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March 28

1988 - Monday - 34° at 6:15 AM - Partly cloudy. Strange duck gone from pond - two Canada Geese there chasing other geese off. Cleared about 10 to a beautiful day. To town - Stop & Shop - Caldor for ironing board covers - Slippers for me - lunch - nap - outdoors to take burlap from all plants - also wire from road Juniper - cleaned up well area of wood - Wes took rocks used as "hold downs" up road.

1989 - Tuesday - 46° at 6AM - Hazy - became a sunny warm day - high 79°. To Mass. Walpole here to estimate fence at shed area - just over $2,000. Called two more fence companies. I left RGC entries at Lee Dickerson's (forced tulips 1st; strawberry 2nd) on to Touchstone's - Muriel Pedersen gave luncheon for Ricky Harris -visiting from the Vineyard and Madelene Morrison - RGC meeting following - home at 4:45. Wes had taken down tall stump in dell and small trees around compost. Cocktail in solar. Eileen has two gall bladder stones.

1990 - Wednesday - 25° at 6:45 - Sunny - beautiful day - quite cool. Tax Report received from Krawchick - not bad.
Wes cleaned up shop. I did a wash - Transplanted more Lobelia Illumination
In afternoon worked outdoors - cleaned up wall garden - seems to be a lot of winter kill.
Wes moved leaf chips to make room for George Ventra Trucks at well - he is delayed starting well house due to illness.

1991 - Holy Thursday - 58° at 7 AM. Partly cloudy. Warm wind. Became clear - but very windy.
To Fairgrounds Liquor Store - bought Grand Marnier & John Begg Scotch - a big clean store. To bank - many people
To Stop & Shop - also crowded. Home for lunch & nap
Over cliff to cut down more berry bushes and raise one Hemlock - brought back moss and planted it in our Moss Garden - weeded path to holdin beds. Wes brought out bird baths from crawlspace when he put away wire and stakes.

1992 - Saturday - 37° at 7:15. Cloudy. Lots of woodpeckers waiting for the suet. Red Bellied among them. Ice in big pond almost all melted. Sun 545-617. Not a good outdoor day - we haven't had many this year - but we did put three posts on south deer fence moved logs to cover holes at bottom - hope we can keep deer out. Did a work wash - threw away a lot of old checks - very small ants on den floor - even with ant traps can't get rid of the. Couldn't finish crossword.

March 29

1988 - Tuesday - 36° at 6:30 - Cloudy - cleared about 10 to a beautiful day - House chores and hobbies to 11:15 - then out to work on wall garden - in afternoon Wes cleaned leaves from North Slope - narcissus coming up. I cleaned up cliff side of Solar - removing evergreen mulch - raked out herb border - pushed leaves from stepgarden - took cages from taxus. Early dinner as went to Family Penitential Service - 10 children first penance - no discipline at all. We went to private confession.

1989 - Wednesday - 64° at 6 AM - Misty - then became not bad but not the rain hoped for. We took car for 19,240 miles' change of oil, & filter, etc, stopped at bank and Waldbaum's for bananas. Silvestri Fence came, gave estimate of $780 for 36 feet of fence no gate - we drove to their office in Danbury to look at fencing - signed contract. Did wash - ironed Easter napkins - transplanted more seedlings - planted tomato seeds. Wes moved more logs from Judson line to cliff - I started cleanup of leaves at well.

1990 - Thursday - 27° at 6 AM - Fair day but cold. To Mass. To Nutmeg - left wheelbarrow wheel for repair Shopped at Stop & Shop. I worked at Greenhouse - noticed fence finally put in Ballard Garden - to Pinchbeck to buy Ranunculus to put in Gizella's basket - her's is dead - Vargas return tonight from New Zealand. After lunch we worked outdoors cleaning up Step Rock Garden 
Cloudy in late afternoon - snow/rain predicted.

1991 - Good Friday - 45° at 6:30. Cloudy - rain forecast Saw Wood Ducks on pond. Gloomy damp day - no rain. I washed Irish sweaters. Wes dug a hole for expected Cornus Kousa and for Leucothoe that we will move - both on South Slope. I transplanted Stella D'Oro Hemerocallis to end of terrace wall. 
To Services at 2:45. I was the Narrator.
Wes' delivery from Little Engines finally arrived - one item on back order.

1992 - Sunday - 32° at 6 AM. Fair. Gusty winds. Little pool frozen again. Sun 5:44-6:18. To 8 o'clock Mass. Became sunny but very windy - temperature rose to 52°.
Phoned sisters - all ok. Kelly in Georgia so didn't talk to her. Muriel Pedersen came with wire baskets & most & sweet peas - we planted them - 2 baskets each 
Had a Martini in Solar. Over 80° there - will have to pull shades soon. After nap took a walk - checked deer fence. Did a little sewing - Tried to do the Sunday crossword.