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March 24 

1988- Thursday- 44° at 6:15- Cloudy- but such a welcome rise in temperature- Up to 72° in afternoon- Didn't want it that warm! We need rain badly.
Spent most of day preparing for dinner guests- cleaned house & shop- [[?]]
Mary Luke (her birthday) Father [[Tighe?]], Alex and Helen here at 6:30- left 9:30- Good meal if I do say so. We partly cleaned up. 

1989- Good Friday- 32° at 7am- Cloudy- miserable day- started with sleet- turned to rain- continued all day- high winds at night. 
Cleaned house in morning- [[put?]] on tablecloth- ironed napkins- polished silver. To church services at 3 o'clock, home at 4:40- then made an angel food cake before our dinner

1990- Saturday- in Washington- What a change in the weather- light snow- had 8 o'clock tour of White House- then to National Museum of American History- Silvio Bedini- good guides- lunch there in Carousel Cafeteria- then National Gallery of Art- Pei East Building- beautiful Japanese garden- To Union Station for dinner- night tours of Vietnam-Lincoln Kennedy Center

1991- Sunday- morning in Waltham, Mass- best Western East Motel- not raining thank God- left for home after breakfast. Good trip- ice on tree below [[Sturbridge?]]- light rain before reaching Danbury, Stopped at Stop & Ship for milk and banana- too green to eat- home at noon- put up heat- [[all?]] plants seem to be in good shape- lettuce seeds up- soup for lunch- nap- read papers- phoned girls- saw diving ducks- Mergansers(?) on pond.

1992- Tuesday- 20° at 6am. Switched to Monroe as [[Q&R?]] very noisy. [[S?]] [[5:52-613]] Not a bad day- cold but mostly sunny. To Mass- Voted in Primary right after- for Buchanan as a protest against Bush. To Mall- William Sonoma- for ginger- S&S for banana etc. Home for lunch in [[S?]]. Balanced check book- found error in subtraction and gave up on 25¢. Did a little sewing on white blouse. 

March 25

1988- Friday- 48° at 6:00- Foggy. Saw a deer outside bathroom window- darn! Chased him down deer trail. Spent a couple hours renewing and strengthening the fence against the deer- Wes put in more posts, luckily was able to get them in. To new [[?]] Gramaphone Shop where bought 16 CD! Had picnic lunch enroute home- nap- Eileen came up unexpectedly with a large bread order.- stayed just a short while- Julius Varga took all wood left along upper road. I cut off [[?]] eaten by deer last fall.

1989- Holy Saturday. 36° at 6:15- Becoming fair- too bad we didn't have the rain gauge out.
To [[Brunetti's?]] for [[checkin?]]- Gasoline was 1.33 at [[C?]] [[Texaco?]]- to Stop & Shop and home. I cooked chicken [[&?]] shrimp for tomorrow. We set the table. 
Out after lunch. Wes moved couple loads of decaying logs over [[cliff?]] at shed area- I picked up sticks- planted [[Primulas?]] Eileen gave us at birthday time- swept the walks

1990- Sunday- in Washington- 8 o'clock Mass at St Patrick's Church- there to Mall by our bus- Wes to Air & Space & Old Smithsonian- Eileen & I to [[S?]] and African Art Museums- Mrs Haupt's garden beautiful- Met Wes for lunch at Air & Space Museum- bus left at 1:30 for home- at [[?]] Tavern about 7:45- Eileen stayed overnight with us

1991- Monday- 38° at 6AM- cloudy- some light rain after 3pm. To Mass. Cleaned upstairs for a change. Wes cleaned shop & lavatory. Took our walk before lunch. 
I cleaned leaves from shrubs on southeast side of house- off Solar- lots there. Squirrel had dug up raised bed. Saw squirrel reach feeding hold in Audubon feeder- didn't see how he did it Put out [[slant?]] light in upstairs bathroom after moving those plants to garage light. 

1992- Wednesday- 24° at 7AM- Fair. Brown beat Clinton in Conn's primary- too bad- Bush got 69% of Republican vote- a lot of people beside us protested. [[Sew?]] 5:50-6:15. 
Hung [[p?]] cork board in upstairs hall- put away tablecloth- rolled up fireplace cover- To Safe Deposit box in Danbury to get out [[?]] certificate for transfer to Premium Shares- took a walk- Did a little sewing on white blouse. 
Heard Senator Rudman of New Hampshire on McNeil Lehrer tell why he will not run again- his discouragement with government we feel also.