Garden Club meeting - talk & slides of Celia Thaxter's Garden, Appledore Island, off New Hampshire & Maine by Virginia Chisholm. I left early to come home & fix Wes' sandwich. Then I went to the Elms for honey - Carroll Draper's luncheon - stopped at Marcus enroute home for milk & heavy cream for Irish coffee - had that for dessert at dinnertime 
Cleared in afternoon - moon out at night