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March 26

1988- Saturday - 54° at 4 AM - Raining.
Big pond is still iced - maybe today ice will melt. Rain most of day - outdoors only for birds and mail. Did crossword (hard), planted more Snapdragon seeds and Ageratum Saloza & cleome - made cuttings from hanging Jade Eileen brought yesterday - even did a couple rows of knitting. Wes had time in shop. Rumpole back on Mystery at 9 PM. 

1989 - Easter Sunday. 40° at 6 AM. Cloudy - became a very beautiful day - we are lucky. To 8 o'clock Mass, I was Lector. Prepared dinner for Eileen - Bit - Mary - Carolyn & Pete. Lunch at 12:30 - with Boo & Snow of course looking beautiful. Pleasant afternoon - Eileen looks well - tires easily - brought us a bread order. Carolyn & Pete's baby girl expected June 16 - they are now enlarging their upstairs - adding a bathroom. Everyone left about 4:30 - we cleaned up and read papers - relaxed. Kelly phoned - just returned from Arizona. 

1990 - Monday - 42° at 7 AM. Home from Washington Eileen left at 8:30 - we put suitcases away - shopped Stop & Shop and bank - After lunch worked outdoors - Wes moved big stone under Audubon birdfeeder - will get another as squirrels & birds ripping up the grass - picked up sticks - some of salt hay - filled out Census form. Watched some of Academy Awards Jessica Tandy won best actress. 

1991 - Tuesday - 36° at 6 AM.  Fair! Good to see sun - Not a bad day - partly cloudy AM - more sun in afternoon. 
To Mass. 
Worked outdoors all day. Took wire from arborvitae salt hay from shade garden and raked there - ? from trailing arbutus - over cliff to cut blackberry bushes - terrible mess down there - threw away rest of azalea cuttings as now know must have leaves after potting to live. I fell carrying the planting box but luckily didn't break anything.  

1992 - Thursday - 38° at 6 AM - Millicent Sattler died - Two geese landed on ice in the pond - unusual - more later
Sun 5:50-6:15 - error yesterday obviously - To Mass - Working on crossword when Andy Vell came re tree cutting work - Limbed up tree back of house but has to wait for his help next week to cut down trees in wildgarden. Noticed deer had come in - walked fence to try to find entrance in fence - May be along road - and a bend in heavy fence on North Slope. I went to Post Office - registered stock certificate to Kemper. Polished brass and silver. Cleaned.

March 27

1988 - Sunday - 50° at 6 AM - Light rain - Big pond is almost free - One big ice flow left. Watched 5 Diving Ducks at breakfast time - later there were 10. 
To 8 o'clock Mass - I was the "Speaker". Read papers for a time. Became a beautiful sunny day. Out to rake and pick leaves from new area at well - looks good. Put up boards in upstairs bedrooms windows for future draperies. Wes in shop - I planted 4 more 6-packs Cosmos - Parsley - Delphinia Zinnias

1989 - Monday - 34° at 6 AM - Fair beautiful day. - up into 60s. To Mass. Worked around place most of day - We moved old logs to cliff near shed. I transplanted many of the flower seeds I raised. Planted the lettuce Eileen brought from Rosedale yesterday and the Primulas - those along the dell path and at bottom of dell.

1990 - Tuesday - 22° at 6 AM - Sun coming up 5:48-6:15. Beautiful day but cold. To Mass. Wes went for more stamps - paid bills and contributions. I prepared Akela tulips for Garden Club meeting (won first) Early lunch to get a nap. Picked up Helen at 1:35 - Wes took Alex on errands - reclamation - bank - bought bluestone for base of bird feeder - Helen & I to Library - Program Room to hear Joseph Hudak on Garden Restoration back to Rosses at 5. Phoned Holmdens to wish them good trip to New Mexico

1991- Wednesday - 42° at 7 AM - cloudy - damp - Re 1988 - the diving ducks (Mergansers) have been here for a few days.  Wes went to Lexington Gardens to get a credit for duplicate charge on Visa. - to Marcus and bank enroute home. 
I did a wash - ironed - to the Mall for a haircut. 
No outdoor work account rain. Early shower and dinner - to Tempanelli's at six - Jeanne drove to Bedford where we saw "Mr & Mrs Bridge" with Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward.

1992 - Friday - 46° at 6 AM - cloudy - foggy - showers predicted Sun 5:49-6:15. Not a good outdoor day. To Mass. Did crossword. To bank and for bananas at S&S. After lunch & nap to Bethel Hartford Office Supply for another bulletin board and tacks. Wes hung the board in upper hall. Put a screw in banjo clock to keep it even. Running ok since its repair.