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March 18

1988 - Friday - 25° at 6 AM. Mostly cloudy, cold and windy day. Snow flurries - supposed to get up to 2 inches tonight. To Mass - on to Youngs for thistle seed and safer spray - Stop & Shop for fruit & veggies. I had 11 o'clock date with Alison Rowe, broker at Prudential-Bache - review of stocks & bonds - we don't have much with them. Wes in shop. I mailed the Ridgefield Views note cards to Mrs Cerf - went on to G Fox and bought 2 twin sheets and Reebok Walking Shoes - made copy of W-2 form & explanation typed for inclusion on our 1040's. 

1989 - Saturday - 10° at 6:30. Cloudy. Walked dogs before breakfast. Sun 6:03-6:06. Eileen phoned 9:3 0AM - she slept well - feels better - said Mr Long had auto accident in Virginia.  I phoned Penny  he has 3 broken ribs - banged head - sore knees. Car totaled - but he was lucky. We worked around place, picking up sticks - removed salt hay - bees eating sunflower seed chips - birds can't get in.  Thunderstorm in afternoon - rain gauge not out but first decent rain in some time. Big pond almost free of ice. 

1990 - Sunday - 48° at 6AM. Raining off and on until noon - then beautiful afternoon. To 8 o'clock Mass. Read papers. Sewed on Black/white silk jacket. To The Inn at 12:30 - lunch as Billie Newell's guests. Grace Schaefer there also. Home at 3:20 - nap. Sewed lining for jacket. Watched first part of Phantom of the Opera.  

1991. Monday - 40° at 7AM. Cloudy Sun 6:03-6:05. Rain all day - light - rain gauge not out. 
Did crossword. Did a wash. To Post Office to mail pictures of garden to Sasqua Garden Club - to Stop & Shop found suet, thank God and bananas 49¢ lb. 
No walk account rain.  Worked with plants - planted aquarium - threw out material scraps - Wes read Father Hesburgh's book. 

1992 - Wednesday - 28° at 7AM - Clear. Sun 6:02-6:06. Mostly sunny and cold. Did crossword.  To Caldor's. Bought Black & Decker iron - to Jeanne Cook Travel to  pick up vouchers and tickets for June trip - to Fabric Tree for interfacing - bought gasoline at Flannery Texaco $1.46 gal (couldn't work Mobil's machine earlier). Lunch - nap - walk - Wes checked deer fence - as dogs had gotten in - all ok - I cut out interfacing pieces. 

March 19

1988 - Saturday - 33° at 7 AM - Only a very light dusting of snow - storm had gone out to sea. Sun 600-607 After early clouds, cleared to a mostly sunny, windy, cold day. I went to Joe Keller's demonstration of pruning 10/11:30 Wes cut up small logs on top of big rock and carried them to Grouse border. Lunch - nap. To Commerce Park Cine for "Moonstruck" - very good - Italian family of Brooklyn Home at 5:15 - finished crossword - worked on Sunday's.

1989 - Sunday - 28° at 6 AM - clear - cold after yesterday! Ran dogs down the road before breakfast. Two geese on pond. Beautiful day - quite cool and breezy.
To 8 o'clock Mass - milk at Marcus following - their parking lot jammed. Picked up last of salt hay - exercised dogs - went down cliff trail, raking leaves on path, to jam up of logs at end. Had Martini in Solar at noon - had to pull shades the sun is so warm.
Eileen feels better but is not strong - we will return dogs Tues.
Saw 6 robins on church lawn.

1990 - Monday - 33° at 6 AM. Clear - Sun 6:01-6:07 Cloudy early then cleared for most of day - clouds and rain at six - continued all day. To Mass. House and plant chores - a little sewing - Set table and prepared luncheon for Alex Ross. Wes picked him up 11:45 He was restless after lunch - we drove to post office - Marcus Bethel to Yarn Shop - left request for Soho Wool. Back home with Alex until 4:45 when Helen phoned she was home from bridge playing - took Alex back - we had a quiet evening Exhausted

1991 - Tuesday - 45° at 6 AM - Cloudy. Sun 602-606 Misty and windy in morning - cleared and sunny and windy in afternoon. To Mass. To Lexington Gardens - bought seed planting trays - lime- gloves for Wes. Walk before lunch. Moved 3 tier light trays & plants to garage - thought too warm in Wes' shop. We picked leaves from more azaleas along wildflower walk. Walked about, picking up sticks. Crows stealing suet on tree. Cant win on animals.

1992 - Thursday - 32° at 6 AM. Light sun - about five inches already. Sun 6:00-6.07. Ten weeks of snow before it stopped late afternoon. No Mass naturally. We raked and shoveled several times. Weeds filled up walk and deck. Wes shoveled that as snow was high on doors. Tibor cleared out the road edge after the plow went thru - that was a big help.
To Jane Jessup's - at 5:30 - she was having a cocktail party for Nancy Carroll Draper.

Biggest snow [[strikethrough]] accu [[/strikethrough]] fall since January 1991.