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April 3

1988 - Easter Sunday - 46° at 6 AM. Daylight savings time. Murder to get up. Mostly cloudy day but not bad for traveling. To 8 o'clock Mass - I was Lector. Prepared for guests - Eileen, Bit and Mary here early - about 10. Eileen Bit & I went to Carolyn & Pete's at 11:30. John Davis - Jerry - John, and Lynn over there. Back home at 1 pm for dinner. Wes had a fire going - enjoyable day - they left about 5:30. Boo had taken ham from package I had given Mary. It was in her purse on the floor! 

1989 - Monday - 42º at 7:30 & raining. Wes got up at 5 AM & turned up the heat - back to sleep until 7:25 - wonderful! Not much rain - dreary - damp day. Did crossword. Eileen came up at 10 o'clock - brought us 3 bags of Moody's. She & I went to Appraisal Day at the Community Center - a benefit for Garden Club - lots of people so between 11 and 1:15 Eileen never had a chance to get her article appraised - I typed - home for lunch with Wes - after Eileen left we napped. Mr. Da Silva measured for guestroom draperies. Seton Hall lost basketball championship by one point.

1990 - Tuesday - 42° at 6:45. Raining. 
Breakfast after Mass. Rained off and on - hard at times - at 5 pm over an inch - new rain gauge is out. 
Wes in shop - I worked with plants - put those from Viette in pots - sewed - finished black/white jacket. 

1991 - Wednesday - 36° and fair - beautiful day - temperature got to 50's.  Wes dropped me at Greenhouse to prepare propagated plants to take to GCA meeting I donated a Cardinal flower. - Wes meanwhile bought birdfood, suet, liquor - [[?]] handle and information on front door replacement from Ridgefield Supply. Home for lunch. I attended Irene Burr Dayton's memorial service at Congregational Church at 1 pm. - home at 2:30. We worked - Wes cleaned up stones & wood. I at the Wall Garden

1992 - Friday - 30° at 6 AM - Light dusting of snow overnight - Sun 5:36-6:23. To Mass. Couldn't finish the crossword - making them harder. Brought plant light down from bathroom to garage - getting ready for Joan & Hooker's visit - cleaned sewing room.
To Ice House Restaurant at twelve to meet Alice Castle - nice talk - she is well & busy - saw Arch Heim - he has gained weight. To Stop & Shop for bananas & vegetables. Tax reports came - phoned Mr. Heben on Travelers Pension exclusion.

April 4

1988 - Easter Monday - 53° at 7 AM- Light rains - cleared early afternoon. Sun 6:34-7:34. I went for a haircut at the Mall at 9 AM - bank - Waldbaums - Bananas 2/$1.00. Wes in shop. Washed & ironed tablecloth & napkins. We brought down lights and put them in garage - little plants appearing - ageratum too heavily planted. Put the forced Goblet Narcissus and Pink Tulips on north slope. Ricky Harrison stopped by - Down here taking an aunt home.

1989 - Tuesday - 46° at 6 AM. Very foggy. Some rain in morning. To Mass. Prepared plant material and information for Plant Exchange. Wes in shop
After lunch Wes moved more logs from south side to cliff. I cleared creeping veronica weeds from driveway - cleaned up step rock garden. [[?]] tulips out at Piper. Rain again at 6 pm. Bloodroot coming out along Dell Path.

1990 - Wednesday - 40° at 6 AM - Dark - Rain to continue - Sun rises 6:35. No rain, but cloudy & cool.
Did crossword - left at 8:20 for Purdy's. 8:54 train to Grand Central - subway to 68th - Dr Espy at 69th & Lexington Both had good reports on eyes - walked to find luncheonette  walked more to wool stores - visited three but no luck on wool for my vest - to Dr Wiedel, 67th St. - good report - Took 2:50 train to Purdy's - home at 4:30.

1991 - Thursday - 32° at 6 AM. Fair - beautiful day Wes went to Mass. Murel picked me up at 7:50 - we met Heidi Riggs at Park & Drive & she drove to West Hartford - home of Betsy Russell for a meeting (workshop) on their show May 17. Back at 2 pm. Wes had dug around the Leucothoe, back of Garden Room - we had to cut it in pieces to move it. Put biggest section on South Slope - one back in original hole - will put others on North Slope. I planted the Cardinal flowers from upper holding bed in Wild Garden.

1992 - Saturday - 34° at 6:30 - Sun up. 5:34-6:24 
Nice day - cool - wind in morning. Hard crossword - have been all week. To Ridgefield to pick up Redbud being sold by Garden Club. Planted it at road end of shade garden. Base broke when we lowered it into pot so hope it lives. Wes brought down mixture of sweet peat and so called topsoil to finish planting - we put the sandy soil in rock cracks at shade garden back. In afternoon raked and cleaned up winter coverings of perennial garden. To Tempanelli's for dinner at six Al & Dottie Hall there. (Wes had put mixture of soil in the planting box)